Why do you allow this as an elective procedure?

do you not shower daily in your america? Is soap in poor supply? I do not understand why it is so easy for the rest of the world to keep themselves clean, yet so hard for you that you must cut off parts of your children's bodies in order to accomplish it.
Is america simply much dirtier than any other country? How is it possible to be dirtier than India? Truly I do not understand this.

Other urls found in this thread:


uncircumcised cock looks like an alien slug

In civilized countries with socialist healthcare, they will only circumcise infants without consent other than the parent's when there is a medical necessity for it to be done urgently. Why is america so backwards? Do you also amputate fingers when you wish your children to have as many as Simpsons characters? Is that allowed?

I was not jewed from losing part of my wiener. Thanks dad! PS it is very clean and only gets touched by white women.

That's what the jews want you to believe

Any animal's vagina looks better and tighter than unclean human whore's who is not circumcised; but this we do not force on infant girls.

1000 men + 1 woman = 1 baby
1 man + 1000 women = 1000 babies

Men are disposable. Thats why.

It is the usually the mothers desire for a circumcised penis that contributes to having her child circumcised.

It's true. Also stop whining about losing some sensation like a bitch with a clit. Being cut looks better and is healthier. Sorry you are wrong capital S Science wins. Whatever I say goes and you lost.

The issue isn't circumcision. It's forced infant circumcision.

Pagans and atheists like worm dick.

Parents choose for them. Destroyed. Absolutely blown away you cannot argue back.

>looks better
>is healthier
But God would not make you with unhealthy part you must cut off your baby for them to be healthy. It looks as it is meant to look.

Yeah I know the parents choose. That's what I mean by forced. Thats what the threads about. Infant girls are protected but not boys. If you even simply drive a girl to be circumcised then you're charged with a felony.

>Destroyed. Absolutely blown away you cannot argue back.

Jew doctors get an easy $200 off each goy baby.

what is it like not being a whole man?

I just god rid of the useless skin that needs to pull back inorder to be properly stimulated

>skin that needs to pull back
that only happens if you have a small dick

Shut up faggot. I destroyed you now shut up you piece of shit.

Trying to be reasonable, eh? Go fuck yourself.

Destroyed you both. Plus I have a penis without a bunch of skin on the tip.

>Being cut looks better and is healthier.
Typical Amerifat delusion

It seems as though every male here I try to speak to and ask about this subject reacts from this place; as though they would be admitting their penises were inferior if they admitted it was wrong, or did not do it to their own sons.
Why are they so insecure, does america breed this mentality in their sons?

I've only got like what you'd call a centimeter left of it, so the the entire process is like trying that the head isn't too uncomfortable, a little bit of the best ever that I have left, but I can't like it because it hurts, and then just janking the shaft skin up and down until the orgasm eventually happens.

It's shit.

The only thing you destroyed is your own credibility.

isn't like 40% of the USA overweight ?
thats why they can't keep themselves clean down there hahaha
fucking murica


I wouldnt know im cut.
Shit if thats your concern then why not take it up the ass and tickle the prostate directly? You already seem gay wirh the knowledge and focus on dicks so what do you have to lose?

Not ashamed of my girth. Your flag is based on the book of Revelation by the way. Odd. Oh, you suck uncircumcised penis, by the way.

Oh, I got street cred bro. Go fuck yourself.

Wouldn't know mate, I eat pork buns quite regularly

We are property of ZOG

Good then hit the bricks.

This also is a popular form of counter argument here.
>You must be gay you speak of dicks so often
>You must like a child's penis as you have concern about them
Why such deflection, to make you as a questioner become defensive for questioning?

Sounds like you are a bit conscious about yourself. That's why you have to justify yourself and spout jewish facts about how some jew cut part of your dick off. It's okay buddy, maybe in another life you can have the wiener you were born with.

>You already seem gay wirh the knowledge and focus on dicks
Irony. Infant circumcision is so literally gay that rabbis literally give the baby a blowjob as part of the ritual mutilation. At least they used to until the government stepped in to stop them. And that was just a few years ago. So that's basically the answer to OP. Look at where we were just about 5 years ago. Sick country full of sick people.

