Guys, this is too much
Guys, this is too much
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I agree
If regular trannies commit Sudoku at a rate of 40%, can you imagine how messed up these petri dish babies will be? Is this the goal of (((them)))?
How do I get off this ride?
Only two things would cause a revolt in the states
>taking guns by force
>out right outlawing religion mainly Christianity
>commit Sudoku
My sides
sickening isnt it, where will we all be in 20 years time, how can we confidently bring children into a world like this? id rather not have kids than send them to school to learn multiculturalism and the 4700 genders
Hell, if my transgender little bitch can cook a baby, I'm okay with that. Just need a donor egg. Make a swap with Lesbian couple, be happy.
This is one of the big things stopping transwomen from being able to fulfill their role as women.
Next up--- cyberpussy, so they don't have to dilate every day.
This has never succeeded and will not in the next decade. This is just a doctor trying to drum up money with false promises.
soon theyll have real fleshlights you can just install, and labia transplants etc
kys, degenerate.
>can't make even one decent looking human vagina
>want to make uterus
if this is even possible, all trans will be genocided before it happens
im almost sure they've made an artificial womb work already
Luddites itt
Better to impregnate one without the whore or the faggot that goes with it.
Last time I saw it was just a fancy incubator, not an actual uterus capable of growing life.
Keep me posted. Somehow I forseee a lot of dead feotuses
>how can we confidently bring children into a world like this? id rather not have kids than send them to school to learn multiculturalism and the 4700 genders
Don't bring children into this world to conform to it, bring them into this world to change it, violently if possible(who are we kidding, any non-violent change is pretty much impossible).
And don't give me that "but that's not fair on them" bullshit. Life and fairness are antonyms, I'm bringing children into this world because fuck this world and if my children are whiny bitch babies who don't appreciate the apocalyptic sandbox I'm spawning them into then fuck them to. They are mine for 18 years then they're free to cast themselves back into oblivion if they wish to, I'll just make more.
You mean this?
I think they are going to transplant a uterus from a woman. The last dude this was tried on died on died in the process though.
And not too much later Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany.
Yes, it's pretty revolting.
The fact someone took the time to make this is fucking great.
Imagine being this degenerate.
Technology is being used to ruin us, this is fucking fucked.
>tfw considering pointing out that the massive amount of post-up necrotic tissue in the "vagina" means that trannies can already give birth to living creatures through their """vaginas""" except they're not human babies but rather something that is small and white and wriggles around
>tfw decide against making this post because I know somebody will post an actual pic of it and I don't want to be responsible for inflicting that level of trauma on my fellow anons
this is a very commonly posted image on all boards and has been for years and years, you know.
I know, I still laugh every time I see it though.
Traumatize me, Captain!
Yeah, no. The fucking quack butchers responsible for pushing SRS as a treatment for gender dysphoria can't even get that shit right - MTFs are left with a rotting meat hole that has to constantly be forced open and douched with pharmaceuticals to keep it from healing over, and FTMs are left with skin tube that's constantly on the verge of necrosis. If these same nutjobs think they're going to pull of functional crossgender uterus transplants they're out of their fucking minds.
There are modifications that the human body is not designed to handle and we've found the limit over the last 20 years.
For the US: Taking away guns or hitting 10% Islamic population, or more likely both.
Artificial wombs > transgender wombs
What about an internet shutdown?
The one I know of for sure is the series of blog posts by the tranny who hates dilating and hates the body they ended up with and there are lots of dilation pics including greyish white pieces in the "vagina" that have gone necrotic from lack of blood flow and are rotting away
I don't have that pic saved but a lot of anons do apparently since it gets posted a lot
>I don't have that pic saved
That's the first good news I've heard in this thread.