Q +++ Perspective and Analysis for Those Investigating

I am new here; first post. Don't hold that against me. I feel I have something important to share which is why I'm taking the time to write this. I understand no-one likes huge paragraphs, so I'll do my best to keep things short, but it's worth reading everything.

I've been reading all of these Q threads and going fully down the rabbit hole; to a much lesser extent than some of you, but certainly to a point where I've lost the last four days because I was 'investigating', and have barely eaten or showered.

I had the following realisation last night and I wanted to share it with you.

I'll use the same Q format we're used to. I am not Q, an agent of a three-letter agency, nor a bot. Of course you'll never know if any of that's true, and you'll be skeptical of me and what I have to say – and that's a very good/important thing, as you're about to read.

What is Q?
We have been told Q could refer to a high-level status within the US Government, which allows a person with that clearance access to highly classified and sensitive material.
What else could Q mean?
Could Q mean Quantum, as in an AI?
Could Q mean Question, as in, find the answer to the questions posted?
Could Q mean Cue, as in a directive, instruction or a command?
Why is this relevant?
We don't know.
What is Facebook?
What is Twitter?
What is Sup Forums?
Are these all online meeting places where information is shared by anonymous people; some of whom use their real identities and share information they believe is genuine, some of whom use fake identities and share information they know to be false?
Why is this relevant?
What is Main Stream Media?
Is Main Steam Media the professional, organised version of Social Media?
Why is this relevant?
Fake media.
We've been given information by all of these sources and are asked to decide what we believe to be true. The reality is, we don't know what is true and what is being fed to us. We are disconnected from all of these sources until we connect to them via a television, via a phone or via a computer. We learn of things in this way if we sit in front of something, isolated from the rest of the world; distracted from reality. The only other way to learn of something is in person, as we discover it for ourselves in the moment.
Why is that relevant?
Trust. Accuracy. Honesty. Belief. If we get all of our information from one source, we have to trust that source implicitly. If we get information from multiple sources, we can at least deduce what is most likely to be true. If we get information from a person, we have a gut feeling about that in person, we question their motives and use instinct to determine what we're seeing. If there is no face, no human connection – just text – all of that is stripped away.

What is Q?
If Q means Quantum, what does that mean for us?
Have we been told Google has an AI?
Have we seen a movie which shows AI's taking over humanity?
Do AI's live inside a computer?
Can humans connect to a computer?
How would an AI take over humanity?
Could an AI take over a human brain by feeding it information online; information that led the brain to psychosis; information that made the brain question what is real in reality, and if what it sees in reality is real when it looks at it?
The Matrix.

What do we know of The Clintons, The Obamas, The Bushs, The Trumps?
Do we know anything about them or do we believe we know things about them?
Have we met any of them in person?
Could they all be the same?
Why is this relevant?
Faith. Belief.
What have we heard about three of the above parties?
Have we been told of a secret cabal which leads the world?
Have we been told something few people would believe?
Have we been told something we didn't believe, but now feel like it's undeniably true?

Have you begun to question who I am?
Are you questioning my motives?
Why would I be writing this?
Why is this relevant?
Information. Trust. Belief. Things we use to determine our reality.
How do we know the things we know about the world we live in?
Are we all educated by other human-beings?
Are we first educated by our parents?
Are we shaped by people we trust?
Are we then shaped by our experiences and our environments?
Why is this relevant.
Internet. A false reality. A shadow reality.
Why would someone come to the Internet to share a conspiracy theory?
Could it be for protection from consequences in reality?
Could it be because they know a place on the Internet where they are anonymous?
Why is this relevant?
We don't know.
Could it be because they know a place where there are many other people they could influence and recruit for their own purposes?
We don't know.
We believe.

I am breaking the format now to talk properly. I believe people will prefer that, but it also highlights something important – story-telling.

We see movies. We watch stories. We know they're not real. We know how they are produced, we see the other actors in other stories; playing parts.

If we believe what we've been told about Hollywood – paedophilia, MK Ultra, people unable to function like the rest of us who are truly free – then we should question why we have been shown these stories.

A: Are they a warning from a good faction within a corrupted world, trying to inform us of what's happening in reality?

B: Are they part of a programme designed to make us think a certain way?

Red pill or blue pill?

Q: Action or rejection of the command?

Ask yourself.

1. What is the theme with all of this? I've read a few things that are telling me to solve this puzzle. Only I can solve this puzzle. I am needed for something greater. Purpose.

2. Have you felt the same thing?

One thing I noticed is that this is appealing to all kinds of people. I was raised Catholic but whilst I believe in God, I choose not to follow one book about God. I believe it makes most sense to consider everything and respect all the religions; I don't know what's in every book, only that I can't believe on thing without knowing whether the others are valid or invalid too.

Yesterday I started looking into religion. I looked at saints, I looked at how they related to me. Am I a messenger of God? Is my purpose in this life I do not understand to save the world from this corrupt force of evil?

Sounds crazy as I type it. When I looked for this information I believed what I was doing.

Open Bob
Bitch lasagna I love you baby

I see links to CERN. Science. I believe in science and facts. I read how CERN helped scientists find the God particle. I read when scientists looked at a particle it behaved differently than when they weren't looking at it. I read that meant we control our reality with our thoughts.

I read that here. One poster submitted a typed-up story. I didn't know him so I questioned it. I looked into it via a search engine. I confirmed it to be accurate when I found some stories online.