Wait you though a gay joke was a counter argument?

im sure it is not easy having a small penis dude, feel free to keep projecting to hide your insecurity if it helps.
>I just god rid of the useless skin that needs to pull back inorder to be properly stimulated be cause my dick was so small i couldn't find it in the foreskin.

Or you know we can just support Foregen in regenerating the foreskins. But of course Sup Forums would rather bitch about this issue in multiple threads than actually you know, FIX the problem

>those coping amerifats
hahaha just deal with it that you are insecure and trying to defend your mutilated dick
i bet you would rather be uncut

>rabbi suck baby dick
So they are queer
I wasnt a kike so idk whats the point of this

are you a nig? j/c

>What are laws and how are they created and amended?

I never knew that was an issue XD damn thats funny

You can tell the difference between a joke and a counter argument, especially that one, when there is anger present in it. It is not so easy to tell through this textual, but in face to face discussion it is easy. And it has been presented to me with present anger in discussion.

White mudblood, mostly polish/ german

That's an extreme example of the inherent literal homosexuality of infant circumcision.

>there is anger in it
Is there? I dont rhink you get insult comedy. Thats like saying you have to be self loathing to use self depraved humor

u dont understand cos ur all jus goiym

And then you wonder why I post these amerishart 56% memes

So kikes should stop that
Make it so only doctors can

You seem as you are compensated to sell such product, your words I distrust.

>need to snip the dick if you want your son to get girls goim, you don't mind if i sell the foreskin to pharmacorps do you?
>hey goy you're not going to jerk it without lotion are you? special price just for you

Literally a jewish trick to make money and reduce white birthrates

>muh freedum
>land of the free
>we ameriguns believe in freedom.

>dick cut off without permission.

If I don't even have the freedom for my own religious practice with my child's what freedom do I have? You can't trust the government these days and making circumcision illegal only helps there tyranny.

Everyone knows circumcision is wrong

How do you even piss without it blasting everywhere, how can you even have a dry wank without it hurting? How can you hold cum in your penis before opening your foreskin in the toilet or tissue?

Only people circumcised here are Muslims and Jews

It looks better is the only argument, you just pull your foreskin back and it looks the same

t. mad drydick

1. Medicaid cancellation
2. Tissue transfer ban
3. ?

I am not pitching a bill for criminalization. The point of a bill is to get it passed.

Man you have to pull your foreskin back before pissing, don't use it to aim, it's unclean



Female circumcision is religious and if someone just drives here there then they're charges with a felony.

It is always difficult to tell in textual unless there is a captials use, but when discussing face to face it is easy. I understand the funny insult, your mothers vagina is as wampa cave is cold, et cetera.

>Banning something increases freedom
Not like it matters but really kids dont get rights, parents do
Either way this shit is pointless to talk about


americans who defend circumcision suffer from stockholm syndrome. do not take their arguments seriously.

it was your story.
when i inquired because the only reason i can think of that would require you to pull back the foreskin for proper stimulation is because your of a small penis you went all - "your faggot cause you talk about dicks and my dick in not small you just want dick up your bum like when i stay at my uncles"

God would not ask you to cut off part he made you with, any god that asks you to do this is false.

Something is telling me you are a insecure beta male who wishes he had a whole cock. Feels bad man.

It is not pointless, no changes are ever forced to make unless necessary is made clear through discussion.

It's not backwards to have a procedure that greatly decreases the risk of penile cancer, the risk of getting HIV and several other STIs. I wish my parents had had it done when I was young. I had to have it done when I was 16 due to painful erections. If was embarrassing as fuck. I was nervous about medical staff touching my junk because I thought I would get hard and guess what? I went to bathroom before the examination (this wasn't the procedure, just my first appointment to find out why my dick hurt) and I passed out in the mens room. I was standing at the urinal taking a leak, I was so nervous I just passed the fuck out. Fuck, it makes me cringe just writing this.

