Why are there so many anime girls making this sign all of the sudden?

Why are there so many anime girls making this sign all of the sudden?

>all of the sudden

It's the Japanese hand gesture for money.

>all of the sudden

First of all , second it's the fact you memesters suddenly care about that sign so you notice it more easily than before.

It means ok you stupid weeb

they are suddenly Italian

Doesn't that hand sign in Brazil stand for: ''I want to fuck''?

You just realize it more often because of meme culture.


This is conflicting to me, this is a vulgar gesture where I come from, it looks like you are holding a penis according to my people.

I think is cute.


I'm from Brazil and it does not.
W-wait, it does?

Emojis lmao




It means 666, these anime girls are all satan worshipers.








>this hasn't been posted
You disappoint me.




I don't know why I always waste my time with making shit like this


I hope you guys are joking



That sign means she wants to fuck, notice how fingers form a circle that looks like a vagina.


Invisible Cock







It wasn't even a thing but now its popping up everywhere, I don't understand the obsession with it.

the hand gesture is just right

Meme magic is real, folks.


I wanna stick my dick between Chiya's chiyas.






Why is Gween Tea so cute?

Lel what part of Asia are you from?

My wife Chiya is so cute

In Italy it means "Okay". In France it means "Zero". In Japan it means "money".
Have you ever considered that different cultures attach different meanings to different gestures? If you make that same gesture to a waiter in three different countries, it can mean "your service is excellent", "your service is shit" or "I want to pay" respectively.

I just came inside your slut wife, how do you feel?


Can confirm that in Brazil that means "I want to fuck / get fucked".

No, you're lying

That's a spicy meatball.

No you didn't!

>I don't know why I always waste my time with making shit like this
neither I but your autism is highly appreciated

Fuck off, Doc.

>all of a sudden


it's the size of her onahole


That represents her cunt being wide open for you.

Pic related is "okay". Doing it with the palm up like means "money".

Yukko is so cute when she's earnest, I really like it when she's trying hard and makes her eyebrows like this.

It's cute


It means "you are gay" weon.

support for the god emperor of course.

>all of the sudden

How was the new episode of Flip Flappers?