
This is our admin. Soon we will be paying to see posts.


at least he's not white

I hate this nip so goddamn much.

>built-in archives

Who cares about the native archive? Sites have been archiving the boards for years and years now, if this chucklefuck wants to make the site archive pass users only, it's no detriment to regular browsers.

maybe if you made it so you can post in archives, boards just go to quick anymore, if there was ever a time to set-up something like archive posting know would be it

The only thing about thse sites is they are not quite as good a Sup Forums is at archiving. You cannot hover over a response like I am giving you but you have to click it instead. It's the little things.

No one doez, but it is a sign of the future and hoe hiro is going to run this site. We will be something awful 2.0 soon.

It would be better to remove them and thus no longer needing to pay for them.

They're a convenience but the site was fine without them for a great many years. Guy's just trying to figure out how to keep this money-losing site afloat, but with bad ideas.

/vip/ is okay, at least. Surprisingly not shit, and a genuine incentive to want a pass (though I only got one years ago to bypass captcha for manga dumping).

He's a fucking retarded gook cunt. Somebody fucking buy this site already. He ruins everything he touches.

Did you finally realized that you're masochists by staying on this website? Won't you get tired of taking all that abuse?

The secondary archives have ghostposting enabled. You can still post in the threads after the originals die on the actual board. Unless you mean for the native archive, which doesn't sound like a good idea. It's a needless feature that would increase thread longevity, but splinter participation between live and dead threads.

This is hardly the first sign that things have been going downhill. How he's been mismanaging things to such an extent is baffling. moot said he laid out the site to be easily sustained after his departure.

Don't forget the super intrusive ads on a bunch of blue boards. Easily fixed with an ad blocker, but that's not the point.

do you not realize how much archives would cost in bandwidth usage? they're trying to brainwash features to keep Sup Forums running, not run it further into the ground with free, costly shit.

>face when threads about shittalking hiro are deleted
At least moot would let us shittalk him all we wanted.

Don't worry guys, Milo will make Sup Forums great again.


We don't need archives in the first place. The only people who want them are /vg/ cunts and nobody gives a shit about them. Sup Forums's costs are already high enough to keep current content on the site, let alone keeping it forever in an archive.


>At least moot would let us shittalk him all we wanted.
No, he wouldn't, not outside of Sup Forums at least.
This shitty site really started to get shittier even before moot left.

>straight outta tumblr
This is the kind of hiro apologist that allows this shit to happen.
This is why Sup Forums is the way it is.

I'm always impressed by what pure cancer manages to emerge from /vg/, it really is something.

live threads don't get any meaningful participation anyway while they're on the board, and it's a good excuse to stop general spam

Might as well make the entire site available for pass users only.

What's even the point in having fucking native archives archives

Keeping recent threads around in case the FBI needs to review them.

FBI has had so much time to bust this site, sometimes I think they just don't care anymore, what a betrayal of my dreams

Moot knew he was damning us all when he sold the site to that fucking zipperhead

I find them incredibly useful on certain boards. They honestly aren't needed on Sup Forums, but for imagedump boards they're extremely useful for finding what you're looking for, such as /w/ or /gif/.

People have offered to buy it for decent sums of money but he refuses to sell it

Isn't this why randy travis's bastard son left something awful?

I don't know what the fuck I'm going to do when Sup Forums finally dies in less than a year.

He's making money just fine off of it. The financial crisis on Sup Forums is made up

Please save us moot, please.

>selling the site to Shekelli or Milo Cuckopollis

I'm aware, but there have been recent multimillion dollar offers to buy Sup Forums but hiro declined

Someone just needs to tempt him with a better offer. He only cares about money, not the site, so if the number is high enough, he will sell immediately.

>browsing 4chin on my phone
>suddenly malicious ads; probably have a virus now
What the fuck is this shit, hiroshimoot?

I like how mods get so anal about this post but refuse to actually do their job and delete threads like

Friendly reminder that Hiro has pulled this "site is broke, gibe moni pls" scam literally on every site he has owned

He already sold his soul to the devil. There's nobody that can save us left.

cute earring

Milo bid on the site? I thought it was Skireli and Cernovich

Is that why ISP bans feel more frequent?

I dislike the idea of an archive. It's okay when third parties do it but it doesn't fit Sup Forums. Even more than archives I hate what Sup Forums passes have become and user privileges being added to them.

inb4 OP gets b&

>You cannot hover over a response like I am giving you but you have to click it instead. It's the little things.

Yes, you can. You dumb idiot, do you think there would be any ghost poster at all if they were using the shitty vanilla archive?


