>when a southern european says he's white
When a southern european says he's white
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Lmao rekt op with one pic
I am white
You are not white. Varg said in his comment greeks are mixed, you are mixed
he has always said everyone in Europe is mixed to a degree, some more than others
>when you're a schizophrenic convicted murderer that tells people to go off the grid while still using internet
>You are not white. Varg said in his comment greeks are mixed, you are mixed
That's an italian female. How is she not European? Just curious.
Remove flag.
>posting a tranny
You are much more mixed than others. Northern europeans are almost 99% white if not 100%. You're an arab
>>posting a tranny
How is this "tranny" material ? Just curious
show us your real flag you faggot
it has a man face
careful there, you're leaking some butthurt
why don't you show me your flag, shitskin
>You're an arab
That's a portuguese woman.
How is she an arab? Just curious.
>You are much more mixed than others. Northern europeans are almost 99% white if not 100%. You're an arab
He is right, Greeks are mixed, they got mixed with more Europeans
Nice argument, shitskin. Go worship dead jew on stick
shill thread, just sage and leave.
(((meme flag)))
I've been to Southern Europe and Northern Europe. I only saw African/Euro couples with mulatto babies in the North, especially in the Netherlands. This was at an alarming rate too when I consider that I was only there for such a short time, I'm more worried for Northern Europe than I am Southern Europe at this point
>it has a man face
That's a macedonian female...How is she not a tranny ? Just curious
his idea of "mixing" is much older
he basically thinks Europeans are mostly neanderthals with some sapiens, with the former being the true Europeans
in one video for instance he suggested that Iberian darkness has to do with groups of Neanderthals(Europeans) that just mixed more with Sapiens in north Africa compared to, say, Indo-European "Neanderthals", who would be more pure
I don't know why they would say that, there are no "whites" in Europe.
Yes, he is bit delusional and crazy, but that's why I like him
Women with boy-faces are hotter
>convicted murderer
What was the motive ?
Fuck racists!
stabbed to death a mentally unstable commie faggot who apparently had plans to torture and kill him, which is quite believable, given the whole Dead(suicidal member of Mayhem) affair
they asked if he was going to church >:^(
Looks like strong woman to breed, perfectly good. You are homosexual perhaps you like tiny woman who looks like boy and brakes hips while giving birth or cleaning the house, maybe you clean for her Kek
Italians are NOT white.
>mentally unstable commie faggot
Nothing of value was lost then.
Daily Reminder that Southern euros are the masterrace
he was in a death metal band and decided his bandmate had become more evil than him and he couldn't allow that.
lol, I hope it's not the same """study""" which claims significant african admixture in the Japanese as well based on a handful of shitty markers
>from State College, Pennsylvania
looks like we better get the white sample of France from Paris, huh?
>implying that getting the sample from the deep south will improve the results
We are not white. I don't want to be lumped with snowniggers.
>don't stop masturbating
who would win in a fight Varg or Bowie?
>when a retard with a ''white supremacist'' meme flag claims white is an ethnicity, and then goes on to say it''s a race like a fucking dipshit
I'm whiter than you, mother fucker. Meds are the master race you cocksucker.
>when americans say they're white
>death metal band
Oh sweet summer child. Black metal it was and black metal is the only true red pill.
varg is basically a crypto-communist himself though
>Got mixed with more Europeans.
No wonder the Greeks fell from grace.
Varg is the ultimate northern death machine. Rumours have it that Trump plans to drop him off over North Korea to level the entire country through his inhumane karate skills.