JoJo thread

>[HorribleSubs] JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Diamond is Unbreakable - 31 [720p].mkv

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Never watched JoJo. Are the stands sexy?

But seriously though. How are they going to fit Koichi into Cheap Trick when he's kidnapped?
Are they going to make all events of this ark happen somewhere around the evening?
Or they are going to ignore Koichi appearance until like 3rd part?

Some of them are very sexy.



Cheap Trick is the last battle before Bites the Dust, it'll probably be a few days after Enigma.


It happens on the same day as Enigma and Superfly

>you lived long enough to see Superfly animated

teru season approaching

daily reminder Teru didn't deserve his fate

He already came in this episode Cheap Trick is happening right fucking now.

I am guessing that That's Not My Dad Part 1 will happen on Episode 2 maybe 3 and then That's Not my Dad Part 2/Another One Bites the Dust Part 1 (I thin this arc will end with the Kira reveal will be Part 4)


I mean Episode 4

dang this episode was pure kino

david does it again

contiued from last thread.
Jillian pocketed the wallet and then walked downstairs. "What would you like to eat, Jolyne?"

"Pancakes?" Jolyne asked, eyes shining

Jillian smiled. "Knew you were going to choose that." she said as she got to work making them.

Jolyne hummed to herself, as she watched

Jillian eventually finished and then took the pancakes over to Jolyne. "Syrup?" she asked.

"Just butter." Jolyne said, snapping the tray

"Alright then, just butter." Jillian said as she got out the butter and spread it across the pancakes.

"Thanks mommy." Jolyne waited for Jillien to feed her

Jillian smiled as she began to cut the pancakes up and then slowly fed it to Jolyne.

Jolyne savored each slice, smiling

"You're enjoying it, huh?" Jillian asked.

Jolyne eagerly nodded, her pigtail-bun things bouncing

Jillian chuckled as she fed Jolyne the last bite.

Jolyne burped, and giggled. "'Scuse me."

Jillian chuckled. "Now, time to go shopping?"

Jolyne nodded, excited. "Of course!" She grinned

If anyone asks why its written is such a werid way its beacuse its a saved rp from 2005. it gets good when the Enema stand comes in.

Episode 2 will likely start with That's Not My Dad Part 1 and then end Superfly and end with Josuke encoutering Enigma user.

Episode 3 will be the rest of Enigma and the start of Cheap Trick

Episode 4 will be end of Cheap Trick then That's Not Dad Part 2 and it ends with Kira walking down the stairs with his new hairstyle

Does it have a weakness?

I hope Hayato manned up and asked this cutie out after he outsmarted a time traveling catman-bomb stand.

What does it say about you when your stand looks like yourself in a skintight bodysuit?


I completely forgot how cool this was

>Jamming 3 arcs into 2 episodes

The absolute madmen

Taking webm requests

They're shitty arcs, so it's fine.

>hiding knives in calluses on your palm
This LITERALLY makes no sense. Even for Jojo.

Enigma is pure kino desu

If you dont sauce me, im gonna freak

This scene, when they're running away

Something to take away from what has to be the dumbest stand yet.

>My stand is an invincible prison, shaped like a power pylon, and its holding myself captive!


where can i find BD rips of phantom blood?they are not on

What the fuck david




More like Part 2 will be the second half of Superfly and the beginning of Enigma, then Part 3 will be the second half of Enigma with the beginning of Cheap Trick

There's no Part 4 but rather an episode with the second half of Cheap Trick and My Dad is Not My Dad, possibly the first chapter of BtD too.

That fourth episode will be named either Cheap Trick or My Dad Is Not My Dad

looks like early part 4 manga

It's out?
I thought it was coming out tomorrow
or is that another episode?

>For them, Kira is going to die 'tomorrow'.

Really makes you think...



jojo has been on friday every single day for the past 30 weeks

y'know... i cannot unsee that blue dangling cock from his hat

makes him more even more unsettling


It was being delayed on ONE channel out of three. Stop believing everything you read on the internet.

