Why do white people hate their own race?

Why do white people hate their own race?

agreed, but then wouldnt it be hypocritcal to be mad when niggers defend each other and protest cause one of their own died (even if for a just reason)? do you not celebrate those niggers who denounce their own race and culture to pander to your own?


Virtue signaling
Most teachers in public schools are women
Rise in single mothers

Only nigger loving liberals hate being white. I'm white and i love it. I know I'm superior in every way no matter how much niggers cry about it.


No matter how much you virtue signal, niggers will still hate you and condemn you when they feel they don't need you anymore, they don't know loyalty

>Why do white people hate their own race?
*Why do white women hate their own race?

They don't do it for those reasons. Look at the average anti white white person and compare him to the Thomas sowell' sand Larry elders who are "betraying" the niggers by telling the truth


Maybe we should die then

White liberals are obsessed with their own "evil" and they won't rest until they've dragged all white people down into their inescapable self-loathing hell. I've been reading some of their reactions to the Louis CK controversy, and they don't just see it as a case of one fucked up guy doing a perverted thing. They feel like they're accomplices in it. They feel like they need to be punished too. They feel like we're all responsible because one FUCKING WHITE MALE allowed his success to turn him into a pervert.

Basically, white liberals are a hopeless neurotic mess. We desperately need to get rid of them.

My dog is German
My coffee is Colombian
My IT is Indian
My car is English
My food is Italian
My TV is Japanese
My diamonds are South African
My licorice is Australian
My computer is Chinese
My wine is French
And I am an American.

Why can't you losers understand that America was created for everyone, not just white people?

The amount of bigotry towards African Americans in this thread is worse here than anywhere else on the internet

Most white people are literal cuckolds

Funny how everything you named was mad by whites and a few asians. Niggers and spics and worthless and everyone sees it

After studying similarities between negros and villeros you will realize they have common things.
One of those is the crab in the bucket mentality, any nigga considering a job, a profession, a bussines, etc its consider a traitor for forgeting their own hood and things like that, so all opportunity of advance its crushed by other people. The little smart niggas break out of that condition triying for something therefore are considered traitors for ever

Sheeiittt we be Kangz

Nah. Seen plenty of shit from self hating white men, too.

My TV is colored.

>My dog is German
>My coffee is Colombian
>My IT is Indian
>My car is English
>My food is Italian
>My TV is Japanese
>My diamonds are South African
>My licorice is Australian
>My computer is Chinese
>My wine is French
My job went to China

The point is, those blacks who usually talk against other blacks on that eternal victim complex are telling the true they don't want to hear. you are responsible for your conditions, you are a danger to society and we as a group are doing more harm than good to ourselves.
Its important to promote this blacks since they will actually help resolve a problem that not only occurs in the USA but in many places who had a bunch of undesirables that make another compeletly different society to the rest. The zurdos and leftist of course do the opposite they tell the negro its not your fault its the capitalist system /goverment so that victim complex sets and they feel everything should be given by other because they deserve it, but you know how it is and many people know how that Works, the gov gives gives gives to this people and they make nothing out of it, why? Because they are not expected to grow they don't have to, they are eternal victims of the system. Total waste of money

marxism. (((they))) applied the critical theory garbage to white people's histories. and it just so happens in that framework white, heterosexual men are the devil, and women, shitskins, and every other freak is the oppressed class.

I wish some Jews would start denouncing their own race and exposing the evils perpetrate by the other Jews.

They don't. we love being white. It's just the thought police will lock us up if we rub the poor niggers faces in it

why dont we start making these memes? but ramp it up and force "white allies" to choose between cucking to minorities that hate them or seperating for their own interests

who knows who these (((white people))) are

why would they be loyal to a traitor?

It's so true and fucking disgusting. White guilt progressives are a fucking stain.

>my car is English

if a golf is made in the ford factory does that make it an focus?

>>My dog is Mexican
>>My coffee is Mexican
>>My IT is Mexican
>>My car is Mexican
>>My food is Mexican
>>My TV is Mexican
>>My diamonds are Mexican
>>My licorice is Mexican
>>My computer is Mexican
>>My wine is Mexican
>My job went to a Mexican
>Your post is fixed by a Mexican

How does one remove a Jewish stain?

no one gets to choose the race of the body they are born into, therefore it is awfully retarded to be prideful over some luck of the draw scenario.

furthermore, there is one race, the human race

Imagine seeing a nigger hating himself for being a nigger. Would you like that?

shoot yourself in the face, problem solved

They don't.
The picture you posted is proof of that.

die in a fire, putin bitch boy

That's right, we don't get to choose our skin color or the size of our bank account. I had the misfortune of being born poor and white in a world that hates poor and whites and when I have to listen every goddamn day to everyone else crying about how hard they have it and how oppressed they are I want to go on a killing rampage.

Zyklon B lad

network effects and social proof in social media.

Mixed race people usually end up hating both halfs.

Fuck off nigger

>Pic related

I wouldn't say they hate their race. More so they just don't care.

SJWs aside, the average Joe Soap is a civic nationalist, and that is more dangerous than any left wing ideology.

>americans using muttmagic to suck the genes out of European tourist colorized

I love how these memes always use the most douche-bag looking white men they can find.

The original marxism was about economic classes were the proles independent of race and sex were opress by burgoise also independent of race and sex.
Feminist create their own kind were women were as a whole a oppress group and man the oppressors.
Burgers brainwashed goys apply it to race were all POC are oppressed by a system build by whites (all of them oppressors because they benefit from the system ). So you have a system that started by opposing the %5 to today in the USA to the 56%. Remember burgers these people are your enemies they want you dead no matter what, after the revolution and when le evil white system is destroyed, they will find a way to put the blame on you on everything you will be the eternal enemy .
Communism is his current state must be destroyed at all cost

Same reason that ugly white women do anything. Attention.

Virtue signaling libcucks don't represent white people.

That pic isn't entirely wrong, whites are outnumbered by the lower mudshit races by a ratio of at least 10:1

white liberals hate themselves and especially their race.

Jewish control over Education, Entertainment, News and Immigration policy combined with the Messianic Complex (aka White Savior Complex) that many whites have is a deadly combination.

That's one of the best things I've read this month.