4K anime

Why isn't 4K res anime more popular?

It's the easiest media to make in 4K.

>Why isn't 4K res anime more popular?
What do you mean "more popular"?
It isn't used at all.

Anime is made by nips and you know how lagging behind they are in adopting new technology. I don't even think they make most anime in real 1920x1080 right now. It's all upscaled shit

I can understand 1080p, but 4k? Really?

Most anime producers can't even be assed to turn on anti aliasing for their shitty 3DCG. Why do you expect them to adopt 4K?

4K is not necessary for anime.

Because 4k isn't worth it yet. Quite few people have the screens/tv's to watch something in 4k, why would producers waste time on making anime in 4k.

>muh 4K meme

More like the anime studios are the poorfags.

Do you have brain damage, user? I'm asking if you're retarded.

Back to Sup Forums you fucking underage

Yes. Animestudios don't have the money and resources to make 4k anime.
Except Sunrise, which made Gundam Thunderbolt.
And even that is restricted to a short OVA-series, because that thing simply cannot be easily replicated for a 12 episode TV anime production on a tight schedule.

It will take years, perhaps even an entire decade before Japanese anime studios will have developed cost-efficient animation techniques to produce 4k res anime regularly.

Also, currently, the animation industry in Japan has its crisis with too low wages for its animators, so they literally cannot afford to even waste time thinking about 4k res work. Their workers are simply not up to the task anymore, because they're overworked and understaffed, despite there being more and more demand for new anime to be streamed world-wide, especially in China.

Don't bother, he's retarded Sup Forumsshitter

Whats the point in watching plain linework in 4K? It can apply for some genders like mecha where there is more detail i guess, but for typical moeshit its unnecessary.

>mecha is a gender now


Well, some jap companies are pushing for 4k blurays, but it's mostly for real video.
Anime are mostly poorly drawn 12 fps slideshows. Studios are trying to cut costs wherever they can. So I don't know if we're going to see anime in native 4k soon.

Gundam Thunderbolt has 4K res

It always was since the early 80's newfriend

Fuck, now I want to see some of that early 80's mecha porn.

I don't think it'll be much harder on the workers. I'm pretty sure you just need all of the computer equipment to handle that resolution in a timely manner. Though that enough should be prohibitively expensive for most studios.

diminishing returns graphically. 4k isnt worth it for the price yet

Learn some english, and maybe you'll realize how stupid you sound, Pablo

There's barely even any decent 4K porn, and now you want anime?


>souless digital clean shit in 4K
That what I was waiting for all my life

Is excessive.
Without a screen big as a wall you cannot notice any difference. And anime are not so detailed to need it anyway.

I'd much rather see more than 4 frames per second.

4K porn will never ever be decent. Why would you want to see disgusting 3D bodies at such a detail?

No point

You mean you don't have a screenwall to watch animu on?
