He's back and he's just put the final nail in the coffin of the Alt-Right

He's back and he's just put the final nail in the coffin of the Alt-Right.


What now racists?

Other urls found in this thread:


I can't wait for JF to rip him a new asshole.

Let's hooktube that.


He may have the most cringingly pompous voice I've ever heard.

I honestly can't take his opinions on biology or taxonomy seriously after he claimed that species-designations are a black-and-white science with no fuzzy gray areas whatsoever

PROTIP: there are many ways to define species, and biology has plenty of gray areas due to arbitrary human definitions not always lining up with what's actually happening in nature.

Remember when he called the donkey a sub-species of the horse? Good shit

He sounds like a legit autist.

The race issue constantly being brought up is divide and conquer. POL has had an affect on social discourse over the last few years. And the Jews want to stop that.

He already ripped him one two months ago but the autist kraut is too stubborn to admit being wrong.


Will gladly see him repeat it. It's fucking amazing how bad humans have been psy-op'd into thinking races do not exist.

hello newfag

>it's society, NOT BIOLOGY

Jesus christ does this moron really think that this damn argument hasn't been made since the VERY BEGINNING of this damn discovery?

Can you tell me why this faggot is all over Sup Forums also how and why did he get btfo'd.

Good to see someone already hook'd it.
Anyone linking directly to youtube is leddit/shill/newfag shitter that should gas themselves or lurk more.

I think it's over guys...I've been dreading his next release for months. After the first two I was dejected and went through a severe depression. How could I have been so wrong? After this biochemistry 101 lesson I feel like I might just kill myself.


This guy s fucking scum who has been completely destroyed he refuses to listen to Biologists and only gets his (((science))) from (((cultural anthropologists))).
There will be a complete refutation of his nonsense ideas tomorrow if not later today.

Kraut is not arguing about the classification of race here you idiot.

J-F is a cuck who said that the B-W will close.

Anyway, I watched Kraut's video, I dunno how to respond to his cucked geneticist's claims.


His entire argument actually in no way manages to disprove whether or not their are racial differences, the only argument Kraut manages to make here is that there is not enough genetic research altogether. In several instances it is even admitted that IQ is highly like to be genetically-based but it is illogically discarded because he thinks it's wrong to think in group dynamics. The fact that individuals are different means that by default groups, which are simply collections of individuals, are different too.

This lack in genetic research is of course entirely relatable to the fact that we live in such a liberal egalitarian society this day and age but the sociological evidence, that Kraut immediatly discards into the trash, makes it pretty obvious that there are observable group differences.

First off he is a German/Austrian with a extremely annoying fucking British-German abomination of an accent that makes him sounds insufferably full of himself no matter what he says.

He is a sceptic that started a twitter war with the Alt-Right after he shamelessly doxxed another sceptic-gone-Alt-Right(another half-Anglo/German by the name of RageAfterStorm) and then proceeded to make some extremely shittily researched videos to debunk the alt-right's argument that there are racial differences. His first video was essentially a massive strawman over semantics, namely what is the r/K theory, his second video has glaringly obvious falsehoods in it the undermining his entire argument and this video relies on the fact that genetic research are a very controversial and consequently somewhat ill-researched field of science.

Kraut and Tea allegedly spends months making these videos yes they are quite pathetic in their actual execution and has made him become extremely unlikable because of his big-brained arrogant attitude while making extremely poor "gotcha" arguments.

Just a quick comment at the beginning, he is making the claim that since we haven't found a direct genetic link to explain the IQ gap determined through sociology, therefore any explanation for the gap is pure speculation, and while this is ultimately true, it is equally speculation to assume it is NOT genetic. Its essentially a giant gamble we are playing with the future of humanity by ignoring the possibility that it might be genetic.

With that being said, even if we assume its purely environmental, the sociological data collected can still be used because people's IQ is not going to change once they reached adulthood.

The most glaring thing is that if a country has an average IQ of 85, and another has an average of 100, 38% of the population of the poor country that is in the slightly above average range will have an IQ between 85 and 100, which means that if they migrated to the rich country, they would DECREASE the iq of both countries, and similarly 38% of the rich countries population that is slightly below average could increase the IQ of BOTH countries if they migrated to the poor country.

