How did Poland become so based?
What went right?
They are poor and have nothing to lose
we dont rly care about 3rd world countries' opinion desu
I'm sorry, was a Germanic language the international language, or was toilet scrubber talk the international language? I forget.
That's like the old flag of Sup Forums
>No Nazi
>No Commie
>Just love of country
>>No Nazi
Fuck off cunts
Poland is poor and has only culture
The Jewish lobby in the US regards them as natural servants and does not take the threat they might pose seriously. It has historical reasons, but basically for as long as Netanyahu is boss in Israel Israel's servants will turn a blind eye, allowing Poland to mouth off and act tough with the understanding that they won't be touched for it. If you saw the same thing in say, France or Germany they'd already have boots on the ground. As it stands the most likely stratagem is to leverage this supposed Poland-Germany hate dynamic their Springer press is drumming up (note this company has unconditional support of Israel as one of their guiding laws and shares in virtually every news agency in the Western world, if not directly then by proxy; they've been giving this test runs ever since that one football game when we had the world cup here and played Poland) into some kind of dividing blow for the NATO structure that is currently the main detergent of full-on third world invasion. Basically make Kallergi real out west while keeping Poland around as a base of operations before eventually cleaning out Ukraine for good and making Khazaria real again. What is still unclear is what roles Russia and the US, respectively, are to play this time.
Because as we all know communism benefits countries greatly
Zabij sie janusz
>this triggers the Sup Forumstard
Be gone, vile polack!
let Poland lead the EU, not the cucked far beyond redemption germany.
This. Intermarium when?
>Not Christian
>being allowed to live
people these days
everyone forgot about them until it was too late.
Good luck with that. Our "leadership" of the EU is as lackeys to them, being that success means our replacement and resistance means the nuke. Remember that the whole arrangement is in place to "keep Europeans incapable of waging war" ever since the Coal and Steel Community days (guess which two resources most of Europe no longer has?) and rests on the foundations laid out by Kallergi back in '22, namely to leverage Germany's particular economic prowess into a honeytrap for the surrounding economies so as to facilitate Africanisation and thus the possibility of unchallenged Jewish despotic rule, similar to what the communists in the East tried to brute-force, though then with the idea of instead turning whites into servants through mass dysgenics. Hitler was the response to this, and the world rose as one to punish us for him (interesting note: Adopting Judaism but not calling it Judaism tends to make people despise you. Power of brand marketing for you right there). We're frankly just not getting out of this, much as we'd like to. If it's any consolation though, Merkel is an ethnic Pole. She was even specifically granted her position for her grandfather's proud history with killing Germans, as a special fuck you from our favorite occupiers for her predecessor trying to avoid Iraq.
What a surprise, krauts dinduing again
It's hardly my fault you can not be assed to read a book every so often. Go ahead, track down a copy of "Practical Idealism". Or better yet, the Talmud. Jews have wanted us dead as the "seed of Amalek" who devilishly refused to kill them when Moses set up their slaughter, and the commandments to wipe that tribe out for not killing Israel are no less than three of the 613 in Leviticus. In the end, and in the face of Roosevelt getting elected after endorsing the Kaufman plan proposed in "Germany Must Perish", we were forced to take the one recourse the holy book allows, to accept Judah's law. And sadly that means constant war and genocide. Check out Old Israel's history for an object lesson. The Allies very literally stopped at nothing to force WW2, and to this day the outrage circus means our hands are bound. If you can't accept it, don't cry to me when your holy Semite brothers come to butcher you at last.
that's generous coming from a nigger
>when all the Nazi and Communist Meme Flag posters aren't around
Correction: He was already in office when he endorsed it, I may be mixing Kaufman up with Hooton here.
I'm fine with this as long as they stop raping people
You know what -is- generous? Letting the Greek woman your sandwich buys actually eat it later. I would have fucked her in the ass, but that would likely just have given her nostalgia for the Ottomans.
>they stop raping people
>I would have fucked her in the ass, but I was too busy fucking my pet
omg dirty nationalists you're obviously nazis, just because you hate communism
we dindu nufin, we gud boys, we dindu try to destroy europe several times
actually Polish was international language before XVII century. not as international as English now but still it was common for Germans, Russians and other elites to speak Polish
....actually...yeah. youre right. And then the presidential election happened and this place is more crowded with newfags than ever.
I don't fucking know but if the US goes to shit I want to live there
We did, I'm proud of it, and it resulted in Europe not destroying us. Eat some more baby dick, rabbi.
That was supposed to be an actual response? I figured you were trying to bow out. This is annoying; I'm on Sup Forums and somehow talking to a person who is too pitiful to insult. Just... go and pat yourself on the back some more. It's fine, noone faults you for needing this.
Do you know why the Greek flag is white and blue?
Look it up and stop the D&C shilling.
Not bring forced into giving up your house to the mud nigger that raped and murdered your sister.
Being a poor and polish.
Kinda tough spot isn't it?
Those people lived under Communism. They had to hear from the propaganda machine how everything was great, awesome and life was perfect while they could literally see the decay around them.
So they have an inherent distrust of big government and propaganda. When the EU comes around preaching "Vibrant Diversity" their first reaction is to spit in their face.
does your sister have a black baby already?
>Resulted in Europe not destroying us
>Germans won’t live in Germany in 100 years
>mfw despite all of these medias are still calling them nazis for being patriot, catholic and anti immigration
We have some dignity, something you can't buy with euroshekels
your racism made beutiful women like me go black and we are never going back. white men are usualy small and pathetic.
she probably does
Why would they want Khazaria?
You dumb kike.
No real idea. There have been odd reports about Israeli presences in Ukraine that didn't seem to do too much by way of fighting there, but they tend to get pulled offline very fast. My guess is that it's some sort of religious thing or maybe evidence destruction like their ISIS do to those archaeological sites in the Middle East. Greater Israel is supposed to cover roughly the whole ME, expansion north and into Eastern Europe tends to be what happens afterward.
No, after that video of yours taking all of those tourist dicks she's been disgusted with men in general.
>Among the largest white ethnicities in both Americas
>Sizeable portions of Russia still German-populated
>"Ashkenazi" Jews with no idea of how literal that name became in Israel, pic related
>But we'll lose some stretch of dirt we're literally raised from birth to never care about
Such a horrific loss indeed.
>Among the largest white ethnicities in both Americas
>Sizeable portions of Russia still German-populated