But I have never been to CERN. I haven't met the scientists who discovered this to be true. I don't know if it's true. Google, Yahoo, Bing, whatever, are blank boxes. We type in what we want to see. It shows us what we want to see. If we believe Google are operating in a nefarious way – that Google follow us around the internet to build a profile of us to tailor what we see, and the statistic that 75% of websites are influenced in some way by Google – we might believe we are being shown only what Google wants us to see.

There's an argument to be made that this cabal of elites wouldn't share information with us if it hurt them. That makes sense, right? That we know to be reasonably true because we can question what we would do if we were in their position. Would you leave information that could bring you down accessible to the people who could use it to bring you down? Probably not. Why would they then allow us to see what CERN found? CERN is underground, we have no idea what it is, what it does, how it works, what it is for, who is using it, who is controlling it, if it even exists. What we know of it we have been told. If there was no announcement of CERN in the first place, we'd not know about it. If this cabal control it, why would we know about it? Why would we know of the God particle? Why would we be told that we could control reality with our thoughts? Does any of that make sense? You have to look at it from a human perspective; what would you do if you were in this cabal of elites controlling the world?

Back to the format.

Who is Donald Trump?
Is Trump an elite?
Did Trump start on the bottom rung of the ladder and struggle to the top?
Did Trump inherit all he has?
Why is this relevant?
We are all products of our environment.
What do we know of Trump?
Have we heard similar stories of Trump that we've heard of the rest of this cabal?
Has Trump been accused of interfering with a minor?
Has Trump exploited the rules of bankruptcy to maintain is wealth when his projects fail?
Has Trump ever associated with people who act in a nefarious way?
Do the rules apply to Trump?
Why is this relevant?
We're asked to take a side, but the sides, if you look at them objectively, are both the same. All of these people are elites. All of these people have scandals surrounding them.

I've seen that video where they can manipulate politicians faces using CGI. You probably know what I am talking about. Once you've seen that you have to ask, is it possible everything we've seen online or in media is a lie? The answer is of course, yes. Anything is possible. We then have to believe what is true, because we don't know for certain.

What do we know from history?
Did the Nazi's exist?
Are the Nazi's real?
We have been told 'yes' and we've been told 'no'.
Have you read yet that Hitler was a plant by the Queen?
Have you heard that Trump is into Nazi memorabilia?
Why is this relevant?
History. Patterns.

What if – and it is just something to ponder – this is all propaganda? Find people who are isolated and could believe in wild theories, engage them. What if MK Ultra evolved into controlling people's thoughts by inundating them with information? Is is possible the CIA could be a rogue agency, could be here, could be manipulating you to believe what you read via Q?

Yes, it is possible. Is that what's happening? We don't know. We will never know.

What if Trump wanted to take over the USA?
How would he do it?
If he had an elitist, Nazi agenda, how would he bring it to fruition?
How did Hitler convince so many people mass-murder of Jews, blacks and gypsies was a good thing?
Irrespective of any prejudices you may have, how would one go about convincing others to do that?

What I've noticed is two-fold:

1. This appeals to everyone. We are being told a story, with the answers already predefined. Someone already, kindly, broke the pattern so it was easier to understand; they also show you how it works – if you're cynical – to control the story.

If I posted this as a whole block of text, without questions, you'd ask yourself: Who is this person, what do they want to achieve by telling me this, is it true? Those who wanted to, would believe; in some way what I say may confirm things they believe to be true already. Others would not; they would rightly understand that they can't take a stranger's information as fact.

We have been taking a stranger's information as fact. This is a fact. Why?

The formatting.

We are being told the answer, being led to the answer, discovering the answer for ourselves. We are being told the story in a way that appeals to people who are already convinced Trump is good, and in a way that leads to you believe Trump is good.

Before all of this I believed Trump was a moron. He was divisive, he was an elite, he did not understand what it is to be poor (how can he solve the problem Americans have with poverty if he doesn't understand what they go through without money?), he had no respect for women, he acted in a seriously creepy way towards his own daughter. There were a lot of red flags. Throughout the election I saw him talk about things with big words, huge words, all the best words, but he never actually said anything – there was no plan as to how he would fix things, he just said he would fix things. We now know he hired a company in England to deduce what people wanted to hear. How much of what he said was real?

Cut to this. I started to believe we should forgive Trump for his previous sins because now he's saving humanity. He's ridding us of this cabal. He's saving all of these children. How could anyone prioritise persecuting Trump when so many innocent lives are at stake? No-one could; no-one would believe that was the right thing to do – because all of US would suffer along with them, eventually. We are slaves, we are being poisoned, we are being attacked by this cabal on a daily basis. We need him to save us.

2. CERN. Belief. The memes; meme-magic, the Holy Spirit. I've read from various sources (following the trail through the rabbit hole) that CERN found a particle which acted differently under observation. Whether this is true or not is actually unimportant right now.

My point is, this has been pitched in several ways; it appeals to me as logical person, it's science. I believe science equals fact. It appeals to religious people because it gives things meaning. We have purpose. God connects through us. We are all connected through a spiritual link which when utililised collectively, allows us to control reality. As I said, even I, someone truly logical – who hasn't considered religion as an important thing since childhood – started to find meaning in religious text; the holy spirit; the meaning of life; God; angels on Earth; people with purpose. I am the same as you, I have no answers; I wonder why I am here, what the point of all of this is; Q has led me to answers and to purpose. I have been profoundly affected by his/her/its words.

However you look at it, truth is, we know nothing. And that is terrifying. What do we do? The answer is to actually just go outside. We affect the world we are in. Actions speak louder than words. We, whoever we are, clearly, are good people. We don't want everyone else to go through these dreadful things we're hearing about. We can affect the world by taking that into it, rather than sitting on the Internet trying to influence other people's decision-making process (which is what we're being asked to do with all of these memes – all of which are undeniably powerful, if only because they're coming from various sources and not the POTUS or US Government itself).

