Why don't you like Capitalism/Democracy?
But I like capitalism, I hate democracy though.
Capitalism is the only way to go and democracy will either fall to totalitarianism or anarchy due to the stupidity of the populace.
>I hate democracy though.
What makes you think that? Do you think it's not dangerous to have unelected people tell you how to live life?
Totalitarianism is dangerous. Anarchy is required to further civilisation. No rulers means no stopping the economy or scientific progress. So long as an anarchy isn't populated with niggers or communists, it will be the best system around.
>Democracy only works if the population is around 100. Democracy doesn't work on country with a million people. because Bandwagonning oppresses the minority voters.
>Capitalism is the only system that works. We all see in history that communism/socialism doesn't work and failed horribly.
State political indoctrination isn't democratic. If political biases were completely removed from the education system, then perhaps our countries might be in the least democratic.
>So long as an anarchy isn't populated with niggers or communists
But anarchy sake what is to stop me from importing a bunch of africans over for labour? What is to stop people from setting up progressive schools that anyone can attend and then spread?
>Democracy only works if the population is around 100. Democracy doesn't work on country with a million people. because Bandwagonning oppresses the minority voters.
I'm referring to republican style democracy by the way. Nor direct democracy.
I thought this was Hitler's quote calling the nations of the west "so called democracies". I'll get my shit together.
This image is the problem that has plagued western democracies since the birth of Rome.
>conflating two separate concepts this hard
Stay single, unemployed and basement swelling.
How does totalitarianism/fascism not result in indoctrination itself? Anyone could take control of a Nat Soc government
Capitalism leads to degeneracy; democracy is a meme
If you don't like these corporations then the best thing to do is not but their products?
It assumes people think thoroughly and act in their self interests. That's a ridiculous assumption, they will buy from the most destructive anti-environment anti-nation corporations if the products are cheaper. Those products will intentionally last a short time because they can make more profit selling an iPhone every year than selling one that lasts.
It assumes people think thoroughly, which is absolutely incorrect. Even on high level political forums like Sup Forums pre-2014 only a handful of people were fit to hold opinions. Intellectuals make up well less than 1% of the population and democracy forces them to get proles to mindlessly repeat and bastardize their ideology in order to win. Proles do not like facts or hard truths and will follow the most dishonest intellectuals.
Democracy ruins the spirit and unity of a people, just look at America right now.
The very idea of giving political power to those of lower intelligence, which are invariably the majority of the populace, is lunacy.
A model where people with very high IQ get to decide what gets done is optimal, think of something similar to nazi Germany.
Capitalism is good, but it needs regulations to prevent the destruction of your environment and the unemployment of your people.
see >I'm referring to republican style democracy by the way. Nor direct democracy.
What ruined the spirit and unity of the US is mass immigration. When so much of immigrants' original culture is freely available, why would they ever assimilate? For blacks the case is different since they as a group refuse to assimilate but won't leave since it's too nice in the US and they were born here. Basically something should be done to incentivise assimilation. We also can't afford to take in so many immigrants or allow them to cluster together.
So what do you impose for your nation?? Bare in mind that it was built on democracy (republicanism)
>The very idea of giving political power to those of lower intelligence, which are invariably the majority of the populace, is lunacy.
ok, but..
>A model where people with very high IQ get to decide what gets done is optimal, think of something similar to nazi Germany.
Aren't you just giving the vote to richer people at this point who will only vote for their own needs?
Also this ''high IQ'' voting thing sounds similar to what lefties say when they say that they're educated/high IQ and thus they should only vote/call shots
I love capitalism but have democracy.
Capitalism is freedom to choose, it's the lack of goverment intervention.
Democracy is the rule of the majority, it always destroys freedom long-term because the majority is dumb. Fucking communist dictators preserve freedom better than democracy, as proved by every communist country turning into a capitalist one sooner or later.
>Democracy is the rule of the majority, it always destroys freedom long-term because the majority is dumb. Fucking communist dictators preserve freedom better than democracy, as proved by every communist country turning into a capitalist one sooner or later.
I'm not talking about direct democracy by the way
Capitalism doesn't lead to degeneracy, capitalism just reveals the degeneracy in a population.
Pro tip: If you have to enforce morality, your society is already degenerate.
Everything I said applies to indirect democracy except that it adds the aspect of rivalization.
Politcians compete for their seats by promising more socialism, more gibs. They compete in the production not of goods, but "bads".
So what is your solution other then democracy?
Philosophically I am an ancap, but ancapistan is quite unlikely to happen so I believe in a system that preserves liberties the most. I believe it to be monarchy ( as it'd turn into a minarchy ) .
Democracy is a tyranny of a tiny proportion of swing voters in swing seats. Usually total morons who give no thought to anything at all, else they wouldn't be swing voters, and easily influenced by whatever (((media))) narrative prevails at the time.
>I believe it to be monarchy ( as it'd turn into a minarchy ) .
nice, do you have any archives/books/links I could read on monarchy>minarchy? I wouldn't to give it a read
I actually meant that monarchy is the final form of a minimal goverment, like minarchy. Basically I'm saying monarchy would turn into a minarchy.
On books and lectures search up Hans Herman Hoppe. He's the most redpilled libertarian alive. On democracy and monarchy "Democracy the god that failed."
Rich != smart != nationalistic.
Thinking you're smart != being tested as smart
Capitalism's fine.
Democracy isn't.