Is listening to Hip Hop redpilled?
Is listening to Hip Hop redpilled?
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Lil Pump is dope
Contemporary rap is fucking garbage -- some old-school stuff (e.g. Tupac, Scarface, Redman, Common et al.) is pretty good.
Modern hip-hop? No, beyond trash and degenerate.
Hip Hop is turning into emo-tier queers
>How did this happen?
rap music is pig shit
Have a look at these fucking freaks and then slap yourself
Hip Hop is degenerate
Neo-folk is more Sup Forums
yes,definitely someone who seems like a decent human being
Lil Pump is what you get after decades of racemixing.
Population closing in on East African IQ numbers, around 70.
Lots of decent hip hop exists but this is pure retardation.
The only good hip hop is the 90s and the early 2000s, everything else is pure garbage.
Yall honkys iz rayciss.
That's actually a pretty good indication where Americans are headed.
Never has 'Hitler was right' sounded as good.
it's not going to redpill you, but it's entertaining
You confused gay pill with red pill.
Trap is surprisingly trad, being spontaneous improvisation about doing well by your many wives and children, killing sluts and enemies, and taking care of your loyal underlings. However, this only really applies if you're black yourself, euro whites should listen only to pre-Baroque art music (Bach gets a pass for being a genius who can pull off a little decadence.)
>but it's entertaining
no it's not
the only acceptable "hip hop" is the instrumental beat-oriented hip hop made by lonely nordics. otherwise all that nigger shit is garbage.
Pigshit is as pigshit does, and I've heard pigshit of every genre.
When the bible talks about how absolutely terrifyingly horrible hell is, is it endorsing hell? Fucking no.
Stop being niggers, Sup Forums. Only niggers allow themselves to be stupidly biased against something as broad as an entire genre.
>Lid zeplin? Das hwite peepol shiet
If you want to find good hip hop, (and avoid being that pathetic fuck still listening to Tupac in 2017) open up a browser tab, and start looking you lazy, faggot fuck. Its the same as film, or games, so why would music be ANY different?
Lil Pump is what happens when you go out with the intent of finding someone with 70 IQ, and propping them up, because black people all secretly think they're stupid, and the connection is instantaneous.
Yeah mane
Fuck those bitches mane
Let me eat those hoes out mane
Let me fuck the police since I don't give a fuck mane
Colored dreads are to black guys as problematic glasses are to white girls.
IE they think it makes them look cool and unique but they all look the same.
HipHop = Main highway for degeneration
Nigger "music" isn't even music.
It's sad because it's true
Subhuman trash
They have no talent, play no instrument and have no skills.
It's just an eletro beat and a retard spilling the retarded jewish talking point for the whites.
No, 60's hip hop was better
Hip hop is edgy tho, it's like emo/metal but for black people
Mr Bond is alright, only bc he takes nigger songs and makes them anti-jew fascist tunes.
>You might got a pistol but this stick is way bigger
>I call it KKK, 'cause my choppa hate niggas
Sounds redpilled to me
oh, look everyone. it's a white soyboy who unironically listens to rap. he's gonna show us! we just didn't know about that REAL dank rap, that's the problem.
fucking mutt, kill yourself.
It's not that they think they are stupid, they revel in it. Learning something is "white".
That leads to escalating ignorance and stupidity.
Jamaican-Canadian here, Trap is trash
Said the Lithuanian worshiper of pagan goatfucking to the protestant american.
i noticed the other day that my little sister had the top left picture as her iphone (of course) wallpaper. i asked her the exact words, "do you find that violent, impulsive savage attractive or something?" and later i noticed she had changed the wallpaper to something else.
it's depressing. it doesn't matter what you do, you can't save girls from subversion and their own stupid tendencies. trap is a disease, and whatever trend rises to the top next is going to be twice as bad. this is a cultural plague.
>They have no talent, play no instrument and have no skills.
>It's just an eletro beat and a retard spilling the retarded jewish talking point for the whites.
Yep. Also, real lyricists don't get play.
its just a symptom of mental instability
>you might aswell be saying blue haired lefties have a point because they look alike.
Foe SHizzle my Nizzle
I listen to Bones and $uicideboy$
You revel in what you are. If you're a loser, you revel in failure. Its as simple as that. Its a coping mechanism.
The Finn calling someone else a mutt. Now thats a niche form of shitposting.
>we just didn't know about that REAL dank rap, that's the problem.
See, this is your problem. You've let your hatred of black people pervert your sense of quality. If niggers associated themselves with the internet, you might actually leave this place.
spoken like a true middle aged white man
>literally entirely jewish produced music
>has destabilized black families for decades
hmm yeah doesn't seem degenerate at all go- I mean friend.
haha not at all
>Neo-nazis oh wait alt-right new right the name of the month listen to nigger beats and use nigger beat terminology
>call everyone else degenerated
>that cognitive disonance
>17 years old
God, your taste in music music physically hurts. Mixing death metal with hip hop is like letting your corn touch your mashed potatos.
ok, it's literally for only half the song and he doesn't scream in his other songs. Calm down autist.
