Goblin Slayer

Do elves naturally attract rapists?

Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw I missed the chapter
>it's not on kissmanga or batoto
Maybe it's karma.


I have it. I won't post it though.

>priestess's face
Gets me every time.

I used to use mangahere but I realize how shitty downsized it is. Also kisssites are overall the best while batoto kinda supports scanlators. Thanks.
>have the chapter
>doesn't dump it for discussion
no bully no

What if the gobbos raped human men as well?

We saw more raped human girls than elf girls so far, so no.

Just tell me
Was there any rape this chapter?

FMD will make your life easier : github.com/riderkick/FMD

And GS drops on MangaHere faster than other places.


>inb4 Yen Press does C&D on mangahere after seeing this post

Like it matters. It'll end up everywhere eventually, or at the very least on kami.
The good thing with having so many bloody manga sites nowadays is redundancy.

FMD is long dead

There was someone who dumped a translation on Sup Forums, but that was a while ago :^)




It's not maintained but it works fine.

There no such thing as male elves either

nor fat elves

where is GS_Comic_1.png ?

It's just a version without the blood. I'm the guy who colored the thing.

>a version without the blood

For what reason

Well I colored it first, then someone pointed out that I forgot the blood, so I went back and fixed it.


Where is the obligatory remove gobs accordion shop?


>not installing a food/drink spout in your helmet
you're not tacticool enough

Authors can lie.

The flashbacks could've been from the audience's point of view, assuming that the dude is human, but he could still be the goblins, raised by humans.

Except not being able to sort bookmarks by most recently updated is fucking retarded.
Had to stop using kissmanga



Still has hope and hatred in her, the goblin dick has lost.

>tfw the only people I know who're into DnD are the normiest normies and they would never allow this kind of fun.

Those hips are dangerous

>Maybe it's karma.
You must be a shitty bottom-feeder beta-male to think bad people get what they deserve and good people are rewarded.


Is she preggers? Or is she just thicc


Anybody else hope she joins Aspie-kun in his Goblin Slaying adventures as his equally insane sidekick. A two-face looking elf babe ruthlessly slaying Goblins along side autistic man covered in armor who lives only to kill goblins.

>Or is she just thicc
That's her shadow, user.

The person who dumped this in the first thread seemed to have missed the page this was on

Will GS ever take his helmet off?

hopefully not

Yes. He's a fairly attractive 20something.

Just fucking how?
Al that tech that is some power armor level shit.

Too handsome
So no


But we never see his complete face, think in him as a manga version of judge dreed.


>Cow Girl's tits are protecting his head from surprise attack


Bless you

Priestess has PTSD.



Why is he so cute?

Gap moe



They have good taste

He underestimated us.

I like the fact she gave up at this point

So...yen press now licenced meshi too, it seems any fanatasy manga falls in its hands.

They lurk here.

Story of my life

>They made multiple thread about it saying "HAPPENING"
Oh god, it's real. Yenpress shilling is real.

Pretty Thick and Strong Dick

Well, if Yenpress is a problem, could always do some old-fashioned piracy tactics to draw out their methods of attack - how long do they take to take down scans, what methods of attack do they use, is it possible to do x or y method long enough to post them in a Sup Forums thread to be archived, is there a way to go on the offensive against Yenpress itself as retaliation

Once a way around any scantilation harrassment has been established, I'm sure Sup Forums will be buisness as usual

Isn't Yen Press licensing something as good as killing the work entirely?

It's pretty much a death row

Dont thank me, thank Rape

Dorf put all his points into banter, didn't he?

Thank you, Rapeman.

"I was fine with rape until GS."

>Days since release
>Sup Forums still too scared of YP to upload

The saddest thing is YP actually believes this does anything but make everyone hostile towards them and negative to the idea of buying from them.

>Is on mangahere
>Sup Forums is fucking scared of online readers for some stupid reason

>after Priestess performs Archibishop's ritual guilts/convinces GS to attempt to cover her and elf in his male scent rather than using gob
>GS gives it a shot and dicks them hard and thoroughly for an extended period of time courtesy of his intense autism and hatred for gobs
>Elf and Priestess are almost mindbroken
>After the orgy noting that it wasn't particularly effective, drenches himself, priestess and elf in goblin blood and guts

Is this what they mean when they say the best intentions can cause the greatest harm?

Sup Forums is rightfully negative about shit readers that resample pages and lower quality, stupid.

>Is this what they mean when they say the best intentions

It's not good intentions. It's greed and ignorance.

What the fuck? The most important thing is read the chapter, why they care so much image quality?

Well you see user, since these are COMICS, not BOOKS, the art actually plays an important part, so having lower quality images is detrimental to the experience.

>reading compressed, downscaled trash on online readers
Why eat shit when someone could just stop being a retard and upload the fucking thing to kami?

I'll bet he has the sleeping face of an angel.

I want ESLs to leave.

I've never used IRC before and don't know how

It was worth learning back in the day, not so much anymore since #lurk died.

Still, glad I did.

I taught myself a bit how to do that only when I went to Uni and couldn't use torrents to download my anime.

>muh quality
If it prevents the manga from being non existent from the internet then who gives a shit?

I print them to read.

Nah he cries in his sleep every night. And every time he closes his eyes he sees his sister getting gobbed.

Settling for less is only for when you have no alternatives.

Do you also put them in a binder?

No, a blender. Then I literally consume the media.


Yes, it's pretty comfy.

Then you better be ready for the inevitable future when your sekrit club and 90% of manga sites gets killed and only shit like mangafox survives because the watermark makes them immune to DMCA. Call me pessimistic but good things don't last forever and people need be prepared for the worst.

Why GSes autism so adorable?

Because it's not forced autism like most characters do.

>because the watermark makes them immune to DMCA

Use mangapark dude, or check the archive the chapter was dumped properly on the thread called Orcbolg.