
Hiro is a fan of Kyoani, therefore he is your friend. You guys like Kyoani, right?

Therefore you should endorse his decision for making archive a Sup Forums pass feature Enforcing 3DPD ads
Creating a dedicated board for furry (/trash/) and western fanart (/aco/)
And attempting to delete Yotsuba off of Sup Forums Ahh doesn't it feel good to have such a great admin at our side, Kyoanibros? Also don't forget to buy Sup Forums Pass™ to support Hiro, goys-- g-guys!

quality off posts

Mind telling me what happened

>And attempting to delete Yotsuba off of Sup Forums

what's this then?

A mistake he went back on.

I'm also kind of puzzled as to why /aco/ gets so much hate.

We already have a Meta thread with 400 posts attention whore.

Then answer this, kike. Is it true that your info gets taken when you purchase a pass ?
Is this just one of your tricks?

>literally nothing happens

checked the archive, at least it got through to him eventually

Hiro should've taken the moot approach and not talked to us and only occasionally be a faggot.

I will support Hiro as long as he makes a KyoAni sticky 24/7 here on Sup Forums. Any and all anti-KyoAni fags must also get banned on sight.

easily my biggest red flag

but I already knew he was a shill.

All studio fags just need to fucking die.

It's literally the Sup Forums version of console wars.


It was all prophesied.

>moot kept the site up for 7 years on pennies and made it a personal rule to never ask for money
>Hiro can't keep it up with Sup Forums Pass special privileges and donation drives

How can anyone trust this fucking jew?

I can't filter the fucking ads. Somebody help

What fresh hell is this?

just use ublock origin you retard

>never ask for money
>literally brings up Sup Forums passes in the next sentence

>literally nothing happens

what's happening, new ads?

Hiro is an even bigger cuck than moot.



Malware ads, more like it.

It can't cause anything to your browser, right?

When I was browsing /m/ on my way to work, I got browser hijacked with one of those annoying redirection popups.

Ran a scan and everything and nothing came up. Some of them are probably actual adware/spyware/malware though.

Can they just infect your computer even if you don't download anything? The only thing that ever came up on mine were tracking cookies

agreed. i don't usually judge people on face values like politics and such, but i wish i could punch everyone who makes or posts in those "kyoani animation vs. x animation" threads lately.

>"kyoani animation vs. x animation"

The fuck? I hasn't been a frequent Sup Forums anymore for a whole two years and you guys finally hit a new low?
Most of shit you guys do was shitting on studios, not compare them.

I've been chatting with single little girls for years.

>? I hasn't been a frequent Sup Forums anymore for a whole two years.

You don't English frequently anymore either, do you?

The rest of what you said is true though.

I actually missed the grammarnazi, you don't see them around anymore.

what anime is this?

The one where everyone dies.

Is this some sort of attempt at reviving the /spg/?

All I'm getting from this is that Hiro is doing an excellent job of weeding out mobile cancer and retards who don't even know basic shit about computers or internet use.

Yellow moot is taking us with him

>it's okay to use malicious ads


What ads?

bumping for grate justice


wtf i hate kyoani now

Why are KyoAni fags SJWs anyway?

Fuck off hiro

KyoAni fags need to be ex-sponged from existence. Take your Sup Forumsirgin console meme wars there. Better yet, get AIDs from 40 niggers fo0r a slow painful death.

oh no

better move to reddit guys