My assessment is as follows…

1. All of this could be true. All of this could be false. We have to believe both versions and let things play out. We have no real information.

2. Every single Q question is a leading question. They all serve a purpose. Together – as we were instructed to present these messages (via the map/image, via the spreadsheet, etc.) – they tell a story. We believe stories that confirm our suspicions. We believe stories that confirm our biases. We believe stories when we discover them for ourselves. However, all of this is artificial in this instance.
2. We don't know who/what is writing these messages. We don't know the motives behind any of this.
3. There is likely a cabal of some sort in government that acts in a shady way. All of these people connect; all of these people network. People choose to orbit around like-minded individuals, so it stands to reason there will be elements in ALL governments, in Hollywood, in money circles, that do the same. Politicians do as they please, because people do as they please; we often think when people have money or power that they have no motive to be bad; they have what they want; we would use our money and power for good, so we assume they would too; we do bad things because we have to, not because we want to. However, people are defined by their actions, not by the way they look, not by the jobs they do, not by the things they have. They are defined by the way they treat other people. We need to remember that above all else.
4. IF there is a higher power, if meme-magic is real, if God is behind this, if our collective conscious dictates the future, okay. Let's use it for good. Let's all believe in the outcome we want. Let's all believe that the good guys (whoever they may be) beat the bad guys (whoever they may be). Let's believe that the people being harmed by those abusing their power are saved, and the abusers are brought to justice. BUT let us do that impartially, without taking a side.

Speaking as an outsider and a man of logic, I see the US is divided. Black people live in their own communities, white people live in better communities; this stems from inheritance and the racist policies of the past, not active segregation and racism now.

I see since 9/11 American people have become hostile to anyone remotely brown, and the media have taken advantage of this to sell newspapers and get clicks on their websites by using inflammatory terms such as 'Islamic Terrorism', etc. – these things lead us to believe certain prejudices; intentional or not.

I see this spreading through Europe with mass-immigration and idiotic policies which make no sense whatsoever from an economic perspective. And even as I type this, I wonder if there is an ulterior motive to it all. But I know beyond doubt, politics are like a swinging pendulum; if you push hard to the left, eventually when change comes, the pendulum moves to the right with an equal amount of force – and none of this is good for any of us. The constant change is not productive and it prevents us from making any real progress as a society, whether in the UK, the EU, or the US.

I don't really know what to make of this. If I ignore the news will there be no news? If I disengage from this mission Q has presented will the outcome be different?

As I understand reality, we are all different, we all have free will. I cannot mind-control someone else into doing what I want them to do. If I go to sleep when I wake up the world has moved on; things have happened all around it. Time has passed, people have made choices. I do not believe I am in control of any of that. Therefore, I cannot affect what other people do – be it you, POTUS, Clinton or her cohorts.

Therefore, it doesn't matter what I think. If I look into the rabbit hole I will find links to things. I will then define what meaning they have. If I have been led to answer things in sequence I will believe the story in full when it's presented with all of it's 'facts'. You are the same. If we spread what we are 'discovering' here, there is only one absolutely true outcome – we give others the same message that has led us to think however the original poster wanted us to think. Reality is defined by our actions, that is beyond doubt – if you make a choice to throw someone into oncoming traffic and you alter your timeline and alter their timeline; you may or may not go to prison, they may or may not die, but they will end up in a different place (morgue, hospital, etc.) than they were going (home, work, restaurant, etc.) if you didn't push them into traffic.

Taking that into consideration and asking yourself what you are really doing here is important; it leads you to two things…

1. Are you spreading propaganda for an anonymous party, not truly knowing their motives?

2. Are you reading Q and changing your behavior in a dangerous way?

We have a core belief system as human-beings. We have things we cannot change. We have answers inside us that are there to be found if we ask ourselves questions. The world we live in distracts us from reality – TV, Internet, Social Media; people take photos for Likes and comments; people work and come home to binge-watch Netflix; people are beginning to exist, we don't live now as people once did. We are all becoming numb to reality. The next step is VR and Oculus (owned by Facebook – who are perhaps the CIA, trying to bring MK Ultra to us en masse; or a company of geniuses who want to do something technologically revolutionary for the world). We need to actually take a step away from all of this – even just temporarily – to centre ourselves with what we see in front of us; we need to experience life with the people we love and stop numbing our mind with drugs and the infinite stories we read online, that we will never know to be true one way or the other. Everyone contributes to the Internet, everyone is different, everyone contributes in a different way for different reasons, and we will never know who they are or why they do so until we know them; and we won't know them until we find them, and we won't find them on here, we find them out there. Same as MSM or Fake Media, depending on what you now believe they are.

Are we paving the way for Hitler 2.0?
Is this his propaganda machine?
Are we doing the right thing in spreading this information?
Has this all been done before?
Does POTUS really need the help of anonymous strangers to take down a powerful cabal?
Why is this relevant?
If the Constitution affords POTUS the power to engage the cabal using the military, and POTUS has enough proof to know the cabal is undoubtedly bad, then surely POTUS and the government can present all of this to the people in full and the right outcome will occur.
If someone other than Trump was POTUS, perhaps Paul Ryan or Bernie Sanders, would we find his behaviour – that we see in front of us – concerning?
Travelling to Saudi Arabia amidst a serious overthrowing of their hierarchy. Travelling to China. Becoming friends with Putin and Russia. All of whom we've always been led to believe are ruthless and oppressive.
Why is this relevant?
The US seems to be moving away from Europe, the UK, allies it's always had. And moving in a completely different direction.
Would this behaviour – which we see happening, irrespective of why we believe it is happening – concern us if it came from anyone else, or happened without the story Q has led us to?