As such even with a purely environmental explanation for the IQ gap, the migrant crisis is likely making both Africa AND Europe have a lower average IQ, and illegal immigration is likely doing the same with mexico and the united states

Now obviously you can avoid these problems by adopting merit based immigration, but that doesn't change the fact that current immigration policy (or lack there of) is insane given the data

Another brainlet german cuck. They're so easy to find these days.

Did he get doxxed himself also didn't he say he didn't dox rage and i never liked the guy 2bh i imagine him wanking ted talks every time he talks.

He is like a living smart wojak meme.

>is equally speculation to assume it is NOT genetic

This, but even this cuck said that he see intelligence as heritable, he talk about the gaps here.

oh no how will we ever recover

Mah dude, Destiny totally destroyed the Alt-Right weeks ago. Millennial Woes is still butthurt on Twitter.

remember when he claimed interspecies breeding wasnt possible and then used the mule as an example ?

when it comes to biology kraut is completely out of his depth...


he also said brown trout get pregnant

It's about the principle here mostly, the sceptic community prides itself on totally not being SJW yet they are quite willing to resort to using blatant SJW tactics themselves once people threaten their fragile little community which in Kraut's case was to inform RageAfterStorm's employer of how racist she was to get her fired.

He looks like one too



take that back


>MUH DATA says that things are going well just as they are, so I think humans should just conform to that
Wow, profound.

Bahahahhahahahahahahahahahhaha that pic is gold

Is that really him?

he said an awful lot of things in his video that genuinely triggered me . so much in fact that i showed the video to some fellow biologists and we had a fun time drinkin a shot every time we spotted him saying something incorrect or falacious .

that said the hangover was brutal ...

Sceptics argue like Jews.

>Ha! You said "thousands, but the data shows that it's actually 1,999, making it only ONE thousand, and 99.9% of another thousand. Guess I win this round."

Yeah we need to find the gens that make nigger stupid, nothing new.

Lol destiny


Who are these people who use historical figures as their avatars, and why do they have such a bland, rigid tone in their commentaries?

Well yes of course, China doesn't give a fuck about any morals or anything so they'll probably be the first to make genetically modified super-babies while we become Brazil 2.0 because race isn't real. But ye, with all the left-wing ideologues plaguing western academia it's unlikely that we'll have a whole lot of data any time soon. While I don't neccesarily believe in the cold-winter theory I do believe that signifcant seasonal change accross in Europe and East Asia contributed to higher average IQ in those region. Look at an IQ test, it's basically pattern recognition. Seasons are basically recognizable patterns and if you manage to prepare for the accordingly by say planting corn in the spring, harvesting it in the autumn and preserving it so that you have enough food for the winter then you will have a higher IQ survivablity and in the long term a higher-IQ in your population than a group that can survive of being hunter-gatherers.

Ye, these are some of the glaring mistakes I mentioned here


>not liking pompous voices

Refute it yourself you mindcuck. This attitude of letting other people do the work that you should do yourself is what is killing western society.

Now they are arguing that they have no examples of "environments making people dumber" but that isn't the propose mechanism. The mechanism is that certain environments require people to be smarter in order to survive. With the advent of technology this requirement is gone.

Similarly having dark skin is evolutionary advantageous in certain latitudes, but due to having buildings, the selective pressure is no longer there.

Why the fuck was my post deleted?

Anyway, read this: psychologytoday.com/blog/unique-everybody-else/201211/cold-winters-and-the-evolution-intelligence

Cold winter theory is shit.

In all his mystery-meat glory.

Sorry, wrong reply.

Let's play a game.

Explain how low intelligence would be selected for in Africa then, is surviving there 'easier'? Harvest isn't enough.

If there are no dumb genes then how are some pops less intelligent than others? They just don't have the super-rare smart genes?

what does this website do?

The winter latitude hypothesis relies on the concept of Farming + Winter

Let's you watch videos you can't watch in your cunt, download videos and doesn't give the person that uploaded it any views (might be wrong on the last one not sure).

prevents him getting views and be able to monetize on his bullshit

see My response if more credible, Africa has short season, high burden disease.

