If you can prove to me that Christianity isn't just a Jewish trick to keep the goyim in line, I'll convert tonight

If you can prove to me that Christianity isn't just a Jewish trick to keep the goyim in line, I'll convert tonight.

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No one cares what you do. Go die of the AIDS. Sage and ignore.

Christianity, from root word Christ (Jesus) literally fought the jews.

post the one where the jew is saying "heh, won't be hearing about him again" after they killed Jesus.

Except jews are not gods chosen people

You're thinking about this all wrong, like the jews are the final boss behind all the worlds ills.

Jews are an object lesson. "God's chosen" people. Chosen to demonstrate why we can never attain salvation through law. God gave them ten thousand years and they never quite figured it out. When he demonstrated his true salvation through grace, they were so mad they rejected it. They had pinned all their hope on being vindicated by a divine conqueror showing up and handing them all the gentiles wealth and lands. The thought of serving was anathema to them.

So they broke the covenant, and God handed them over to their sinful desires. They have become one of satan's greatest tools in this world, but far from his only one.

If you ever want a picture of their disgusting self-righteous legalism, just remember there are kosher light switches. They decided that turning a light on on the sabbath was a sin, because it constituted work. So they decided to cheat God by designing a special switch that adds a random delay. Now they can say they're not turning on the light. The switch is. But God doesn't care about the letter of the law. He sees the intent. And the Jew has become so mired in their own self important place as master of all creation that they seek to steal creation from its creator.

>screw religion
Why can't you just believe in a God that wants us to create more soulful beings, love and spread joy to others. We are genetically hardwired to get oxytocin shots from our pineal gland when we WITNESS a good deed. How complicated is that? Why even bother with making that addition? We could just eat and have sex, but nope, we also have a seratonin reward system for when you do something good for yourself.

Anyways, Abrahamic religions are Talmudic in origin and that sucks because it all about demon worshiping

But the message was perverted by Peter and Paul, both Pharisees from Hyksos

Jews hate Christianity
Welcome aboard

I'm not opposed to religion. I'm opposed to Abrahamic religion.


Don't get me wrong. Modern organised Christianity has been so desperately infiltrated by the kikes and other instruments of the Enemy that it isn't recognizable. The Bible says "narrow is the way that leads to salvation, and few will find it." I doubt very much that all those who sit in modern (((churches))) and go out preaching love and tolerance of degeneracy will ever taste salvation.

Satan has created a counterfeit salvation and passed it off as the real thing. It's no wonder the Jews love it so much. Modern Christianity is such a mockery of the Christ they hate that it must seem like the worlds best joke.

Telling people to love their neighbor, turn the other cheek and forgive their enemy are all well and good, but people aren't taught what love and forgiveness even mean. Certainly, you can forgive your enemy, but that doesn't mean you allow him to walk all over you. It means you stop bearing the grudge which is causing you to behave in a sinful manner. You can be angry, righteously angry. Ours is a God who has never been shy about warfare. And Love doesn't mean some nebulous good feeling about someone. Love is demonstrated in any act which works for the highest good of the one you love. Sometimes loving your enemy means putting a bullet in their head before they can do more harm.

We're so kiked by now that we imagine we're supposed to feed our own children straight into their faggoty claws and smile all the way. Love must bear a sword or it is not love.

That's not our job. Ill point out that your memeflag is itself a cross, not a bullseye.

Seeing as how Jesus spoke out against the Jews, to the point that (((they))) killed him, I’d say it’s not a trick. Take the Lord Jesus Christ into your heart, user.

Christianity was an attempt to reform Judaism.
Today's cucktianity is an attempt to subvert Christianity by Jews. The Christ represents the virtue of Altruism. It is the religion for Europeans of Khazar descent and all Aryan religions teach the same fundamental principles Jesus taught, from Vedism to Zoroastrianism to Shingon Buddhism. Aryan spirituality is meant to be lived not simply converted to and done as a chore.

Wrong. Muslims are God's chosen people not the sneaky Jews.

*Crosshair. I just woke up

If Mary and Joseph were married why did they never have sex?

Was she just too tired?

religion literally means to bind though.
Practice love and joy
Be free

This man was a clerical priest who died for his father, Romania.

They had sex after Jesus' birth. Jesus had a brother.

>A fucking leaf.

Call no man a slave who has chosen his own master.

