Polish fascists eating Kebab

really makes you think

wtf i love kebabs now

bros have to eat. even in the trenches, the french ate german sausage.

What does it matter? Food is food, it has no ideologies.
Anyone can make a kebab now, you don't have to be islamic to make one.

The kebab was invented in Germany.

I sublet my apartment twice to Poles, both stole furniture when they moved out.
It's a nation of vile criminal scum, here's to Russia invading sometime this century.

>To enjoy other cultures foods and traditions you have to let hordes of them into your country, ruin your demographics and fuck up your future

unclog my toilet you shilling faggot.

If you eat kebab, aren't you removing it by eating?

>if you deport all the mexicans, there will be no more burritos

Wow man, that's deep.


I dont know the polish name of this dish, but this is not a Kebab.

So they are eating german food, what's so weird in that, we share many dishes with germans. Yes kebab is german.

Brown people sell this as kebab here.

kebab taste really good

Not just ate they fellated German cock

that's not a fucking kebab you cunts
that's a Dürüm or a burrito

Im not an expert but isn't this just a chicken wrap?

They call it kebab in Europe. And I mean the people who sell it, so don't blame people for calling it that when they sell it under that name.

kebab is not german.
but kebab in a bread together with the salad, this "to go"-meal is a german invention.

holy fucking kek

is polish humor and irony just 4 dimensional chess? are they being multifaceted in their bullshit?

I fucking hate kebab


>not sending a message to the enemy by literally devouring his culture
Do you even psychological warfare?

so just open a polish sausage stand right outside of every kebab shop, for cheaper with better flavors and shut those fuckers down?

>wegetariańskie gówno


it's not humor, it's literally polaks being dumb
it's not intentionally funny

well the crescant sandwich was a symbol of hahaha we killed those fuckers so bad in france, and now look at those frogs, just stop eating kebab, don't buy mudslime goods

polish food is trash though. especially street food. give me a nice donner kebab with garlic sauce any day over a fucking sausage.

>Fat Bastard from Austin Powers as a Crusader
Deus vult!
Remove kebab!
Get in my belly!

Eating a type of food does not dictate your political orientation you absolute mong. It's not the food ruining Europe it's the other kebabs.

That's sad polanon.

Can we send our Polish brothers some Hot Pockets or something?


white people can't master food from brown cultu-

Crossover appeal of cuisine is proof that multiculturalism is a GOOD THING! Thanks to multiculturalism, we can share our recipes with other cultures and they can share theirs with us, enriching all people through food.

Without multiculturalism, you wouldn't have pizza so take that racists.

Couldn't it be something else? LIke a gyros roll?

It’s true. I always wanted to open an Australian bush-Tucker style kebab shop called KEBABO and make some lazy natives work for me.

you send us enough as it is

delete this from the internet

Looks like a burrito.

that's a (you)
also, keeping roaches and slimes for and only for what they are good at (high-rate kebab assembling) is worth it

It's literally the train of thought of the so called Polish nationalists: that by buying kebab you invite more Arabs to come here and open up kebab shops. By eating kebab, they're outing themselves as being absolute hypocrites and braindead retards.

fucking underrated

I don't see why we need a violent IQ82 darkie to do any job. We are smart, we can do it if we want.

Ukrainian spotted

You, know, we can have given you the recipe without you invading our country

Kebabs taste good, doesn't matter if your a white nationalist.
>captcha: select the traffic signs of my own street

Actually pizza was brought to America by Italian immigrants in the late 19th and early 20th century. And then the multicultural exchange led to us improving the recipe.

>literally "they were only pretending to be retarded"
kek nice one moron

Are you retarded?

The people on the picture are wearing "PW" arm bands. It's impossible to tell if they're nationalists or simple patriots.

This thread is a Poland hate thread in disguise. Fuck you, you insecure faggot.

that what im sayin. kebab is shit on skewers right?

>Humor too subtle for my understanding is retardation.

Kek, just noticed that

>The people on the picture are wearing "PW" arm bands.
What does that have to do with anything, you sad fuck? All that proves to me that they're disgusting pieces of shit. How dare they were those armbands? They didn't fight in the uprising, they didn't shed blood there yet they dare to impersonate the people who lost their lives there. This current pseduo-patrotism trend is truly disgusting.

>they're hypocrites because strawman

And I eat Mexican food. Wtf is your point? You think nationalism means never experiencing other cultures? It means preserving cultures so we can experience them, ass.

I'm not afraid to admit, shitskins are really good at food. I despise pakis, but their chicken curry with some nice rice is probably the best meal in existence.
Just don't ever let a shitskin actually prepare the food. They're really piss at hygiene (they NEVER wash after using the bathroom), which is where the Indian/Mexican food shits meme comes from.


Kebab is greek food

Could you find a more disgusting looking example of a curry?

>Honoring heroes of the past is bad
>Hey, stupid Poles! You have to eat shit and dive in the sewers to ever, ever even wear an arm band!

I'm afraid that you're the retard you write so much about. You're throwing patriots and nationalists in the same bag and trying to tell us all that their viewpoints on immigration are the same.