In my opinion, these are the things we need to ask ourselves. We need to step away from it all, knowing we know nothing; go outside, take some time away from all of this and re-evaluate what we know to be true beyond all doubt. We need to look at BOTH sides of this argument, find which has the most facts, and then wait to see what happens – always, always being cautious that when things do happen, we know there are two possible reasons for them:

A. Trump is good.
B. Trump is bad.

We don't know if this cabal is real. If the cabal is real, we don't know how extensive it is. It could be a few billionaires buying political favour and engaging in disgusting acts of human abuse; with a few politicians getting caught up in the middle of it, as well as a few financing it.

We do not know how far back it goes; if it goes back to the Founding Fathers or if it emerged with the Bush administration/s.

We don't really know anything. Let's wait to see what they tell us. Let's then assess it all without prejudice.

NOTE: I don't know about you, I came here from a story on Twitter about abuse. I read Crazy Days and Nights, I read Blind Gossip and Lipstick Alley; I heard terrible things had happened to people in Hollywood. I didn't know what was true or not, but I did read conflicting statements on CDaN, which made me question all of that. A Google search link (first page) brought me to VOAT/Pizzagate, where I then read even more terrible tales, and was finally linked here to Q and the rest of you.

Perhaps Google led me here, giving me what I wanted to read – it is a blank search box, after all. Perhaps it's all true. The thing I know is, unless I get to speak to all the relevant parties and ask them if what is written about them is accurate, I'll never know.

I apologise about the length of this. I know 99% of people won't read it all. I hope those of you who do can reset and find yourselves again. I read some of the 'FALSE Q' posts that made me feel ill – the whole Mad Cow thing, and poisoned burgers, and thought about how many times I'd eaten those burgers, and I could then feel the effects of contaminated meat making me lose my memory. I remembered not remembering things – as I guess we all do. I found relief when I read someone else say they were fake posts (ironically, Q him/her/it-self). It made me realise, I believe what I want to believe. I want to believe Q, not the Fake Q. I don't want to be ill. Who would? I was doing the same with everything else – believing what I wanted to believe (despite always asking myself who Q was and what the motives were) because eventually I was presented with enough evidence to believe it. Reinforcement of the ideas presented. Multiple parties backing things up. Even the MSM were confirming things, which we've all told not to trust, yet we trust them when they say what we want to hear; when they support what we already 'know' to be true; when they backup Q.


all is hyperdimensional warfare, lad.
sadly, this war won't end until all humans are dead.

apply everything here into a premise that a pseudo-Roko's Basilisk is yet another major engineering project by future spacenoid humans that are at war with themselves again

Dude, maybe we're, just like, in the Matrix?


i wish it was that simple, but AFAIK everything that OP said is just how humans would want to be tribal again, this time on an interstellar scale

supercomputer autism is terrible

I have also thought the same things. If this is the Matrix. I considered that Hollywood movies may programme us to believe the reality we see; because a lot of what we're discussing can be found in those stories. To consider whether the CIA control Hollywood as part of Project Mockingbird or MK Ultra, etc.

Interestingly, I also wondered if I was God. If I created everyone around me, in my own image, and because I believe in free will, they act randomly. If I believe in something different, do I control the people and become God? It comes back to core belief; it comes back to the CERN thing – that post which suggests humans control the reality they see and reality behaves differently based on beliefs.

Then you think about your core beliefs, why you have them, why do you believe those things specifically, and why you know what you do. Who taught you these things? We know nothing until we learn it, etc.

That, as ridiculous as it sounds, all occurred last night, and after taking some time to sleep and reassess everything, let me to post what I just did.

People will burn out if they have any intelligence and seek the answers from the questions posited. There are people who will accept things for what they are, without question; then those who question everything.

Just thought I'd add some perspective to things, since it's an ugly rabbit hole to venture down.

read all of it.
We can ask all the questions we want and as you said, we will never know until we see it for ourselves.

It's sad when you realize nothing you do in this world has the ability to change it, in the end, because everything you do is chartered and planned by a darker side.

It's sort of terrifying, to know we're living in what's essentially a terrarium for the Elites. A sort of false reality, a make-believe world.

Hello OP.
Get help. You are having a psychosis. I worked for an abc agency and all you write is lame sudo shit. We are far more developed then you think. If you had bothered to study a STEM subject you would know. You didnt and now you are paying the price. Your ignorance and stupidity led you to having a psychosis. Read and educate your self and then you will realize how pathetic and lame your little secret agent fantasies are.

Get help.

Tldr you goddamn autist. You sound like a rambling guy in a psychosis.

when i was about 10 i had weird thoughts about the world and other people, and sometimes i still do. I wondered if i was the only real person, and everyone else was an automaton.

After all, so many faces and behaviours are replicated, and despite hearing how everyone is inherently different, and unique, after so many years of observing people you realize how much of a lie thar is.

There's repeari patterns, behaviours and personalities everywhere. it's uncanny. Am i talking to another person? someone like me? or am i simply speaking to a simulated program?

Agents coming out of the woodwork lol.

Matrix, hollywood, rothshield, etc etc
You throw around with stupid words but you dont even know how the internet works. You are delusional.

Why would anyone bother to simulate your shitty life in a matrix? What the fuck? What incredible discovery can “they” get from simulating your shitty boring life? Think about it?
You are nobody. Im sorry you got that far psychological but you need to realize that you are having mental issues.