Mate, have you ever met a Jew? They hate Jesus and Christianity so much. They hate it more than anything. Their entire sense of identity is that they rejected Christ. Rabbinic Judaism is literally directly descended from the Pharisees. It's why they're evil. It's why they hate us. It's why they're so powerful.
Watch this: youtube.com/watch?v=typ2pl2L47k

How does one convert to Christianity?

You know the terms CE and BCE? They're Jewish terms. The Jews can't admit that Jesus is the Messiah. Not even implicitly by saying Anno Domini, Latin for The Year of Our Lord. So they invented 'CE' to avoid calling Jesus 'Lord.' Then they pushed it on everyone so that they are disguised. If only Jews used CE then they'd stand out.

So was marry pregnant when they got married? And that still doesn't answer the question. Why did they not have sex on their wedding night? Is that not tradition?

John 3:16

Read the bible and accept Jesus as your personal lord and savior. Anything more is hocus pocus and an opportunity to make friends and enemies. The biggest problem jews have is Christians being Christian of their own accord and being proud of it. Its the best political and idealogical armor.

I'm not a Christian but the New Testament is pretty anti-Jew. Relieves them of their chosen status and generally makes them look terrible.

You don't. Christianity isn't a setting on a goddamn microwave. You must follow the example and teachings of Christ.

The basis is a realization that you have committed sin, and are incapable on your own of attaining salvation. The second is the knowledge that God has freely (the other reason you know it's not jewish) offered salvation through the the sacrifice of himself. The second part is to ask him for forgiveness. There's no formula, but you cannot lie to the omniscient. As for living in a christlike manner... You know what is right. You've always known, but realize that it is the intent that God values, not the act itself. If you act with selfless intent, then you are following the example of Christ. Once again, you cannot fool God.

The final step is brotherhood. Make a public statement of your faith, either through baptism or a less formal process. Never back down from that. Christians, true christians, have the purpose of acting as a mirror for people to see a reflection of God in this world. So if you're looking for God, stop searching the sky and look at those who have made their hearts into his temple. Finding fellow Christians is hard. Modern churches are kiked, but better than nothing.

Pic related, or at least according to Protestants, like me. Pray to God, sincerely, right now. Then read the New Testament: the Gospel according to John is a good place to start. Then go to church next weekend. See what you like, although you'll find a Protestant church the easiest if you weren't brought up in Catholicism or Orthodoxy.

>God promises good things for jews
>jews keep fucking up
>God sends armies to conquer them and enslave them for being greedy pagans
>jews ask God for help again
>he helps them
>promises a messiah that would save them
>later jews keep jewing
>make God even more piss
>romans conquer them
>Jesus comes
>Jesus fulfills prophesies, miracles and calls out he jews
>jews get angry
>jews try to cleverly make him say things to get romans to imprison him
>jews get more pissed
>jews use their jewy to convince romans that Jesus wants to start an uprising and become king
>Jesus is captured
>Punctious doesn't want to condemn Jesus
>jews tell romans to either kill Jesus or jews will start a kike uprising
>well fuck
>Pilot is forced to kill Jesus
>God is furious
>destroys temple
>apostles spread their message around the world, even through swift persecution
>jews are eternally assblasted
>write the talmud about how Jesus is rotting in hell with shit and how he's literally the devil
>change from paternal lineage to maternal lineage
>persecute Christians throughout history
>eternally seething
Anyone who thinks Jesus or Christianity is some jewish plot is either a retarded fedora, or a shill.

>From its founding, Stoic doctrine was popular during the Roman Empire—and its adherents included the Emperor Marcus Aurelius. It later experienced a decline after Christianity became the state religion in the 4th century.
It ruined the Roman sense of agency. They also stopped practicing their rights. Particularly, the rite of passage (puberty ritual) for men, in which young men were acknowledged as having personal responsibility for themselves and now subject to the same laws and expectations as other adult men. Women were expected to remain voting until marriage. This is important for a young adult to find his role in society and you'll note that Jews continued their rite of passage rituals while this was eroded from the goy culture. Even African times practice rites for coming of age. Meanwhile, look how many Western adults never seem to mature.

>The Jews hate Jesus this much

Man, this picture takes me back.

How much more proof do you need?

How on earth was it perverted?
>Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.
>Indeed I, Paul, say to you that if you become circumcised, Christ will profit you nothing.
>And I testify again to every man who becomes circumcised that he is a debtor to keep the whole law.
>You have become estranged from Christ, you who attempt to be justified by law; you have fallen from grace.
>For we through the Spirit eagerly wait for the hope of righteousness by faith. For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything, but faith working through love.
From Paul's letter to the Galatians.

