(((Ed Krassenstein))) tweets about not forgiving Trump supporters

The following replies are full of democrat fags expressing how much they loathe Trump voters.

Other urls found in this thread:


seriously this

America first == not American values

>forgive them
When did any Trump voter ever ask for forgiveness? We president now. How out of touch are these people?


Could I trouble you to post a few? My various security precautions tend to all go apeshit when I open twitter.

>jews in charge of american values

Seconded. IDK what I did but twitter is now asking me to plug my twitter account to a phone number. Fuck that and fuck them.

this but inironically

>American values

(((American values)))

>Could I trouble you to post a few?
here are the top replies right now


to be clear: I'm not saying you shouldn't hate them. I'm just saying... this is literally all they have.

Someone's married to a Sup Forums

It just keeps getting worse these days. Good call though, never give them data.

Well, hell, this is fairly tame as far as twitter lefties go. But it's still entertaining to watch them pull that whiny judgmental act.





What was up with those hyper realistic looking corpses? I wouldn't put it past Jews to put real female masturbation or actual dead bodies on television, but together? It must be the only thing that gets them off anymore.

And talks about leaving him on Twitter.
If I were that man I would get the hell our of there asap.


I wonder what its like on the other side...

Trump curse soon.

Holy shit, how pathetic can one man be? Waking up in the middle of the night to write a 7 part Tweet in response to whatever Trump says? No matter how much he says he hates Trump, behaviour like that just proves his utter desperation to be noticed by a real man.

the astonoshing thing is how smug he is about this. it's like watching a guy brag that he shits his pants.

And yet there are still squishy, mushy centrists among us, even right here on Sup Forums, that think we should continue debating these people instead of killing them in the streets. God I can't wait for civil war. I just want the rearend of this train to catch up already. The era of debate is over. There is no more common ground between us and them.

I hate these cunts that think that by typing '#the resistance' on their social media profiles that somehow makes them some formidable force that is to be feared.

My heart is filled with joy when I see how much they are seething at Trump! Can't wait for the gloves to come off. Bullet riddled, burned, dismembered corpses of leftist commie scum will litter the streets and it will be fucking glorious! DEATH TO THE LEFT, DEATH TO PEDOPHILE ENABLING, BABY KILLING SCUM!

hahaha what a fag

its a good thing nobody gives a fuck what he thinks

Why did Based Eddy removed the Kikestarter link from his Twitter profile? It looks like it's not gonna meet its goal now. And if there's one thing a kike has to hate, it has to be missing out on sweet cash!

Wow, it looks like the Russian campaign to deepen America's divisions worked pretty well on you!

Is he wrong?

They live in an alternate reality where Trump is a proven sexual predator/rapist, racist, KKK-member, literal Nazi, and fascist dictator.

And any attempt to show them that they're retarded is met with personal attacks on your character.

So what do we do? Continue talking to them nicely? I'm sure they'll come around sooner or later!

It worked on these deranged twitter posters first, that user was just in reaction to them.

>So what do we do? Continue talking to them nicely? I'm sure they'll come around sooner or later!
Unironically, this is what they're doing. Calling everyone a racist didn't work. Punching Nazis didn't work. Now we're on to shaming attempts, but that isn't going to work either.

It's our elite and their revolting pets who created and the divisions and deepen them by the day. Russia has nothing to do with it you goddamn simple simon faggot. The elites, Jews, good goy, whoever, have taken a crown jewel and thrown it into the mud, via immigration, monetary policy, cultural marxism, and generally just a systematic approach to demonizing everything that was moral, ethical, and good about this once great republic, and subverting every institution that grew out of that foundation. This place has become a disgusting cesspool. The funny thing is, you clown motherfuckers curse Trump everyday for the most petty of reasons. Don't you see? If Trump hadn't won, we'd have burned this fucker down by now. As it deserves. You should be kissing his feet.

The ashes will bring new life.

what happens when something works? We just give up and become liberals?

I wonder if Americans will someday understand that this is a bot made by CTR/ShariaBlue and not a real person that spends 24/7 in Trumps comments

>American values
like the constitution? how did the yanks get gaslit so hard about their own heritage in roughly three decades?

I regret to inform you that Ed Krassenkike is a very real person along with his brother Brian



The opinion of us (The Chosen people of Judea) are 1000 times more valuable than the rights of some filthy cattle such as the shitgoyim.

I disagree. Anyone who voted for Trump is a traitor to their country and if there's any justice whatever government will follow him is gonna treat them as such.

Everyone tweet him death threats

Shut up, angela.

its always been real

The butt hurt is still precious! Can you imagine being so ass blasted the butt hurt lasts a year?

>Be me, Puertorican spic
>Hear all about Bernie, Hillary and Trump (don't remember who the other republican candidate was)
>What do, voting in the primaries is top kek level since it's kinda useless
>Decide I'll vote republican
>Go and do just that
>Go back home and sit back and relax
>Wait for the results to come in...
>Trump won
>mfw my vote did something
>mfw I was in the small minority that voted for Trump in PR.

Feels good knowing you burgers have this twitter war, other than some irrelevant leftists and feminists over here I don't hear much about Trump.

We will figure it out after the helicopter rides are over. I can’t wait for the big issue to be “Should we continue to fund PBS now that we have a surplus?”

This is his house in Fort Myers, Florida.
Fucking gated community

I love it.
Can you imagine the fuzz when he secures the second term even more easily?
I wonder who is going to be blamed next time.

He has a tweet where he thanks Obamacare for "making sure his family has healthcare"

I wonder what it's like to have no integrity whatsoever

Are there any tweets of him about Trump's wall? I'm sure there are.

Is he real person? Seems like everytime trump tweets hes commenting on same minute. Does he refresh trumps tweet page 24/7?


These people are the type who will say these things purely to make others feel bad but never actually follow it with action
>O..OK guys y-you really should feel bad
Their only attack mechanism is feigning outrage and playing possum, so nobody is surprised when nothing happens afterwards.