At 9:45PM EST The United States of America will launch tomahawk missiles at North Korean nuclear silos as well as other strategic locations, in collaboration China will begin to move ground troops southwards into North Korea.
trig if bue
leaf wastes epic get
news at seven
At 8:45PM EST Blumpf will be impeached so the tomahawk launch will not be attributed to him
hahahahahahahah fucking split mate
Bullshit, if this info was real the Norks would already know and prepare for the attack.
Go fuck off with your leaf talk eh
If this is true, and it’s not, I hope they find you and hang you for treason in front of the whitehouse.
Why would a leaf know about that?
Special gook connexions?
kill yourself
Gonna try this again, huh?
lol trump got baited
>being this dumb and not knowing about vpn’s on Sup Forums in 2017
I'm probably the only leaf to speak as such my main burgoid, did that not split your sides either brother?
Even if user is just making it up, we could meme it into existence. Kek wills it.
tfw I am not the only Slovak in here
Oh great... another time traveller posting spoilers on Sup Forums.
>thinks he can meme a missile attack in conjunction with a land invasion in less than 12 hours
Hurr durr praise kek!
>putting "sage" in all fields on Sup Forums in 2017
#sage goes in all fields keks
You do mean, "daylight savings time traveler," yes?
Yes pray for war you faggots
How do you know about sage but not s vpn. Did you just use yahoo search to discover google or something?
Just wanted to imply OP was a gook
huge if blue
Says nervous insider for the 4th time this month.
and you know this 8 hours ahead of time
sounds like it is gonna be a real effective attack
God I wish.
Wig if blue.
reported this post to MILINT for violating operational security.
Fake and Canadian
its turdeau, he skipped the meeting to give us all this info, based turdeau APOLOGIZE Sup Forums
North Korea doesn’t have “silos”
Go larp someplace else nigger
Humongous If not wrongous
In all seriousness though
Kys larper
Fuck off leaf.
Rig if nue
reported and saged, you all should too. Nothing here but baity larp
Okay. Wait until I get done at Sam’s Club. I need shit for the office.
ban the leaf if it doesnt happen? say aye those in favor