Was the mother of Constantine a Pharisee as well? She pretty much schemed the entire religion and hey son stealing power.

>Modern churches are kiked, but better than nothing.
How do I find a church that follows the word of Jesus Christ and hasn't given in to kikery and modernism?

Read the New Testament. Christ indicted the Jews. Just like Hitler.

Convince me Jesus was divine and Yahweh is real and a moral deity that I should worship and I will convert tonight.

I'd just like to add that the whole point of Jesus doing what he did was to undo the whole concept of being the right person from the right tribe and paying money and doing the rituals and whatever else that made the jews so influential. Maybe its all nonsense but its a loophole in their nonsense and an opportunity for aaaaaanybody to enjoy the rewards of a jewish god without "putting in the work" Jesus rebooted their religion and whole way of life in order to fuck them over for forever on earth and in heaven. If you think its nonsense fine but its meant to be a tool to combat the world we live in today. Jesus was a master troll and that's what's important to appreciate and keep sacred.

wtf is going on in that picture

Start your own. (((Churches))) are a spook.

Jews really, really hate Jesus.
But also, Christianity's history, particularly when it came down to the centralization process, ruined Christianity. Translations also had a huge impact.
The biggest point of Christianity is to fight evil, which includes the corrupt merchants and politicians.

This is true. So many of Jesus's parables about the kingdom of God are related to how the jews rejected him and were punished

Research and trial and error. Where do you live? I know in Australia the Presbyterian and Lutheran churches are pretty good. The Anglican church varies from place to place and the Uniting church is the worst.

Implying he didn't say that just to get Christfag votes.

Which, you know, was everyone who voted for him and 90% of his party. Nazi Germany was 95%+ Christian. All the Western world was.

If I knew, man I'd tell you. Where I live, southern baptists are... close. They're still "Muh pray for israel and African babies" but I can give them the benefit of the doubt as to being merely deceived, given that they stand against the symptoms of the degeneracy, even if they don't recognize the source.

I've heard some Catholic and Orthodox congregations can be decent, even if they go pretty deep in for ceremony as opposed to spirit of the law. In my experience though, catholics are pretty cucked, and all the orthodox churches in my area only speak Ukrainian.

Surprisingly, I've met more strong christians on Sup Forums than anywhere else.

>When the Romans finally broke the entrance to the Jerusalem's Temple, the Pharisees killed the priests who were officiating the Temple services on Saturday. They regarded Pompey's defilement of the Temple in Jerusalem as a divine punishment of Sadducean misrule.

I'm in the western US.

Can't prove it. Just like you can't prove who is a Christian and you can't prove who is going to heaven or hell or if there even is a skydaddy. Its better to understand what it does rather than question the validity of the claim because one gets people united for a purpose, the other sounds like a typical jewish standup comedian.

Which is why Constantine and his mother wielded it as a means to obtain power and riches.

It's also important to remember the purpose of the Church. It's supposed to be a fellowship of believers you can go to for mutual support and accountability. Not some kind of weekly duty to collect your money and obey your pastor.

Read up on history and you would know that the Bible is one of the most historically accurate books of all time. Fedorafags kept claiming
>ha! no such thing as sargon of akkad! stupid christcucks
>Sargon of Akkad is discovered decades later
All the proof is further red pill that God and Jesus' divinity is real. If you really expect God to show up just for you to see him than it's your problem.

Man, that was a massive source of cognitive dissonance during my redpilling. I was learning all this shit about the truth behind WW2 and the National Socialist leadership. The things they actually said. I caught myself thinking, "Am I going to meet Hitler in heaven?" I had to laugh my ass off at first at the absurdity, but then I began to wonder how it was I came to find the notion so absurd. Indoctrination is a hell of a drug.

>If you expect to be shown evidence of an organizations authenticity before joining that is your problem

There is no "converting". There is accepting the love of Jesus, and there is the ongoing, sincere effort to realize the fruit of that relationship. It's personal, it's a journey. No ideology, cultural influence, church, political philosophy, etc, has any purchase on that relationship. It's not about Jews or not-Jews. It's about you and a real relationship with Christ and reconciling in your soul what he did for us. Good luck to you user.

Some very insightful people on this thread tonight.

Is the Bible the only book that I should refer to? Are there other texts?