My guess if that their IQ has been deeply affected by the environment.

Could it be reversed? Maybe

Should we have to do that? Fuck no, it's not up to us to fix every shit.

Why does Destiny need a gun if black people are so friendly and safe?

>no comment reply threads

wow i am realy into suicide videos,
kinda love gore

It's really fucking cringy with non-anglos trying to speak in a posh british accent.


Kraut basically just parrots the commentary of geneticist "@chemsavant47" on Twitter. The guy seems like a pretty redpilled conservacuck, but speaks like a total liberal in the video. Anyway, they basically outline the "alt right science man's" hypothesis about race and IQ differences and explain how it is scientifically incomplete. They are right. His claims are a bit far-fetched because they are not backed by complete evidence and won't be scientifically accepted without a larger body of evidence that supports it. Good luck getting grants on researching this shit though. It's kind of like evolution but obviously not as studied. It's like how we know the theory of evolution is true and mostly right, but there really is no way to definitively prove it. Same with race and iq, for those of us who aren't emotionally attached to the belief that race and IQ are not genetically caused we will believe that intelligence is caused by genetics and linked with race because we know it's true even if their is no definitive proof. This obviously sounds ridiculous but humans are not 100% logical robots.


To defend against the straight cis white heterosexual male normal patriarchal men with benis.

Black Pigeon Speaks would reck this dude.

looks like a medieval protestant monk desu.


Can someone please stop him saying that. I dont feel comfortable in my safespace now.

It's more cringy when Swedes affect some faux-Hollywood accent


Actually, evolution itself is beginning to be questionned.

Neo Darwinism is getting shitted on recently.

The issue is that the 15 point IQ gap does not seem to go away no matter what is done.

The other thing that is important is that IQ isn't the only component of race realism, time preference is another thing.

Blacks tend to have a high time preference which means they prefer immediate rewards, while whites are more likely to wait. This difference is still present when you control for IQ

>The issue is that the 15 point IQ gap does not seem to go away no matter what is done.

Could be environment too in part, blacks do well in UK, I read studies and articles saying that even rich blacks has barely better condition than poor white.

Because these retards self segregate themselves, even rich, they prefer to stay with poor blacks, well, that's their fault.

>Blacks tend to have a high time preference which means they prefer immediate rewards

Could be tied to be less intelligent too, culture, many shit...etc

Anyway, our bias chose the theory that we want to believe, as long as we do not have definitive proof, there is no way to convince normies.

We failed with that, but "it's okay to be white" seems to do good to show the anti white propaganda

disease you say? have you ever looked at what europe looked like before the germanics came in and started to clear the woods and drain the swamps? the whole place was a malaria ridden hellhole

The general hypothesis as well as aspects, large or small, within the body of evidence supporting evolution has always been questioned and will most likely always be questioned and even not believed. That's a good thing.

It's certainly not just beginning.

Density of population wasn't the same.

The point isn't to claim that one environment is harsher than other, just that it bring different effects.

Africa's environment made them more divided too, so much more sensible to diseases.

Yeah, considering the rise of epigenetics too.

I don't think I've met or heard of a single normie that got convinced by 100% science facts on anything really. You can just say that blacks/sand-nigger are inherently less intelligent and more criminal and cite much more understandable sociological evidence, things like twin-studies and just in general the consistent behaviour of a group regardless of socio-economic status.

Blacks don't do well in the UK, their criminality is similar to the US, at 3% of the population they commit 14% of the crime. American Blacks are 12% of the population while committing 40% of the crime. There's no IQ data but test results have similar black-white achievement gaps. There is a subsection of British blacks that do well, first generation Igbo, but this is likely due to immigrant restrictions selecting for high IQ skilled labour (skimming the top end of the bell curve)

you mentioned short seasons and high disease burden now you shift goalposts to "population density" do you know the respective population density of europe and africa in the past?

whats your actual argument here? in what way did africa influence ppl to stay dumb whereas europe asia and the middle east brought forth highly intelligent human groups.

besides africa also brought forth high intelligence groups just that pretty much all of them are exclusively non sub saharan africans but caucasian arabs/mediteranean groups.

honestly the world in which the IQ gap can be fixed is ultimately a better world, as this ultimately means that eventually they will stop trying to come into our countries

Yeah, thought that there is no proof that nigger and sand nigger are more genetically predisposed to commit crimes.