I'll tell the part that makes me cringe the most. When I went down my dick was out. When I woke up the janitor was standing there about to go get help and my dick was put back in and my pants and were zipped up. I don't even know why it embarrasses me so much. I think the janitor was just doing me a solid so I wouldn't be there on the floor surrounded by office staff with my dick hanging out.

Adrenalin is a hell of a drug

>Which is not of thy seed

The story of Issac (Israel) is funny as fuck.

Dad brought him up to the mountain to sacrifice his own son under guise of sacrificing a lamb. This apparently was normal in those days.

So the big leader, Abraham, at the last moment G-d was like
>you passed the test
>you are with me now
>don't sacrifice animals
>your new covenant is to cut off your son's dick

And in the OT there is joy and praise because now it wasn't so bad as it used to be.

I am embarrassed for your experience, but not reason to make all babies be cut without choice in it. Aids and other sex disease can be avoided by not sexing dirty whore.

Anyone who looks at a newborn baby and thinks about them having sex, is a very sick person and needs to have their freedoms taken away forever.

>ITT: self conscious insecure foreskin fags try to make up the fact that western women overwhelmingly prefer cut cock.

Actually, kids very much have human rights... you dont get to snip parts off willy nilly just because you're the parent.

You pro dick cutters are worse then the anti vaxxers or flat earthers with all your bull shit reasons for how cutting skin off magically makes the dick fresher, cleaner, prevents stds, juliennes fries, newer, and of course the ladies loves it!


chopped off my fore skin, took out my appendix, yanked out my wisdom teeth, straightens my teeth with braces, cutting my long hair, shaving my beard, scratching dead skin

>removing the clit
>removing forskin
Alotta reasons these 2 dont equate

Is difference between thinking of baby having sex when grown and thinking of having sex with baby now, you make bad argument.

Actually wisdom teeth are taken out too often as I understand. However the child is like what 13 at least?

Actually being cut sinse birth i just knew the sensative glans are under it. Heard it pulled back on its own lol

Go read the law. It covers ALL types of medical cosmetic procedures on female genitals.

>western women
you mean American mongrels that assosciate it with misinformation, perhaps

>defending genital mutilation
>comparing it to hair growing back

The jews that govern america need fresh foreskins to sustain themselves. That's why the practice is so common
>but muh hygene
Look up who has more STDs and genital infections.
Pro tip: it's not Europe

Insecurity levels are through the roof with this goyboy.

>needs to be pulled back

The sword unsheathes it's self. Cleaning it takes 10 seconds. Sex is better for both men and women because the foreskin acts like a barrier and causes less friction in the wrong places.

Can't fap without lube unless you have foreskin. Well I guess you can but that would chap the shit out of a cock.

>cutting up your body or your sons to please western women

is there anything more sad than straight men?

Same difference. Anyone who looks at a newborn and imagines them as an 18 year old having sex, is a very sick person who needs to have their freedom taken away forever.


required viewing:

You can not make right decision whether to cut off part of genitals without thinking of this. It is bad logic, you must fear thinking of baby having sex because you fear discovering you are pedophile.

There are people who mutilate their own dick?

I'm cut, and almost never use lube to jerk. Dick holds up fine

the cognitive dissonance is real.

I'm uncircumcised and my foreskin naturally retracted at some point to free the cock head. This is mostly because my cock head is huge though but still, I look circumcised without being.

Then dont circumcise your kid
Other then that no one cares what you think, it doesnt hinder people from fucking so its not a big deal

Foreskins are removed to prevent the penis from being sensitive and pleasurable by ruthless, insensitive people seeking world domination.

>you cant snip off parts willy nilly
>cut dicks
Theres more shit you can do, but that doesnt matter, your just wrong

I'm not the one equating a newborns penis to an 18 year old having unprotected sex with some skank. Anyone who looks at a newborns penis and thinks of ways to redesign it for when theyre sexually active is by definition a pedophile.

Again, rabbis literally have the babies blowjob until the government made them stop. People can't handle freedom. Plain and simple. And it needs to be taken away permanently.