Well I'm not American so I can't really give very good advice. America is very pro-Jew generally, so apart from Pastor Anderson or Christian Identity, you're not going to find many that agree with you on that. Try your local Evangelical church. Or even the Mormons.

OP, there is no doubt that Christianity is inextricably Semitic in its ultimate origins. That is a fact. However, it is accepted mainstream philosophical understanding (as in, taught if you do philosophy in (((university))) that some of the most important principles of Christianity were stolen from Platonic and Aristotelian dogma.

Duality - Dionysus-Othellian concept of the 'perfect and immortal' rational spirit and the animalistic body.

Father, the son and the holy ghost - Pythagorean concept of the empirical, rational and abstract realities.

There are many other examples. Use jewgle if you must to explore Christianity's theft from Aryan dogma.

The problem is that theology stole the power that lay in Thales' tradition of criticism of the master. As such, now that the theology is too easily demolished from a modern lens of rationalism, people are rejecting Christianity as a whole. What's worse is that people thus throw out the teachings of the Sophists with the semitic garbage. The question that those of us who are aware of this problem face is this: How do we bisect Christianity and attempt to reform it into its true form?

To practice Christianity in a white, uncucked manner is to view the greek/macedonian and later Roman philosophers as the forefathers of philosophical and spiritual thought. It is to follow the marginalized discussions of pre-ww2 philosophers regarding materialism and reject everything that followed the victory of the kikes. Read Heidegger after you've conquered Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Epicurus, Cicero and Aurelius. If you have not done so, you will never understand why the essence of Christianity is Aryan, and you will not identify the essence of Christianity which is truly Semitic and subhuman. The bible only exists to mislead you from pursuit of rational enlightenment, but still serves a purpose if viewed as the twisted words of Plato.

tl;dr: identify as a Christian for now, but understand whose footsteps you truly follow.

All historical evidence lead to the fact that the bible is accurate, and thus the stories are accurate, and thus God and Jesus' life is accurate. If you can't see that, than it's too bad. God isn't going to show up to (you) personally just to confirm his existence.

If you look at history from a critical point of view you can say that generally Jesus changed the course of everything. Christianity gave western people hope and shaped politics and after 2000 or so years you can say that a certain sense of morality and generosity has been instilled in our DNA for the simple fact that western society thrived on generally Christian principles. Hitler again from a long term critical point of view undid that in his failure. It is all coerced information and omits the reality of the people and their struggles but the 6 gorillion and this evil white supremest guy are a tool to place a new unforgivable sin on people to negate Christ himself. Its real stuff.

If you live in the shadow of hitler, and you don't stand up for Jesus goal then we are sitting at -1 on the scorecard of history based on belief alone and when its wars of words its a bad place to be. When someone says "what about the 6 gorillion" answer that you're a Christian but it sure doesn't reflect well on humanity and watch yarmulkes explode

I've read the new testament, nothing in there proves divinity of Christ or existence of Yahweh.

It didn't even end there.
>The Sadducees became Sunni Muslims
>The Pharisees in Iran became Shia Muslims
>The Pharisees in Europe became Ashkenazis

We do have insightful responses ITT. I'll still fpbp this. OP is under Protestant heresy and assumes it's something other than nobody's business but his own and God's whether he converts to Christianity. And also, he's probably homosexual of course.

The Israelites were wiped out in 70AD with the destruction of the Temple of Herod. Thereafter, the entire religion and ethnic character of the Jews was forever changed. As Savior, Jesus came to His own people (Israelites not the Ashkenazis of today) and this was the destruction in this world He was sent to call them out of and they rejected him. By 70AD Christianity was a well established though nascent religion practiced by the Apostles and their extended familys. The destruction of the Temple was the main driiver for the spread of Christianity. God's hand in human history is clearly demonstrated by historians religious and secular today. And it was so at the beginning, which accounts for the rapid conversions that made it the main religion of the entire Roman empire within 300 years: the miraculous phenomenon of the birth of the Christ. He is our Lord and Savior, sent to unite God and man, in this life and the next.

No proof, but a lot of evidence.

>No proof

>get all puzzles pieces
>can't complete puzzle to get a picture
>complains that there is no picture


There is no proof that the puzzle exists in the first place.

>oh man I gotta pull a ton of shit out of my ass, just to prove that my lord and saviour actually wasn't a jew the post
Instead of posting shit, post some proof with proper sauces

How can you ever have proof of such a thing? Even if the sky opened and God spoke to you, how could you be certain that it wasn't a hallucination? If you want certainty, become a mathematician.