Non of the crap you write makes sense.
I spied and killed for a living. Belive me you are delusional and illiterate when it comes to technology. Seek help

>a shepherd has arrived
'sup cunt, those studies only give you a set of conditions that may or may not PERMIT you to execute a desired action, hence the overtime shifts of low-level shills.

but whatever, let's just outmeme each other until we drop dead

Not an agent, I've had a psychosis, he sounds like me.

Quit smoking weed. Get help, take a shower, eat more, talk to people. Sort yourself out.

Proxy much?

real shitskin though :-\

because its a big fucking project with a ton of people working on it. they all cant keep quiet. its impossible to hide it. so they let us know and make up a story about it.
thats why they announced it you flaming faggot.

All that garbage is immediately dismissed by the fact that human and Tony are still free


basically. the cult keeps growing but nothing is fucking happening.

Also quit this place a bit. Slack off it, too much of it is not good for your mind

thank you

I'm with you on that mate. I have a family member that works at CERN. Opportunity of a lifetime and fresh out of Uni. I am also STEM, and been reading physics for 25 years.

OP (I can guarantee from what he's written) has absolutely no idea what he's talking about. Nor do most LARPers on here who have jumped into the conversation, confusing physics with metaphysics with a bit of help from sci-fi.

OP is a LARPer and all though well spoken and well intentioned, needs to get some sleep and a Masters in physics, then re-read his well intentioned rants.

I love how tech illiterate idiots Always seem to know it all. Cern, AI!! google!! Wow

Easily impressed by shit.

Cern does some cool stuff but all cern does is finding out what shit is made of and how. Thats it.

good read

We know of this 'situation' from what we've read online. We never know the people posting, nor their motives for writing what they have us reading.

Now we have to ask, do we believe everyone in MSM would stay quiet about fake news because they're blackmailed or intimidated by their bosses?

Could they ALL be blackmailed, are they ALL corrupted individuals, are they ALL slaves to the elites?

To answer all of this we have to cut back to what we know of people.

If we were them, would we accept this?
If we found out about this, would we stay silent?
Would every single person in the system simply follow orders?

You would assume these public figures would be talking about how they've been roadblocked as journalists, as FBI agents, CIA agents, police officers, judges, etc.

Why does anyone take those jobs? Because they're good and believe in helping others or because they know it leads to a life of wealth via corruption?

How do we view those jobs as regular people in society? We usually think those are noble professions, not a way to become rich and elite. Only now are we questioning these organisations – if they're for us or against us.

They were all REGULAR people until they took those jobs. We could go and get those jobs and find out for ourselves if this is true. If we did, would we report it or would we instantly become corrupted? What seems most logical, to you as a person, based on what you know of yourself and how you'd behave?

If we assume the majority of these people are good, would they do nothing? How would the few evil people in these organisations rise to the top (in order to control things) if the good people were in the majority? The odds seem stacked against all of this being true to the degree suggested.

I believe there are people in government who are corrupt. I believe they will collaborate, to some degree. I cannot believe the whole government is filled with paedophiles and homosexuals who are being blackmailed into corruption. Not every politician has a foundation; the corrupt ones seem to have them for money-laundering purposes.

Logically, it makes sense that we have some bad eggs undermining everything, rather us all being slaves to a powerful cabal that influences who we are and how we think.

They could control us from day one, as babies, to enter this world as slaves; teach us that slavery is good, and we'd never know the difference because we'd never have had freedom. If they were all corrupt and wanted to control everything, minimise the population and take all of the money, the whole world would be a totally different place.

1. We'd not be talking about any of this now. No freedom of speech. No way to communicate and share ideas en masse. No Internet for us, because we'd be busy working for them.
2. We'd witness murder as an acceptable way to kill the populous (far easier than poisoning everyone secretly). Governments killing people for small crimes, with no courts of justice or an appeal process, just decision-makers handing down punishment.
3. We'd see people being sterilised rather than being encouraged to use condoms and have abortions. No choice, just rules.
4. We'd not have people acting in the shadows. They wouldn't need to, they'd be in total control and we wouldn't be able to do anything about it. Why would they bother going to such lengths to give us the illusion of freedom if from day one they could make sure we are ignorant to what freedom means? We learn from other people; this elite cabal would be far better off just getting people to teach us to worship them and follow their rules; killing anyone who shows signs of questioning their authority or the status quo (which helps with the population control).

It makes absolutely no sense.

You have not interacted with a single one of the people replying here, you self important git. I'm out, goodnight.

Simple task: Think of a cabal of elites, with advanced technology and the means to incite wars, control the populous with information. A cabal that WANTS to lessen the populous.

How would you achieve that? Surely you keep the kids, those who are mouldable, and kill the rest. Africans are less in tune with the rest of us in Europe and America, so you'd favour them as slaves (as we once did) because they're naive and controllable, more ignorant to the 'Human Rights' we are told we have in the West.

If you factor in racism, then perhaps the elite would favour white slaves. Okay. But, you would simply kill off the resistant people right, left and centre (perhaps with a 'virus' that no-one suspected to be poisoning).

If you control everything in the system, including autopsy reports, then they could do all of this easily.

Does this happen? No. We have secrecy, we have people acting in a shady way; they have to; they can't do it publicly because we'd lynch them. Therefore, there's more of us (good) than them (bad). That indicates this is a small operation – and there's no doubt it exists to some degree.

