Unemployment at 17 year low

>Unemployment at 17 year low
>Stock market at all time high
>Wall prototypes being built
>Hollywood BTFO
>Podesta under investigation
>RWDS Supreme Court Justice
>New Chair of Federal Reserve
>Best buds with Abe of Japan

Admit you were wrong about Trump. We all thought Ivanka would take him to the dark side.

Other urls found in this thread:



I wasn't wrong at all. I knew he was going to save America, and I would have voted for him. It just saddens me a little that Hillary and Bill Clinton haven't been tried for Vince Foster's murder yet, but I know gathering evidence for that particular case, takes time.


>you can rape your wife

Fucking millennials.

Left-wing retards are literally crying right now

they can't admit they're wrong.

If they do, they're fired.
shill job too cushy.

> MAGA Republicans doing well against GOP in primaries
> Only elections Republicans have lost have been GOP candidates in deep blue states.
Sounds like he's draining the swamp slowly but surely.

>hurr durr marriage is consent

Yeah, but his name is Drump lol

Abe is a fascist.

Do you think Sup Forums was bought by Japan moot for a purpose?

>stock market all time high
This isn't a good thing. The whole system is a cancer. Investing doesn't require a fucking stock system which must go higher and higher causing nothing but inflation

We weren't born during the 50-60s, we don't get to explore the universe. But we get to experience Trump arresting hundreds of politicians and trying them for crimes against humanity and treason.

I still don't know how he won.

I feel sorry for the Clinton timeline.

Wait a sec
Ur not obama leaf

yeah that totally happened

Nippon Kaigi is fucking based, pretty much sums up my own political positions (except for the Japanese part of course)

It’s complicated to explain this.

One, our innate sense of dominance was challenged, thus we were forced to will into existence our reality or perish.

Two, in the process we broke the conditioning and set to motion events that will forever change the course of human history.

And remember, all action begins with thought.

>we don't get to explore the universe.
Tbh, I find this more interesting

Even at the increased rate of scientific advancement, I honestly don't think we will be Star Trekking in less than 100 years.

Ah yeah just as she later confirmed

Oh wait she actually denied it, chavscum

Well like... if you marry a woman, sex becomes a right and not a privilege. If you were just seeing each other, if she were to turn you down or you were to turn her down, you would be technically free to go somewhere else, and you don't have that option once you're married. The option to leverage sex has become obsolete in most cases. Therefore, if a woman decided to start leveraging with sex, the man can divorce her but since divorce laws favor women, the man will not only not get laid but also will lose all his money or most of it unless he's willing to grind it out in court. So therefore, if a man 'rapes' his wife and he is found to be in violation of the law, he is technically in a better place financially and emotionally even if he is imprisoned for it than if he were to repeatedly get denied sex and then file for divorce and lose.

Of course they cant. The left act like children.

Why can't you idiots understand that his fiscal year hasn't started? The stock market is not representative of his administration yet.

The other shit is not even worth addressing because it's the_donald tier irrelevant garbage

Agreed. I'd rather have reliable and honest Democrats than RINOs in any office.

>tax cut will add 1.7tril to the national debt
>hoping capitalist will pass that saving on into investment and thus economic growth
>in reality it won't help unskilled workers in the slightest they won't be in demand, it'll just be the already rich skilled works who benifit.

>reliable and honest Democrats



why do you think immigration is such an important issue?
>low class labor pool starts to shrink
>no longer a surplus of labor
>wages go up

>rich benefit from not having their earned money stolen
>poor don’t benefit from stealing the money the rich man worked for welfare

Yet Marxism is at an all time high in the country. Why isn't he doing anything about it?


>CAPE at 31.51

he's so fucked, if this shit goes sour while he's in office he's fucking done for.

>Implying Trump isn't part of that.

Fucking redditor faggot can't form an argument at all because he knows he's wrong

based nippon, fucking westerners trying to fuck them over

who knows. i dont trust him, but so far he doing pretty good.