Here is one of the most ground-breaking documentaries of the 20th/21st century. It is about how Jews infiltrated Christianity and twisted it int he mind of the goyim.


jesus hated jews

>Jesus says he is God.
>Jesus says his resurrection will be proof of it
>Is resurrected
>"nothing proves divinity of Christ"
Let he who has ears, hear.
Some people will remain forever deaf and blind.

"Dearest," said Aslan, "I will show you both what I can, and what I cannot, do." He came close to the Dwarfs and gave a low growl: low, but it set all the air shaking. But the Dwarfs said to one another, "Hear that? That's the gang at the other end of the stable. Trying to frighten us. They do it with a machine of some kind. Don't take any notice. They won't take us in again!"
"You see, " said Aslan. "They will not let us help them. They have chosen cunning instead of belief. Their prison is only in their own minds, yet they are in that prison; and so afraid of being taken in that they cannot be taken out."

>How can you ever have proof of such a thing?
Exactly my point. It isn't real, so there is no proof. This is the only position I can hold until some kind of proof is provided.
>>Jesus says he is God.
Where does he provide evidence? Prove resurrection happened as well while you're at it.
>Some people will remain forever deaf and blind.
Funny, because it seems you need to willingly plug your ears and close your eyes to believe.

Do you have any proof that the Earth is round? You're being obtuse.

>Do you have any proof that the Earth is round?

Evidence. Not proof.

>where does he provide evidence?

Do jews need proof of Mohammed to collectively upend countries from the inside out? Do jews need proof to collectively conspire against others with nothing more than a wink and a nod. Religion is protected and in a practical sense you are protected if you choose to live under the big tent. Its a free passive bonus you can equip if you want to.

Oh and when it comes up (because it always does): the turn the other cheek thing is meant to be taken figuratively and doesn't mean complete passivity. It means be patient and keep the high ground. You can argue "violence is the only solution" but that's not true. We are on Sup Forums where words hurt and change the world without lifting a finger. Pretty Christian thing to do.

And finally HOW CAN user KNOW HE IS RIGHT??? well as a christian its not my job to know anything I just believe. If a complicated discussion comes up I can just defer to a pastor or someone knows better its not my job to know everything... I am but a simple farmer tending to my memes. Right and wrong is up to gods judgement

There is no way to prove these claims are true.
>God won't just show you proof
>but he showed these people proof apparently

You and I are in perfect agreement then. I see Christianity as a decent social/political tool to keep stupid people in line. I don't see an issue with someone saying they support Christianity, but don't pretend to be intelligent while believing any sects of the cult of Yahweh are anything more than fiction, that is, unless you can provide proof.

Ok, seriously what the fuck am I looking at

From my experience, It doesnt work like that. Pray you meet him and I'll pray you will as well. When you do it'll change your life forever.

>>oh man I gotta pull a ton of shit out of my ass, just to prove that my lord and saviour actually wasn't a jew the post

I thought he was clear, Jesus was the good kind of jew.

But that’s exactly what it is, m8.

For most of Christian Europe, the Jews were kicked out.

When Europe stopped being Christian and became euphoric, Jews started taking over.

Its a trap for sure. We would all like to see some miracles and come up with some practical way Jesus did what he did and Noah and moses and so on but we can't and it does make people look foolish to try. There's nothing wrong with thinking there is a higher power or enjoying the stories or even having fun trying to find science or archeology to support it but in the end its a dangerous defensive position that takes a Christian off of the innate high ground of faith and puts us on the low ground with the naysayers and edgelords. People the bible warn you about.

Is the shroud of tourin real? Doesn't matter, I wouldn't mess it up... did Noah really ride on an ark for 40 days and nights? Doesn't matter we are still here. Is revelations real? I cant imagine it but the world can end in a clusterfuck so keep your eyes peeled anyway. Is there real God? Hopefully i dont find out for a long time.

Religion doesn't have to be zombifying and it doesn't have to be cringy and it doesn't have to compete with the physical world. Its something you can have fun with and help grab on instead of just riding through life scared. It gets a bad wrap because people miss the essence of it too easily.

Christianity is just a re-telling of Isis and Horus.

Christanity is for the sheep, satanism is for the wolves. But most satanism is a Jewish front as well. You want to come into contact with the old gods. Think tiamat. Research and read the true necronomicon

Not sure what you're trying to say, but I think you're saying you agree that we agree.

read and repent


>what are miracles happening today

Hahaha. Nope.