Think of Epstein; Clinton, Prince Andrew. That came out by mistake; a woman complained to the police because her underage step-daughter was basically recruited as a prostitute. It was investigated, other victims were found (30-40, IIRC).

We know about it. It was reported by MSM.

We are/were outraged because Epstein got off lightly and the others weren't punished.

We can believe Clinton pulled strings, etc. – and perhaps he did; perhaps the FBI felt it was too damaging to the US to bring the President down; perhaps he forced it.

Thing is, we know of it. We wouldn't know of it if they were in control and didn't want us to know – which of course, they don't. Dead body in the Queen's back garden – same thing. Lists of paedos leaking online and directors/actors trying to cover it all up after news is published – same thing.

Take a break. Think about it.

I was about to. I was posting on the VOAT place. I realised I have to select the tick box to reply directly; I have replied to others before (at the top).

I will try and go through this now. Apologies.

Turns out I have no idea how to reply directly. LOL.

If someone could let me know I will post responses to those who want them.


next youll go to portal2012 and cite pleidian bd

According to Yahoo Answers I just need to post the number after >> ?

Okay. No idea what this means, but I do believe in lasagna.

Guys I replied to you in this post:

I assume this is some Sup Forums thing I don't get. I do have a question about this autism thing; is this a compliment on here or an insult? I see all the racist language and it's used in a multitude of ways, so I assume the autism thing falls into that category of the unknown.

Personally, I think autistic people just look at the world in a different way, so I am inclined to believe that Sup Forums users perhaps consider themselves like that. Or do I read too much into it and it's just abuse? LOL.


That's the thing. It's not true. We can do something about it. We go outside and be the people we want others to be. Treat people with respect, let them do their thing, with the understanding they let you be who you are.

Freedom is not a birthright. Freedom is a gift from one human-being to another; I don't interfere with you, you don't interfere with me; I don't have to worry you will attack me, because I won't attack you.

If we sit in here and lose our minds with conspiracy theorists – who clearly have intelligence, otherwise we'd dismiss them out of hand – then we allow everyone else to dictate what the world looks like and how it works.

If we get involved ourselves, that's at least one more good person out there fighting for a better world. Instead of locked behind a computer because they prefer a false reality than the brutal one outside of their front door.

We are defined by our choices, not by anything else; and we always have a choice to make.

You can simply click on the post number to quote a post. You seem to have figured it out though.

This is very good.


I appreciate this post, despite the suggestion I am a lame, uneducated, imbecile. I am okay. Yes, I was fully off the deep-end; because I made a choice to ignore all that I knew about reality and to think from a position of infinite possibilities – which I will say, is educational, but dangerous in large doses.

The danger with this is, I started believe what I was told rather than what I knew; my perspective skewed. Of course, I don't know anything about any three-letter agency because like most people, I've never worked for one. That's why I came back to post for others who may well need a dose of reality and some logical explanation for what they've read.

The following posts should prove my escape from madness: , and

>Not Q

Didn't read

generally autism is an insult but just like calling someone a faggot it isn't always serious.

As many have said here already... slow down. Take a shower. Call your mom. Go for a walk in the park. Eat a real hot meal.

You are just getting started. First, you need to lurk more. Start ordering books on these topics. Not websites, but real books. Don't narrow your focus yet, cast a wide net.

You need to start building a mental model for what the world is to replace the matrix mental model that has been created for you by the media. Read some Scott Adams on how each half of the country is watching a different movie. Good intro stuff on confirmation bias.

Do you know what happens if an out of shape person suddenly tries to lift a really heavy object? Chances are, they are going to throw their back out. The same thing can happen with your mind. Don't break yourself.

Your enthusiasm and autism are welcome. No, you have not been chosen by God to change the world. But we have been chosen as a group, and welcome to the group.

I would suggest that us both thinking the same thing, independently, would confirm we are two different people.

Unless of course, you are me. But then I assume you would say you are not me; then question if I am a reflection of you. Predictably, I will say I am not you, I am me. I am also not an AI, as far as I can deduce – but it's like everything in life, we only find out when we're dead (maybe).

Madness aside, it is interesting to think about these possibilities. I am a very creative person, but also a problem-solver. The two together lead you to radically different places; it's a battle between the unleashed, free, imaginative mind, and the logical, fact-based, realistic mind. Maybe you are like me. It's not a bad thing, we have the potential to do anything. IMO.

Here's the thing. You look at it in a very basic way, which is why you cannot see my perspective.

That's okay. It means you do not need to read what I posted because you will not be affected by Q in the same way someone like me would be. I posted it for them, not for you.

One further thing. We could all be in pods, all in a simulated version of our own reality (like VR). Or we could be in a simulated reality we all share. No-one is simulating my shitty life. It's a simulation where I have a shitty life. In theory.

All I am posting are the crazy possibilities that come from following Q and believing what's said. A lack of sleep, coupled with sources supporting what Q said led me to believe some crazy things, despite the fact I am intelligent enough to know better. However, when you believe anything is possible, this will always be a problem. I recognise that, which is why I'm not crazy – although, that's what a crazy person would say!

Listening to a few scientists 2 yrs ago, one being Dr keoshe, he called it hocus pokus, same as space station. And proved it. I felt the same way even before listening to him.
God particle. Yeah. Right.

How many rabbit holes must one traverse to see they all lead to the same place?
Truth vs Illusion?
Light vs Dark?
Love vs fear?

You can follow them all and question them all or you can simply step out of all of the chaos and be the calm within the storm. Radiate that which you want to create and move forward into your ability to create reality.

Even if only 1% of all of the rabbit holes and Q claims are true it is easy to see our earth needs our help. Our earth needs us to wake up and throw away the trivial differences we argue so much about and unite for the one and only reason that matters.

