Are there any non-whites that are aware that they are less evolved...

Are there any non-whites that are aware that they are less evolved? All non-whites I've met have had a severe case of the Dunning-Kruger effect, thinking they're equal to or better than whites.

I think that might be Western shitskins.

Jared Taylor says in his travels around Africa they openly admit the white man is more intelligent and colonization was helpful for their development.

I used to teach in a stem field. Excluding Asians, there was a noticeable difference in scores. Suggestion was to create curves to pass them to avoid being labelled as a racist. If it was a linear curve white students often had 110%+ scores.


lol what the fuck. you're either lying or there's a serious issue going on with your school/college.

i gave people the grades they earned. Statistically, Asians(including Indians) and middle eastern students typically outscored whites, whites did very well and blacks/hispanics were among the lower scorers. i didn't make the grades different, though, based upon that.

something interesting: when i reached out to low scoring students (typically black/hispanic ) and they responded, their scores went up dramatically. I've had more than a few cases where a failing student ends up with a B or higher by the end of the semester because they met with me twice or thrice a week get tutoring in office hours.

it's almost like there's a correlation between high scores and study time. I've found that blacks/hispanics just don't care about studying unless you pretty much push them into a corner.

nignogs (and those mixed with them - arabs, jews etc) literally fail to realize that they are not even human

>Never heard of race and IQ

I like that image. If it had source included I would even save it so I could post it later on.

no way this is true

>sidestepping entire post
>implying I ever denied that

congrats, you're a retard. you'd easily get an F.


Mexicanigger here, acknowledged! really hard to redpill muh fello subs. Funny thing is ive never felt more compelled to become the best version of myself; than after that realization. Playing catch up but im learning yur waiz


American in Rwanda here

I haven't met an African that has explicitly said they believe whites are superior, but the vast majority openly admit that white nations are superior. A significant portion of them dream of immigrating to the US, Europe, etc. Most of the men have a white woman fantasy/fetish.

I think the delusions of grandeur usually only occur in minorities that were raised in white, first-world countries; native Africans, raised in an African society, generally know their place.

How did you end up over there?

It's not there fault.

i believe myself to be white, but some germans on Sup Forums called me a shitskin
in any case, i believe whites to be clearly superior and the only race capable of building civilizations


Simplification of evolutionary line. Just paste any link to basic evaluation of human progress - will do just fine

I always get tripped out when some African nigger calls me boss or boss man even when I am not their boss. We fucked them hard when we colonised their shit

Work contract. I'm about 6 months finished out of a year. Can't wait to come back to the states, I miss white people.


They are evolved the same AMOUNT as us, everything alive has been evolving the same amount. They just diverged and evolved DIFFERENTLY, the evolutionary qualities are different.

That's crazy man.
Tell us stories about Africans

well you evolved into a faggot

Africans Jared Taylor's age thought that. They appreciated European contributions and understood how far forward they were pushed by Whites.

Judeo-American media has thoroughly seeped into Africa though. Younger Africans are either feral animals beyond recovery, as shitty as American niggers thanks to media, or hyper religious in isolated rural enclaves.

A few years ago I took a job assisting African families with the legalities of immigrating to America. I quit after meeting too many of them. I am today completely convinced of the need to exterminate the Negroid race down to barely reproductive populations on reservations.

>thinking you evolve into homosexuality

Clearly a big brain nibba

>I always get tripped out when some African nigger calls me boss or boss man even when I am not their boss. We fucked them hard when we colonised their shit

they are capable of sarcasm pal. I like to call people bossman or chief when it's clear they will never be anyone's boss, especially mine. If you do it in a friendly way it's cool, sorta.

Seeing as you're ruled by women, they're not, you're going extinct, they're not and they're literally conquering your country it's fair to say that they're objectively superior to you.

Ah. Dunning Krueger. That explains everything. Especially my colleagues.

its also just a testament to how different they are; a true us vs them situation. if only we could openly admit the differences and move forward together

The niggers in Africa initially were and had respect and gratitude for the White man for colonizing him, feeding him better, and keeping other tribes from eating him. then the Jews came in and gave the nigger marxism, egalitarianism, and the trotskyite word "Racist."

I never said they were being sincere but I would of thought once they got to a western country they would just start calling me a white dog. I guess abo's really are just retarded

>they are capable of sarcasm pal
in the south, the 60 IQ nigger I used to have to do yardwork called me "sir" even though I was 30 years his junior. He wasn't being sarcastic either, just semi-retarded.

Division I, Research Tier I university in the US. Not a joke. Soc Jus grading is a thing in the US. The choice was either grade on a massive curve or grade students by demographic independently. The latter is the goal, but it just felt inappropriate to give a white male student a 70 and black student a 90 for the same work.

Yeah, that tripped me out for the first month or two. Eventually you just accept it; I've met a few that are pretty intelligent, hard working people who never say it, but that vast majority are exactly as you described. You just have to accept a natural position of superiority in order to make it feel normal. This experience has definitely turned me into a full blown racist.

A lot of my time had been around the upper class in kigali, so I don't really have too many crazy nog stories because of that. Also I'm phone posting, so I don't want to type it all out.

I'll just that honestly, they're mostly more civilized than the niggers in the US - just really dumb and submissive, in most cases.

Ha. It's funny how experiencing Africa/Africans makes people racist.

I wish more liberals would come here. Redpills a'plenty.

Do you carry weapons over there?

Happened to me. I was a blue-pilled, 'everyone is equal' faggot until I took my first real job as an adult in a large city away from where I was raised (baltimore). I did a complete 180 on my views on race within 3 months of living there.