Echo Act 3

I really like how they compressed 2 really mediocre fights, and one short, but sorta interesting fight all into 2 episodes (maybe 3? do we know it's going to be a 2-parter?)

That's because MBS was delayed for a day, but this always happens almost every other week.

I enjoyed the 3 of them back in the manga

it's going to be 3 parts at least, you can't fit enigma in one episode and superfly isn't done yet


its 3 fights and each one is 6 chapters long.

it's a 3 parter.

Tried my hand at putting together the shot of Josuke turning into metal. If anyone spots any fucked-up bits I'll try to fix them

As jolnye sat down into the backseat of the car Jillian quickly drove of.
"Mom we just drove past the shopping mall!" jolnye whined

"we are not going shopping jolyne" Jillian said

"where are we going then?" jolnye asked curiously

"We are going to meet a friend of mine. His name is Joel"

"cool!" jolyne answered happily
as they parked outside of joels house jolnye welt something weird about it.
"It looks old like 1910 old" Jolyne said. As they entered the house jolyne noticed that is looked like a house of a hoarder.

"Is that jolnye?" Joel asked Jillian
"Yes. She came here to play with you"
"oh that's cool" he said as he stroked his neck beard.
"come down to my basement. i have some toys down there" joel said to jolnye
"oh OK. I hope you don't do anything not nice in there" jolyne said following him

this is where the anal vore comes in

Its crazy really. All of this shit happening in one summer. And on July 15th, it was supposed to be a day for a breather. Only it wasnt and the next day it gets a whole lot worse...

Why is this alien so cute

how can you tell? Its invisible.

He just is

>I'll try to fix them


Was he an alien?
Did Kira really start caring about Shinobu?
Why do people post cropped porn without source?
Anything else that one will wonder about for the rest of their lives?

Y-yeah. My Stand is the eraser tool in Photoshop.

Thank you.

Kinda strange how they cut off the whole "if he is an enemy, he will try to lure us somehow" dialogue, seeing how there is a comeback later about how he tricked them for doing the opposite.

That's pretty disappointing

What did Yoshokage's papi mean by this?

>yfw they use the same format for Green Day and Oasis, two fights going on at the same time for 3 episodes

Anyone else think that combining the four individual arcs into one long 4 part arc was a really good idea


I think it will end up being a 4 Episodes (As honestly Bites the Dust only needs 2 episode if they end it with Josuke appearing). They could easily do That's Not My Dad Part 2 and Another One Bites the Dust Part 1 (Ending with Kira's apperence) in the fourth episode


Actually thinking about it if Another One Bites the Dust resettled the day does that mean that SF,Enigma and CT never happened


As someone who actually enjoyed all 3 arcs I think it's a pretty good idea. There's a really big sense of tension going on in this episode ad i'd love it for them to keep it up

Unless they will have That's Not My Dad Part 2 and Another One Bites the Dust take place on July 16th

Yeah, it's really nice. Makes it feel like something bigger, and more suspenseful.

Everytime would stay the same until Hayato meets Rohan

BITE ZA DUSTO only goes back one hour, filthy speedreader

>Secondly, it lets a temporal loop occur after the killing; from one hour to one day earlier.

Those arcs are ridiculously long though, so it'd have to be at least 4-5 episodes.

Oh good, CR didn't change the name
>citing the wiki

"sigh" You know what - i am going to miss these guys. I do really like Part 5's cast but man Duwang Crew hold a special place for me.


Mikitake more useful than Okuyasu

They can do

Superfly,Enigma,Cheap Trick and That's Not My Dad in 4 episodes easily

14 chapters



>wrapping up part 4 quickly to move on to Vento Aureo

>Not using pic related

Who isn't?


>calling an actual bastard a bastard

Honestly i hope DP does that - that would be awesome

Post yfw Enigma got teased and you weren't ready for it

No bully

Goddammit I thought I was being clever.

But it was teased before the episode even aired


Is this the giant fucked up radio tower Pat was talking about?