Hip hop is nigger tier
yes goyim
Gucci gang Gucci gang Gucci gang Gucci gang Gucci gang Gucci gang Gucci gang Gucci gang Gucci gang
Rap is shit no matter what era it is from
All they do is rap about money, drugs, sex, and DA STRUGGLE.
College students will listen to this garbage and become disgusting degenerates as they emulate what the song is preaching.
0 redeeming qualities
Future is redpilled as fuck:
>Two cup nigga got the red in me, the Ku Klux Klan in the streets with me
>Wake up in the morning I see girls everywhere, I see bales everywhere, I see scales everywhere, I see hell everywhere
nice try OP
Best rap
I like how niggers evolved from ruining and rapping in neighborhoods to ruining and rapping in colleges.
>muh institushonalize racis did this
it's all trash and white people are helping to promote negros
no wonder white woman keep fucking blacks
Bleeps and metal are the true red pilled genres
In my college if you go to any party it's rap music, white women love rap music, sad but true. I'm in my early 20's and women wear pink floyd,led zepplin,black sabbath and other band t-shirts, even though they don't know any songs by them.
Rap music is the most popular genre so of course.
Its garbage, the old stuff, new stuff, its all garbage. Wiggers on pol dont want to admit it.
Rap is for sub-human degenerates who think they are an outlaw of society. If you want to listen to true music, then you're better off with things like this.
Its also the number 1 most listened to genre in the united states. Newfags on pol defend it as well because they are part of the majority.
>women like whatever music is popular at the moment without even knowing anything about it
Color me suprised
Yes, Jewish produced music that turns white youth into wiggers is “redpilled”
You need to fuck off and die with this bullshit.
No, it's literally babbling about nonsense and self caused problems and other sub-humans rapping, without rapping about solutions, instead rapping about superficial shit.
>Yeah but what about muh slow rap n shit, it finna swole wib libe wizdome muhfugguh.
Same shit but slow with drag.
fucking black women is
be careful. you're going to trigger a "real rap" autist who's going to drop youtube links to "smart rap" sung by a socialist commie nigger, or even worse, rap with some shitty hipster bent to it.
>You need to fuck off and die with this bullshit.
this is you
However, pre 2000 and early 2000s stuff is good if you know where to look.
enjoy your herpes
>I live in a chaotic hellscape of my own creation. I would ask you to make it end, by either saving me from my vices or ending my life, but both are unacceptable, because saving me would necessitate removing parts of me, like agency, that make humanity transcendent and life worth living, and letting me die before my time would be too cowardly. Because of this, changes will not occur, and the horror of that is something I constantly fail at avoiding.
That's equal parts triumphant, self aware, and depressing
That's Thru the Walls in a nutshell. Musically, Death Grips also just happens to be the best produced music of all time.
>This is an endorsement of degeneracy!
The bible does not endorse hell. Rap does not endorse the behavior, necessarily. I mean, glam metal is a thing, and no niggers were necessary. That was us. We took that smelly shit all by ourselves.
It's the most popular because ((they)) have been forcing it down everyone's throats for years.
It is programming. And it is working.
I bet you don't don't know what a niche is soyboy
Understand the difference between black men and niggers
>t. dark skinned pajeet
Anything made by niggers is useless.
You're right it is working, I've met a lot of white women who speak using ebonics/nig slang. The last party I went to the women were twerking to some raggae ooga booga monkey music, i mean white people in their early 20's really have no culture here, which must be why they emulate niggers as much as they can.
All for money, by Jews.
I can explain to you the appeal, but you probably already understand it. We are at a stage where human beings are questioning their own reality with respect to perception and identity. Neural network models have shown us that we are just computers, deterministic fuck machines destined to die.
it is the modern day story of Sisyphus, as the world burns you can watch or you can dance to the sound of screams. what is the point of human excellence when machine excellence far outstrips all human achievements?
it's literally just
I guess the talent goes to make the beats and who makes the art cover?
None of those retards can sing, with few exceptions. They are literally actors with no talent, some good producers and cultural retardation promoted to the entire world.
You can't even understand what the fuck they are talking.
Rap is white lad culture in Aus
I wish!!!!
Now let's listen to some rap music and embrace degeneracy! Fuck whitey and fuck all semblance of civilization and order! Right?
Most of it is fucking retarded but there are a few redpilled hip hop artists.
Calm down grandpa.
Are you mentally retarded?
You can't eat it, fuck it, or smoke it, so neither do you.
Only a few.
Rap is just filling the void where rock used to be
It's going through the same stages too. OPs pic is hair metal
Pick one, nog