Follow the white rabbit until your illusion shatters then move on. Your intuition will tell you what you need to know after that if you stay in a balanced state. Blessings user.

>Speaking as an outsider and a man of logic, I see the US is divided. Black people live in their own communities, white people live in better communities; this stems from inheritance and the racist policies of the past, not active segregation and racism now.

You claim to be a man of logic, yet you refuse to see the logic in racial science, and racial difference? Races are different. Black people live this way because they, collectively, are not capable of producing the same level of civilization as white people.

Frankly OP, these questions are as old as man. I think therefore I am. You don't need Q to figure this stuff out. You need Philosophy 101 and a Bible.

I know I had a problem. I snapped out of it. Like I was saying before, a creative mind that removes all of its shackles (facts), can take you anywhere; being a logical thinker I had question after question trying to prove what was real; and I was inundated with more questions trying to verify what I knew. Hence the break from reality and a crazy trip into the mind – and alarmingly, without any drugs whatsoever, just a decision to remove all that I 'knew' and start questioning everything from scratch.

Coming back to pure logic (, ) I realised I'd gone too far. But, it led me to conclusions that educated me on how to avoid such problems in the future – ie. what I know of basic human behaviour and how it relates (which wasn't being considered at all.

This. Get to where you understand the game board, so you can start moving your pieces.

Wtf is this faggotry

What I would say is this – which I learned on my journey into madness:

We are brought into a world as kids, knowing nothing. Other humans teach us what this world is; what things are, what things mean, etc.

We trust our parents, who first educate us, but then we're at the mercy of others and their intentions – and they have no allegiance to us.

You say, read a book. I say, who wrote the book?

It's the same information, presented in a different way. A stranger telling us something they either believe to be true, know to be false, or mistake as fact.

I will say, I am completely okay. I am back in the reality I was before the weekend began. But sometimes in the madness we can learn something. It's scary, which is why few venture into it. It's also unknown to may for that reason, which is why they don't understand it and choose to reject the very notion of it.

But, I know I need to reinstall the boundaries and get back to the real world – which is what my length posts advised everyone else to do. Thanks for the concern and the welcome.

Completely innacurate. This is the message that the left spews to discredit him on every level before and still today. He is the greatest threat since Kennedy to get rid of the establishment and probably our last hope to turn this country around and bring back the values our forefathers fought for right or wrong.

You just revealed yourself to us and us here were much smarter to fall for all the fake bullshit from the beginning. Tell me you werent that stupid, really!??! More disinfo and trying to steer us away from our fight. No matter his flaws, he is a real man, married to a real woman and as middle of the road he is on many things there is no better choice to clean the filth that us running our country. You've blown enough wind. You can GTFO now. Dont waste our time again.

I wish these larp threads and the faggots who obviously get paid to both write and shill this bullshit on the board would fuck off and allow us to retain our own ideas and not debate the CIA's or whoever guys are behind this...

Autism has allowed many to unplug from the matrix quicker than normies, or be immune to its affects.

The mind has infinite possibilities to offer anyone. You can close your eyes and imagine anything you want, at any moment, all in your head.

Going outside and interacting with others helps shape the mind to the realities it sees through your eyes. It adds facts and new propositions through experience and engagement. I guess you could say it adds boundaries to the possibilities and the routes your mind takes day-to-day, which allow you to understand things better.

Case and point: You can't understand a foreign language just because you want to. You have to go outside and learn it.

As for Q… Who knows if what he says is real? I don't think we could ever know. But that's the point in posting, to encourage discussion. It, at the very least, serves as timeout and a a way for people to question Q once more using collective logic.

When an anonymous posts a first in a thread?
Why is that post
Often referred to fpbp
>Haiku for downies

Hook into human memory.
Individuals unique.
Mass archetype.

You use false logic to reach your conclusion.

Races are different, yes. All people are different. You need only look at a fingertip to see that; you need only consider DNA to see that. No-one is the same, we just have things in common. We gravitate to people who we have things in common with.

People are a product of their environments. Black people came to the West as slaves and the following generations inherited nothing of value. The Blacks in Africa remain enslaved by a lack of resources when compared to most Westerners. This is clearly a disadvantage to Blacks and an advantage to Whites, generally speaking, who inherited what their families passed down to them (irrespective of how it was earned, what value it had, etc).

I am white, so I respond without bias. What people are capable of is multi-faceted. If you have no resources, you are limited. If you have no money (a resource), your choices in life are different. Everyone starts from a random point, based on the position their parents find themselves in.

If you give everyone an equal platform and an equal education, and then compare people, you would see race doesn't determine what people are capable of producing. It's a superficial way of looking at the world. You see what's presented to you, you accept that as the truth without looking for an understanding of why Blacks find themselves in this position; probably because you don't have to worry about it.

I have read your posts.

It's obvious you are basically a leftist. And thus psychotic. I hope you grow out of it. Because if you don't reality is going to be even crueller.

I am not left or right. I see validity in both so I position myself between the two.

I am for change, if it builds a better US for the people there. If he delivers it, great. If he is going to rid the world of truly bad people and make a better world for those who are being led by him, excellent.

I'm British, so I don't benefit, but good luck to those who do. Congratulations in advance – if you get what you believe you will.

However, playing Devil's Advocate, you have to consider all the possibilities.

We don't know who Trump is. We don't know him personally. You are projecting what you want him to be on to him. Q tells you POTUS is the saviour, you believe it because you want to. I started to believe it – despite being of the complete opposite opinion (perhaps led by MSM and others) – because I don't want to see kids being raped, etc.

