So he basically just called (((them))) out?

so he basically just called (((them))) out?
explain yourself bongs

Other urls found in this thread:


Charlie the madman ?


> the monarchy is controlled by kikes and should be abol-

More like everyone knows what the problem is but how to go about fixing it is the big one.

Behind closed doors, everyone knows.

so one last peep of the truth out of the UK before the gag rule silences them forever?

post your rare merchants


I don't think anyone will ever go against the Jewish lobby at this rate. I think creating Israel in the first place was one of the biggest mistakes in history, but now that its done, politicians pretty much have no choice but to support them.

is he /ourguy/

expect to see lots of negative news about Charles in the next few years.

Would somebody please explain to me why this is considered triggering or newsworthy?

First Nigel, now Charles, is the eternal Saxon, dare I say, waking up?

Pointing out the fact Jews can do things wrong is anti-semitism. It also goes against the false narrative of European Jews being native to Israel.

because he's calling out the Rothschilds who literally own London and the Bank of England was the first debt spreading bank to host a country, and the country hosted was England.


cant the royalty take back power?

once queen mummy dies he should seize power

Rebooting House Hapsburg when?

The eternal pole strikes again.