Prison school 233 Korean

Korean release
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obligatory namek comment

page 4

This arc hasnt finished yet? Do japs even like this series anymore


why are you tell that every week?
>Now skip to page 9


>why are you tell that every week?
In English please.



every week someone say STill namek and not over yet like he don't know what's this manga is.
page 12

page 13

>he doesn't know why people use the term "namek"
I want SEA Monkeys to leave.


and DONE

who's the best girl?

Pic related

>Meiko became a giant as well


okay, that chapter was pretty intense actually, that was cool as fuck. Fucking VP.

what does she say at the end?

Top kek

"The final weapon ...
It's still up to me."

>smug Kate

The bitch still has an ace up her sleeve, huh

it looks like.

does this seem like its ending any time soon? i wanna read but hate reading ongoing shit