>Americans that claim to be white
Americans that claim to be white
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A being that only exists to consume being whiter that him
You are staggeringly mistaken. American demographics look way, way better than yours. Mexican and Nigger birthrates continue to crash, while Conservative Christian Whites are above replacement.
We may actually be able to recover our country, because white people in our country do not want to go extinct.
The British, on the other hand, have pathetic birthrates and they're only falling. You have no religious culture--which means you have no culture at all. Even if every shitskin in the country were killed, your race would only shrink from this moment on.
I do not heed with any respect or interest le 56% meme. We are culturally superior to you, and we will hold this country. It is you who cannot even express a sensible plan to save yours--you are literally, in your post, BEGGING us to come and save you.
If we're le 56% meme, why do you want us? Aren't we just mongrels? Nevermind that it's been scientifically proven that American whites are staggeringly pure. Nevermind that your own words make your retarded demand nonsensical.
No no. Nevermind that you're retarded. The premise is retarded on its face, and then your arguments are retarded and low-information, and finally your proposed solution makes no sense whatsoever.
Frankly, I'm done with Bongs. Call me when you have a culture again.
America...You fear to go into that country.
The jews jewed too greedily and too deep.
You know what they awoke in the darkness of the big apple.
And it's beautiful.
Everyone knows that the only real white people left on earth are white american men.
I see the mods are doing a great job
some of us have ayy dna
>Commies that claimed to be human