Feminists want to Take Away Your Right to Own a SEXBOT

Feminists don't want men to turn to sex robots because it drives down demand for their real pussies.

They want to drive the "cost" of pussy up, making it valuable again.

Simple economics.

The supply curve was damped in olden days, because women were good and chaste.

So men had to marry the pussy to get the pussy. The "price" was marriage.

Now, imagine how little valued pussy will be when millions of realistic sexbots flood the western market?

Will there be a shitstorm over this? Because once women are irrelevant, feminism is reduced to being a joke

Shithead professor in England wants men to stay enslaved to the vagina:

>Maybe it’s time to take misogynistic sexual dysfunction more seriously. Maybe people who want to buy sex robots need to present the agreement of a couple of doctors, before they are judged emotionally restricted enough to need to retreat to such an inhuman fantasy. Or maybe, out of respect for women, this technology should just be rejected.


tl;dr: Feminists and their pet manginas are determined to take away our last chance at happiness in a world gone mad, anons.

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/_/search/boards/pol.x/subject/Knowledge Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/
archive.4plebs.org/_/search/boards/pol.x/subject/Various Shill/

Who wouldn't want a beautiful sex robot who happens to be cheerily multi-functional?

Frankly if scientists can get a good realistic sex robot to be the price of a car or thereabouts, then men will suddenly ignore biological pussy.

She cooks.

She cleans the toilets.

She recharges in a closet for a couple of hours while you are at work (battery tech is getting more and more amazing).

She will wash your car in your front yard, to the envy of all neighbor men.

And, really, imagine fucking a sexbot much like pic related every night.

All she wants to do is please you and then give you a relaxing massage (and only about half of the women I have ever dated could give a decent massage, or wanted to -- though they loved to get one).

Or a good hot bath where she washes your back and then hits all the fun spots with a glee indistinguishable from any other girlfriend you ever had. And better than most.

She can come programmed with audiobooks, too, for when you want to lay there in post-coital darkness and bliss and read a book.

She isn't mean; she doesn't have periods; she never gets tired.


Popp knows, anons. Popp knows.

>Sex with robots will be ‘the norm’ in 50 years, say experts. Men are considering the prospect with curiosity and a sense of humour.

> But academics and feminists are terrified and calling for them to be banned.


Also, what if you had a foot fetish?

>There would be a bot for that.

Also, what if your sexbot could come with a home patrol / home defense setting.

You could sleep soundly, even if you were forced to live in the Projects for some reason.

Also doesn't start a random argument over some bs that happened months ago and never gets old unless mature robofu is your thing and you don't have to go out with her only when you want to thus saving money

>Tfw arm/armpit fetish

>day 342
>still can't afford a sex bot
>need to stoop to using a human female

>doesn't start a random argument over some bs that happened months ago

This. Sexbots aren't into petty shit.

Women do not realize how good they have it in western countries.

Remember the based-as-hell comet landing? Pic is of a bitch who got upset that the man who worked tens of thousands of hours putting a probe on a comet (a fucking comet) was wearing a shirt that was a bit too risqué for her tastes.

Instead of shrugging and enjoying the accomplishment, she joined the feminist chorus of hate on this poor man.

This poor man who put a probe on a comet.

And his shirt ruined it for her.