Pic related, guessing top left
ITT: Guess who the best girl is in a show you've never seen
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Correct, Noel is just as great.
Wrong, bottom right. Bottom middle is ok too.
>Do I even have to say which one?
Design-wise I like bottom left the most, but I'm pretty sure she'll turn out to be an annoying cunt.
That is correct.
wrong it's bottom right faggot
Wrong. It's bottom right.
Rio is definitely best girl.
who the hell would wear thigh-high stockings to bed?
The tall girl in the middle
It wasn't a bad guess at least.
my wife
Incorrect. Bottom right is best.
Because it's hot
Blue hair
Someone who isn't best girl.
Never knew the preference was so skewed. Let's put it up to a vote to see if any lurkers think differently.
Top right black hair, easily, no question in my mind
Drills looks pretty best to me
You couldn't be more wrong.
who is yumina again?
Right, she is classy and bad ass
Best girl is relative, and you haven't even seen the show to form your opinion
This thread makes zero sense
How is the answer not the blonde menage?
Best Love Live is Maki
I can only assume the twintail girl is the best because I've seen the most screenshots of her
Come on, people who haven't seen Sabagebu. ERABE!
seems like Sup Forums has a thing for girls who are responsible for genocides
Left, because I find her archetype the most appealing out of the archetypes conveyed by the image.
Miko/nun who looks after the orphans and gets wasted that one episode
Bottom-left, with the twintails and green eyes. Genki + loli body type is a pretty good archetype.
I would go with black hair twin tails normally but apparently Sup Forums finds her to be a colossal bitch, so I'll go with blue hair on the middle left.
She wasn't really responsible for it, she was basically taken advantage of by the bad guy. Even if you don't buy that she deserves to be forgiven for the role she played in saving countless more lives than she ever indirectly took. Even Aisha forgave her.
Probably clock girl even though her eye is ridiculous
user, you don't understand. In Idolmaster everyone is best girl
Something about forehead girl in the middle makes me think she takes it up the ass.
Top left.
Bottom Left probably
Rio was the best until she got blacked, Kureha is the new #1.
She actually is worst.
>all this love for Kureha
Why are all my niggas in a single thread?
the tomboy in the middle with the sword
All she wanted to do was science.
Nah fæm.
I'll take the one with the gun.
Guessing left.
so based exclusively on the information in this thread, she's a mix of Rei and Kurisu? No wonder Sup Forums has such a hard on for her.
>I'll take the one with the gun.
I got news for you user
>not always the worst
Give it to me straight, Doc.
She's neither my most or least favorite but she was the focus of the best episode in the show. Also there's no such thing as a bad Woto.
She looks like she gives great head.
Which yuyu looks best?
correct answer is ayayaya
I'm not sure if she is much like Kurisu. She's just very dedicated to her work and will work herself to exhaustion.
Gotta go with the fluffy one
This one's not fair because anyone who's seen it knows that Momoka is a best, but you'd never be able to tell from pictures.
Except Miou is the best.
Correct opinion.
I'm biased because of all the reaction images that get used on Sup Forums, but I'm gonna say purple.
Nope, correct answer is dark hair in the upper left
she's a background character you fuck
Go away Fumiposter. You can wait until Tuesday to spread your propaganda
Union Jack
Far right ahoge
Tiny top hat
Sweater loli
Top right
wait, "sweater loli" isn't specific enough, I mean the one with pink twintails
except no
truth is the best propaganda
Long blue-black hair on the right
Light pink hair, on the right
Bottom right
Bottom left
I'm willing to bet a lot of you still haven't watched SZS
Stop posting shows I've seen you fucks.
gonna guess pink in the middle
Did not get past episode 2? Maybe 3.
Gotta be far right
Green for sure.
Left or right
How wrong am I?
Correct answer was top, she carries the show pretty hard
Kuudere Twin
I have some bad news for you.
Top left.
Long purple hair.
The correct answer is Akemi Homura (black hair).
Red hair/purple eyes.
Holding the gun.
Clock is a meme girl so I'm guessing far back.
The correct answer is neither. And no, not Misato nor Ritsuko nor Yui. There are no best girls in Evangelion.
Purple hair.
Black hair on the left.
Green eyes, short hair, hands clasped.
The correct answer is Togo (black hair).
Silver is the best.
Sorry to say you're wrong, user.
Third from left.
Gonna start this soon. Guessing 3rd from left.
I'd personally say 3rd from the right, but your choice is good too I guess.
Trick question: All cicadas are wonderful. Except Takano. Fuck Takano, who did everything wrong
the one protecting the loli.
This should be easy.
Got to be the semen demon on the left
Top middle right
Agreed, as someone who also hasn't seen it.
Girl with long hair in the middle with some sort of pink headband, she looks like the purest.
Bottom right.
Blue hair on the right seems like the indisputable best girl.
Orange hair on the right no discussion.
First quote was supposed to be for this dang it
Red hair is the real best girl here, don't let em tell ya nuther wise
Redhead drinking tea.
One of those purple haired lesbians.
2nd from the left.
Never saw Idolmaster but Makato is clearly best.