Milo suggested setting up a board of investors with him as a member

With mobile adblock on now I have a giant fucking white space of nothing at the bottom of threads

Okay that's it
I don't believe this shit anymore
Moot told us before he left that the site was self sustaning as it was when he left
I could understand if Hiro had a little problem in the star of taking over the site but this is just fucking retarded.

How could he possible fuck up so bad that in under a year the site is on the verge of bankruptcy?
I don't buy it for shit
The japs where fucking right

> Not using Ublock Origin on your computer and Clover on Android to avoid ads

What if we kidnap moot and force him to run this site again?

Just a friendly reminder that the current Sup Forums mod
>watches My Little Little Pony
>uses online dating
>is actively trying to make Sup Forums more like tumblr
>brags about using reddit for hours on end every day
>writes pokemon yuri fan fiction
>is a Sup Forumstard
>cosplays as video game character
>has admitted to having Apsperger's

They could use normal archives for that.
IPs are cleared once a thread hits the Sup Forums archives anyway.
Trust me, I ban evade enough to know. Plus moot said they do on a live stream once.

It's because literally all he cares about is protecting his own personal hug box safe space.

wtf I love spam now

>being a dumb phoneposter
>not even using an app instead of the shitty mobile version


2ch tried to warn us

Not like we could do anything in response.



>muh archive
>doesn't even have advanced search
>meanwhile scripts redirect you do off-site archives since ever
Absolutely useless.
There are archives with far more features than this built-in shit we have. If people are dumb enough to pay for archives when there are completely free options then so be it, let the retards with disposable income throw their money away.

Out of all the things to bitch about you choose the most irrelevant, useless feature. Congratulations.

Someone got butthurt enough to delete this.

>opened up donations
>started putting up huge intrusive ads
>announcement begging to turn off ad block
>Sup Forums Pass flair
>wants to reduce image file sizes and axe boards

The worst part is he doesn't speak english so there's no way for the userbase to tell him he's a slant eyed jewish gook. moot was an idiot but at least he didn't screw things up.

Does hiroyuki even watch anime?

It's over. It's finally ending. Strap the fuck in because it's about to get a whole lot worse.

Probably not. He's a normalfag by jap standards.

>he doesn't speak english
user please don't tell me you really believe that

>The worst part is he doesn't speak english
uh, you sure about that buddy?

Will I finally be free?

>The worst part is he doesn't speak english

goodnight sweet prince

If the problem is that this site is having more traffic than it can handle, I see two options: Making revenue out of this extra traffic, or kill it until the site becomes self-sufficient (0+ profit).

So the question is, how do we make all this niggers fuck off?

Oh, and first of all, if Sup Forums goes for the revenue path, as a community we need to ask for more transparency.

Why did it have to come to this?

what do I even do if this place goes down? you guys are practically family

He can speak English perfectly fine, he just pretends to be retarded

You're here. Forever.

There's an app? How have I missed this

SA because a SJW circle jerk of morons who still think they are living in the pre 2008 era


shut the fuck up faggot I'm going to miss you guys

>he doesn't speak english

Delet pol

That's what you deserve, phonepeasant.

Is Hiroyuki a distant member of the Howard family?

/r/ing that post of where it said we were all friends on here but were too busy shittalking each other to notice it

Why can't we get 2ch's owner to buy Sup Forums? If I remember correctly, a white guy owns 2ch.

>mfw hiro is going to sue the external archives for stealing potential pass™ users

I don't really ever use the archives but the thing that gets me is the fact it's a free thing now, why make it a paid thing now

Just make fucking Patreon you dumb gook

There is absolutely no problem with Sup Forums. The only problem is Hiroyuki's greed and power abuse.

The site isn't in danger of going down. Wake the fuck up people.

I swear if this faggot does it

What advice Hiro does take he gets from /qa/, a board which thinks anime doesn't belong on here.

>ask for more transparency

If you look at the /qa/ thread in the OP post, Hiro supposedly has his reasons for not putting everything out in the open.

Only newfags who haven't been around for the death of boards thinks this is a good idea.

I hope he died.

why cant we get Moot to get back Sup Forums and let it run itself?
He's winning good sheckels at Google, he can just let the syte run itself while he just pays for the servers
Even invisibro'd be a better admin

I hope you follow him to the grave soon.

/qa/ is just /s4s/ summer home if hiro doesn't have a thread up
at least it was last time I was there

You mean >Two autists screaming at each other so much they haven't realized they're friends? Saw it earlier today in the daily evangelion shitposting thread.

So where are you guys going when Sup Forums dies?

dumb frogposter

In hindsight, if we take a pay wall only adults and kids with talent can post on our board

This guy is such fucking scum holy shit
