Opinions on Romania and Moldova?
Romania and Moldova
People there are friendly as far as i can tell from personal experience.
A lot of corruption though from the higher ruling class all the way down to local police.
Had a friend who was a police officer and i could pretty much get away with anything as long as i stayed in his working zone.
New country every day? Smart shills :)
Rumania's a better name. Moldova is riughtful Rumanian clay. So is that part of Ukraine that was taken from Moldova when it was annexed by the Ruskies. Transnistria should be Ukrainian. The monarchy should be restored.
Transylvania is part of Hungary.
By the way I like Romanians, I have friends from there. They're close to the nature, religious, pure in heart. We lived here in peace but the nationalism in the 19th century smashed everything :(
>Opinions on Romania and Moldova?
Half belong to Austria. It is time to recognize the errors of independence and return to the Habsburg realm to live again in dignity and prosperity.
Moldova is rightful Romanian territory, only separated due to Soviet aspirations at mimicing the Russian Empire.
However, the economic gap between the two is greater than ever, also Moldova's issue in Transnistria poses greater issues.
IMO, Moldova should unite with Romania and tell Transnistria to fuck off and do their own thing.
i went many times is cool and cheap. like a 5 start hotel + spa at 40 eur/night in bucarest
they're kinda dicks towards us
>0% chance to become a caliphate in the next 100 years
>90%+ orthodox christian
>gypsies have and are migrating to Italy, Spain, France and now even Sweden
>highest GDP and HDI of anything east of Hungary
>western-tier salaries in IT
>every landforms with natural riches
>politics headed in the good direction (if we get rid of PSD)
>EU, NATO member and visas to every other shithole on the planet
(and we're not gypsies)
Where is the bottom right picture from?
Beautiful country with lovely, honest and sincere native people. Their heart is too good for this world.
Crooked politicians with an extraordinary sense of betraying history and its nation. Slaves to the interests !
>hundreds of romanian soldiers men that fell in Stalingrad from WW2 were sent back in carton boxes
>pic related
>Town rapist
>If we get rid of PSD
Maybe you are too young to discuss politics
But he is not wrong, though.
And why don't we use the young's people interests into such important subject that are crucial for men in order to debate and try to make them more articulate and powerful ? Too many times young men are put down for the sole reason : ain't you too young ?
At least we should make the effort to see what's their point of view and discuss it. They can learn a lot and maybe they will become , in several years, a power that can withstand a lot.
There is also Gagauzia, who are russian wannabees and with aspirations to separatism like Transnistria
>Opinions on Romania and Moldova?
If they aren't literal gypsies they BEHAVE like gypsies, they look at gypsies like role-models.
They steal everything, even if they have a good job going and a place they still steal shit, you have to always have your eyes on them and yes white blonde whatever, they behave like VERMIN.
Once a guy was unloading a case of beer from across the street and was called in front and a Romanian employee from another store went and stole a case and stashed it and took it home after, of course when the worked that unloaded returned he freaked.
They listen to some HORRIBLE MUSIC, some Turkish folk crap, makes you cringe so bad.
Their country has communist housing apartments and some small old buildings and a few castles build by the Germans. In Bucharest one of the few tall buildings is an old housing building with glass on it so it resembles a skyscraper .
If you want to go to their beaches the prices are not that high but the filth is incredible, they don't clean the beaches it's like there's no service for that. And you get better services and way cleaner in Bulgaria or Greece.
nice flag
i agree that here are a lot of shit people who deserve to burn