Singular genes do not explain crime, otherwise, it would be much higher, including MAOA (asians have the highest rate of that btw).

Twins studies aren't enough, we all know that intelligence is highly heritable, problem is that it does not necassarily explain the gaps.

First both the UK and Canada have a much lower incarceration rate than the US. Secondly, incarceration does not exactly equal criminal activity. Thirdly, blacks in the UK and Canada are more than 3% among the crime-prone age cohorts. Add urban residence and high youth unemployment and the overrepresentation is not that high. Neither is the incarceration rate per capita

>you mentioned short seasons and high disease burden now you shift goalposts to "population density" do you know the respective population density of europe and africa in the past?

Yes, see youtube.com/watch?v=MMhMov-1VqU for example.

Also no, didn't move goalpost, just didn't explain everything.


Africa's environment, thanks to their kind of disease and seasons, made the africans more divided...Etc.

Oy vey! There's nothing wrong with racemixing goyim! The black africans who lived in mud huts and were using spears and bows to hunt animals are just as intelligent as the white europeans who invented architecture, construction, literature, mathematics, universities, iron working, metal casting, machinery, printing press, gunpowder, physics, astronomy, chemistry, currency, and sailing.


Bruce Lahn was forced to stop his research when he found genes correlating to brain development, size, and that they were present in europeans/mid-east and not africans.

Just google "Bruce Lahn censored", he was a harvard geneticist.

So this guy talking's points are "we already have some proof and know how to find more, but P.C. censorship shut it down. Therefore you don't have evidence and your lack of evidence is indicative of a lack of it rather than its active suppression."

you dont need to show that singular genes explain crime. we have long established data and studys that show that crime is directly corelated to iq. violent crime is most prevalent in sub 90 iq groups while nonviolent crime like tax fraud or elaborate scams are most prevalent in relatively high iq groups of 115+

>you dont need to show that singular genes explain crime. we have long established data and studys that show that crime is directly corelated to iq

The correlation is very weak and again, if it was the only factor, crime would be much much worse.

Brain size do not explain high intelligence.


Nigerians have high cranial capacity.

You're Canada, you have tons of Chink migrants so that doesn't lend alot of credit to your points seeing how they're of a similiar/higher IQ than Canda. Even then it's impossible with the massive birth-rates in the low-IQ parts of the world. The only reasonable thing that can be done is to actually convince the people and get politicians to close the doors to brown foreigners.

If you argue with normies then it doesn't matter how 100% scientific it is. If your assertions are reasonable than it's good enough.

the most significant thing that suggest a genetic iq racial difference is the fact that mean IQs tend to regrees to the mean about 50%.

Since the causes of IQ are about half genetic, half environmental, if you took a sample of 100 IQ black people and then had them breed with each other, the offspring will have an average IQ of about 92.5.

This is because the 100 IQ black people are likely to have that 100 IQ for both environmental and genetic reasons, so the 50% that is environmental goes away for the next generation, and then the environmental effects start causing differences surrounding the 92.5 IQ mean

Just the first 2 minutes of the video are absolutely wrong. Gwern has compiled mountains of evidence that IQ is genetic. Identical twins raised in different environments have very close IQs, genetic studies of people with similar genes have similar IQs, etc.