I eat kebab with my fascist pals too. It's tasty and cheap. Doesn't mean we can't deport the dune coon who made it later.

Tylko golonka, tylko flaczki!

Those are gyros and therefore white

I never ate a kebab meda by non Lithuanian in Lithuania, lel

>American pizza
>real pizza
Pick one.

Just because we accept other White cultures, doesn't mean we should accept every other culture. Checkmate, faggot egalitarians.

>Armia Krajowa
shit b& muhammed

What exactly is wrong with it? Other than the rice and the green shit, this looks exactly like the curry I make.

Playing dress-up using a symbol of one of the most tragic evens in our history is not something I would call "honoring heroes".

kebab is good, who cares where it comes from? just because you're a fascist you can't even foreign food? i hate mudshits, but döner box is delicious.

>kebab is sandnig-
>Excavations in Santorini, Greece, unearthed stone sets of barbecue for skewers used before the 17th century BC. In each pair of the supports, the receptions for the spits are found in absolute equivalence, while the line of small openings in the base formed a mechanism to supply the coals with oxygen so that they remained alight during its use.Mycenaean Greeks used portable trays as grills. These trays were rectangular ceramic pans that sat underneath skewers of meat but it is not clear whether these trays would have been placed directly over a fire or if the pans would have held hot coals like a portable barbecue pit. Homer in the Iliad (1.465) mentions pieces of meat roasted on spits (οβελός). In Classical Greece, a small spit or skewer was known as ὀβελίσkος (obeliskos),[and Aristophanes mentions such skewers being used to roast thrushes.
Daily reminder that mudslims and mongoloids invented nothing,let alone dishes.

No, that looks like Dürüm. Gyros is wrapped in Pita bread and looks different.


I’d say being part of a march that aimed to stop hordes of Muslim savages enter your country is a pretty good way of honoring people that fought against a previous invasive force that aimed at replacing you

"Real Kebab made by Real Pole"
*pork/chicken meat

What more can we do other than remember and honour them? They have their own streets, monuments and town squares?

What more can we do to not forget their sacrifice?

Fuck off, all your shit is fucking retarded

Döner is the single good thing Turks brought to us.

Where I live (and quite sure that the situation is similar in Poland) these guys are not as violent as you'd think. And you know why? Because they work. We don't have the economy to support tons of these guys with welfare, so they have to work. So the only reason they'd ever come to our country is to work. Also the pressure of the public opinions here would never make them think they deserve more. They get fucking jobs, which none of us wants to do, in a country that is relatively peaceful and sophisticated. What else would they want?
Even if they are dumber than you think, the motive is unchanged.

Kabobs aren't even Islamic you fucking retarded. They're originally made by Persian Zoroastrian.



>eat food from other cultures
>don't let them in
>get the best of both worlds

>on the right arm
Vomit Inducing

I said nothing about walking in the march.
There's nothing wrong with honoring them, obviously. I find the wearing the armband part controversial to say the least though.

Poles are some ungrateful stupid motherfuckers i tell you. The only reason they exist today is due to countries like Iran, an Islamic nation, giving them refuge during ww2, now when it comes to them to return the favor they act like total cunts.

Shameless people.

The only reason these people are not violent is because there too few of them. Its amazing how many retards are here who believe that this shit is going to be different in their country. I bet these fuckers rape too, but you did not have dound out yet

If you are a man and you wear those half socks you deserve to be anally raped.

this pretty much. every single country going to hell right now started out with immigrants thinking "they arent violent, they work"

What the fuck is that faggot doing with that pizza?

I dont see Iranian refugees in Poland. Poeple like Iranians and Indians(who gave POlish refugees asylum as well). We don't want them here because it doesn't help anyone, think about it.

just fucking start the race war already

americans pat sausage slices because theyre like bowls that collect all the oil. pretty gay if you ask me. just eat it. fucking soyboys

But there are too few of them BECAUSE of what I said, so my point stands nonetheless.

Sad that even people on Sup Forums don't realize that niggers and sand niggers are always a problem

Look, they're eating food made by immigrants
fuck having borders and laws and shit !

Remove Kebab

No it does not you moron it always starts with few and then it grows because liberal block unites with them and their nubers continue to grow. Cuckservatives never have the balls to cut immigration to zero and kick them out, you let a single one and you are already losing.

>They get fucking jobs, which none of us wants to do, in a country that is relatively peaceful and sophisticated.
Where have I heard this before? Oh yes, in my own country, and the Americans have said this for the last century. We didn't always have welfare, and the same issues of foreign parasites existed long before that.

Non-White immigrants don't just want to work, many will come over and want to establish families, in which case, they will either race mix with the local population, or bring their women from overseas, and you get anchor babies.

This is how civic nationalism and mongrelization is born.

All the good kebabs in Poland are made by white people. Turkish always have shity meat and lots of shity greens.
And some Polish ones are fucking teriffic

>Eating food makes you not to be nationalist
If it's delicious and you can afford it it's not wrong. Besides we all eat pizza and ice cream.

and then this whatever left party is opposing your right-wing party is going to quickly capitalize on the brown hordes for secure votes. then it spirals further and further out of control, and so long as you're a democracy, you're fucked.