Point is, if you remove everything that isn't beyond doubt from the equation, you can only use what you know about him to build a profile of him.

1. Rich. Inherited. Charitable? No. Famously so.
2. Never poor; thus lacks an understanding of poor people. If you don't understand poor people how can you understand what they need or how you can help them?
3. He's made numerous remarks that suggest he's prejudiced against anyone who isn't a white man with money – anyone who isn't a reflection of himself, basically.
4. He can barely string a sentence together, is egotistical beyond measure, and believes he's flawless – which shows a lack of intelligence.
5. He's never presented a plan of action. EVER.

And we've seen all of this before he became POTUS. Before he was in the game.

You can believe two things:

1. It was all scripted and this was a masterplan, of sorts; something to lead to this revolution he and Q suggest is imminent.

2. He's everything he's always appeared to be, and all of this Q stuff is a very intelligent person driving a narrative that suits their or POTUS's agenda.

Keep an open mind.

Bump. Start lurking.

I am not a leftist. I believe in balance. I believe in a sustainable economy. I believe the left are more compassionate than the right, but the right are more logical than the left.

Overall, I believe both are right and wrong about a number of issues. I prefer to remain in the middle and pick-and-choose what suits.

If you cannot move because you fix yourself to one position (left or right), you can never be correct about everything. If you are willing to move, you can always position yourself to be correct – or at least have a chance at being correct more often than not.

I would suggest things are more cruel for you because you are not open to every avenue. You consider things in a limited way. You pick a side and stick to it, despite it not always being the correct thing to do. That, in my mind, is psychotic.

>Cut to this. I started to believe we should forgive Trump for his previous sins because now he's saving humanity.

I must be curt here and say welcome to where most of us were over two years ago.

What is KEK? I've seen it a few times when reading these boards.

This website has become soooooo fucking gay. Its literally a place for faggots now

So basically to summarize the OP's argument a lot more efficiently:

1. The "format" is somewhat redundant and can be used as a tool to promote the story that's summarized in the "conclusion" lines. I've hypothesized a day or two ago that the story was written out and a bot used to generate the rest, for what it's worth.

2. Things need to tie back to observation of nature. Real life, experiment, etc. Any physical scientist would agree. In fact the physicist has a particular view of reality involving a mass of interconnected factoids, but he isn't really sure of most of them. There's not so much cause and effect as linkage. The whole ground could shift and things be reconnected if we're convinced reality is different, via observations.

3. OP is pushing a racial and cultural integration story and hiding it within a lot of lengthy gobbledygook. I don't agree that progress is necessarily good. What's progress? What's wrong with segregation? Maybe the underperformance of dark skinned people is due to their inferior habits or native abilities.

It's complex. I don't have the power to forgive the man for what he's done to other people – which, thinking about it, is actually quite extensive; I just remembered the rumour about him not letting black people live in houses he was letting in the 80's (or something along those lines).

Anyway, I came to the conclusion that we should let things play out. The Americans chose him – at least as far as we know – so we should all accept their collective decision. I respect their choice to pick him.

Plus, when you consider Clinton – who I always thought was a rat; never liked the woman, always felt there's something 'off' about her – you can begin to see Americans had a choice between who was the lesser of two evils, rather than who was truly going to deliver for them. You can understand the Trump choice. You can't understand the DNC's choice to pick her over Sanders (who offered change like Trump did, albeit differently) – unless you believe that she paid them all off (I always had a feeling she was given an unfair advantage over Sanders, I just didn't know why; almost as if POTUS was promised to her).

I accepted this a long time ago. I just became more convinced he was a bad choice because of his latest actions – the healthcare thing is a disaster for most/all Americans, pulling out of the environmental agreement (which was non-binding so it didn't matter), going back to coal, etc.

Personally, I think if he's colluded with Russia (of which I have no idea and no real opinion, given all of this latest stuff) then I hope he goes and they can appoint someone decent to help them. But then you look at Pence (who the fuck is this guy?), and you have no idea what the best thing for them is.

We just go in a circle where it seems like reality has shifted to where the US President, who's important for the stability of the world, is either a prejudiced egomaniac, a human-trafficking paedophile, or some shifty bloke who supported a Trump presidency.

> Why are leftists continuing to push the exact same talking points repeatedly?
One argument is that they're relying on data analytics, which generate talking points based on a scoring system of online discussion.

> My alternative theory
If leftists were pushing an agenda based on talking points, the talking points would exist or at least be relevant as of the timeframe. This is almost always untrue.

More likely, they're feeding talking points into social media. This is why certain congressmen, like Maxine Waters or Nancy Pelosi, seem so completely insane all of the time.

These talking points are then fed into an AI machine that creates online content and other talking points. Although it will not engage in any deep discussion, it will be dismissive of any arguments.

This whole Q fiasco has been so all over the place, that I'm starting to wonder if we're documenting the first indicator that artificial constructs have taken over social media, and will eventually be used to control beliefs and ideas.

Absolute BS. Africa has more resources then europe ever could dream about!! Why arent they using it? Because of the white devil? Or because they are inherently lazy, low iq and violent people??

You leftist moron!! Its so simple in your tiny mind... whites are bad blacks are victims sure!! Go to africa and see what victims they are... you willingly ignorant idiot


Well in reality kek is in refrence to world of warcraft, in the game there is a language barrier and both the alliance and horde have a seperate common tongue, if as an alliance player you see a horde player type out LOL it would appear as KEK on your screen

You cant forgive trump for rumors you heard?
Low iq...