>>Unemployment at 17 year low
>>Stock market at all time high

Literally the remnants of Obama's economic policies. Trump hasn't actually passed any new economic changes. It's a shame because I wish he would so it would all go to shit, right now he's coasting on Obama's good policy decisions.

>Obama's good policy decisions

>Stock market at all time high

Can people stop talking about this like it's a good thing? Its a massive bubble that will end in economic disaster worldwide.

Could literally be another great depression. 2008 will look like nothing.


What did you mean by this?

>Obama's good policy decisions.

>Admit you were wrong about Trump. We all thought Ivanka would take him to the dark side.

I'll admit to being wrong about Trump but not Ivanka. She is a neo-con globalist. Trump is doing well, not because of Ivanka, but despite her best efforts to turn the Trump administration into Bush's third term.

That’s what I implied.

Nope. I'm Trump Burger. I own that gif now.

Liberal BTFO


>implying Trump is alone

>the economy is so bad that most people just stopped looking for work
>FULL EMPLOYMENT DOW 500,000!!!!!!!!

Thing is none of this matters unless its at the end od his 4th year.

If by the end its on a downturn even if the last 3 years was a golden age the left would use it against him.

true. he likely has god on his side

Umm sweetie, Trump actually didn't do a single thing to better the economy. He just inherited Obama's booming economy which he salavaged from Bush steaming wreck.

>Blowing money on a useless wall is a good thing

Also, the only people under investigation and facing possible indictments in the future are Trump and his cronies. I know Trumpets like their conspiracy theories but even this is bordering on extreme delusion.

>We all thought Ivanka would take him to the dark side.
Why o why can't she just be more like her dad?


>If by the end its on a downturn even if the last 3 years was a golden age the left would use it against him.
There is actually a chance that if Trump performs well, they will eventually just claim that he is far more left-wing than the GOP and thus his accomplishments are acutally the result of Democrat politics

Underrated post.

U can savesies

Kinda wish they allowed mp4 here, I have one of the "screaming at the sky" GIFs with a screaming baby dubbed over it

Is that meme magic? Will to power? Tulpas?

Khazar milkers

Toothpaste gets it. It also distorts the labor market beyond the unskilled too, though.

One reality-warping, memetically active fantasy book outside of custody is a containment breach. A million such objects in uncontained circulation… well, the official term is “impending CK-class reality-restructuring event”.

On Sunday, a day after the officially-marked end date of the Event, there was an existential shift during a royal parade, when thousands of loyal subjects were together on the streets. From 11:00 to 11:45, London looked, to anyone paying attention, like it had been dismembered and sewn back together with a Glasgow smile and things wriggling under the skin. Even I will not describe what they did to the Queen. Nobody remembers it, of course, and the only camera that captured it was an old Betamax camcorder. Yes, we have the tape. It’s a taste of what would have happened if we had not acted quickly or effectively, or if we hadn’t been assisted.

Interviewer: You know, there are some people out there who believe that, if we wish something didn’t happen hard enough, it really didn’t happen.
MP: And they’re right, you know.
Interviewer: It’s about quantity, isn’t it? They don’t have to wish very hard, but there have to be a lot of the suckers.
MP: It works both ways, you know. I find my own assistants unable to tell me whether Gandhi ever committed public suicide. They honestly can’t remember. And this isn’t a matter of poor education. In university, they were completely aware of what had happened at the time.

>stock market
>dependent on policy

fucking idiot

>Unemployment at 17 year low
>Stock market at all time high
the fed said they were going to bleed out the QE from the obama administration. trillions the fed put into wallstreet. fake growth in market volume will be removed (allegedly . the fed has a history of empty promises)

and the illegals are still here. fuck this violent ones get deported but dreamers stay bullshit

can you imagine how it's going to feel when we remove kji?

you mean kju?

Marriage is consent. Its literally the entire original point of marriage.

Best president in history and we still have 7 years to make america great. Thank you Donald Trump

Nobody sensible thought this would happen quickly