I'll try to make it through the rest of the video to see if it gets better. But the strongest argument so far is literally "hur dur IQ comes from social sciences not biology therefore it's not science". Which is just wrong and not even a good argument if it was true.

it wasn't size, it was more subtle. google it yourself

>First both the UK and Canada have a much lower incarceration rate than the US
I'd hypothesise this is because they have less blacks than the US
>Secondly, incarceration does not exactly equal criminal activity.
It doesn't, but it's a very good indicator. However, there have been studies on victim reports vs. incarcerations and the ethnic makeup correlates almost exactly, this means that there isn't a racial bias against blacks inherent to the police or judiciary.
>Add urban residence
Comparing whites in London to blacks in London they are overepresented at an even higher level, at 10% of the population they commit over 50% of the violent crime
>and high youth unemployment and the overrepresentation is not that high. Neither is the incarceration rate per capita
You could be right, I haven't seen the data for that but I'm sure that even controlling for it you'd still see blacks severely over-represented. I would argue high youth unemployment is in part due to genetic factors such as low IQ anyway.

The Ockham's razor answer is genetics, it's the simplest and most likely explanation for racial differences

Normies have their own BIAS too, it's much worse against them.

>I'd hypothesise this is because they have less blacks than the US
You should compare per 100.

>It doesn't, but it's a very good indicator. However, there have been studies on victim reports vs. incarcerations and the ethnic makeup correlates almost exactly, this means that there isn't a racial bias against blacks inherent to the police or judiciary.

Never implied otherwise

Anyway, I saw the data, since it's not really the same.

>The Ockham's razor answer is genetics

Depend of your bias, the ockham razor can mean environment or genetics depending of our bias.

Chinese actually have less kids than whites so they are not as much of an issue. We can likely convince people to slow down immigration due to not wanting foreign language ghettos popping up.

Also Chinese people keep leaving China to escape the Communist Party, wether that be for ideological reasons, or they want to run away with their wealth, or they are being sent to Canada by the Communist party in order to influence things. Either way though, China's birth rate is actually lower than that of Canada's so its not likely to continue forever

The UN estimate that the world population is going to level off an eventually shrink. In such an environment, the future belongs to those who have children.

Even without genetics factors being considered, the Haredi Jews with their 6.2 birth rate are likely to take over israel, and the Amish are one of the fastest growing groups in the US

A committed effort on the part of secular traditionalists can means that the degernate ways pushed on the entire world's population keeping their birth rate low would lead to us eventually taking over.

There is actually even a religious movement in the US who are currently dedicated to having massive families in a 200 year plan to take over called the quiverfull


Oh god it gets worse. He spends the next 4 minutes talking about how he will refuse to believe any claim about genetic correlations just because he doesn't like them. It doesn't matter how many studies are done or how strong the evidence is, how large the sample size, how carefully controlled, etc. He will refuse to even look at it.

He will only accept evidence that shows the exact mechanism that could cause a gene to increase intelligence. Since we have little idea how the brain even works and genes interact in ridiculously complex ways, this is of course impossible. It's also unnecessary since correlating a gene with IQ should be more than enough proof that intelligence is genetic.

This guy is a complete clown. Do not waste your time.

Found the chink. Nothing makes me cringe more than seeing non anglos speak with the british accent.

We didn't invite all those things, the chinese invented gunpowder the printing press and also currency is Mesopotamia.

>He spends the next 4 minutes talking about how he will refuse to believe any claim about genetic correlations

Well, skin color highly correlate with IQ but skin color do not explain IQ. I also heard that skin color is actually a proxy for disease..Etc

>this is of course impossible

Research is getting better, so saying that it's impossible is baseless.

>gene with IQ should be more than enough proof that intelligence is genetic

There is no consensus on intelligence.

Canada doesn't have racial crime statistics and all the jails are brown red and black.

Maybe I mistake it for an another country, I'm 100% for UK though.

No you are wrong and you can't admit it.

>Singular genes do not explain crime
This is not the claim, genetics are only occasionally a case of "this one gene expresses this one trait", it's a complex interaction of multiple genes.
>Never implied otherwise
Then what was your point in saying incarceration rates =/= rates of criminality? That's the only reason I could think of for you to mention it
>Depend of your bias, the ockham razor can mean environment or genetics depending of our bias
No, there is proof for the genetic basis of racial differences, there's no proof for an entirely environmental basis. The question isn't genetic vs. environmental, the question is how genetic is it

I need to check before claiming that I said anything wrong.

Or just give me sauce then. I'm not wrong on UK in any case.