Daily reminder Nordics are the Master Race
Daily reminder Nordics are the Master Race
Jews are, you silly goose!
>can't even create a civilization
nice try parasite
Aborigininals are about as far below blacks as blacks are below whites. 55 average IQ, fucking primative as fuck cranial structure.
is this ms paint?
better quality next time so i can use it to trigger niggers
While the Africans were building pyramids, Nordics were struggling to place large stones in a circle.
yet we are forced to appriciate their garbage culture because of white guilt
Nordics are the most self-hating overly empathetic and guilt-ridden cucks on the planet.
>gets conquered and enslaved over and over again
Lies, khazarian ashkenazis did not build that. Khazarians were known as bandits who learned the black arts from Babilonia and migrated to Europe. Mongrels with blond hair.
How's prison mate?
>muh Khazar myth
I bet you kiss girls faggot
How's it being surrounded by countries that want to destroy you and the only thing stopping them is daddy america?
Yes since I don't have the mongrel-turkroach genetic make up to be gay like the khazarian immigrants do in Europe.
Better than being surrounded by every deadly animal imaginable
It's Nordic, Germanic/ Anglo (a germanic tribe), Celtic.
I bet your mother beat you when you were a child
Nords are the niggers of whites.
>Steal shit
>Obsessed with status
>Constantly talking shit
>Socialist nature because cucked by winter repeatedly
No we did not fallow Talmudic laws
So you were
Uncuck your countries first.
If you are not master in your own home, you dont get to make such claims
Troll food
Kike, you better don't use this degenerative jew strategy here. It doesn't work.
Wtf I hate Jews now!
Your sourceless ms.paint picture completely changed my mind on Jews! 14/88
Objectivly they are the best HDI, scientific discoveries per capita, Aristoteles has no clue about anything nord of macedonia.
Japanese, Koreans, and Chinese are objectively better than Eastern Europeans, to be honest. But I still like the Slavs, they have high level bants.
>Building Pyramids
Don't blackwash Egyptian/Arab history Jamal.
>le deadly animal meme
We've virtually exterminated everyone
Don't eat the troll food
Do I need to mention that one time? Or will you save the shame?
Swedes actually
You are surrounded by deadly animals all the time.
Looks yummy in my tummy though
>slavs are inferior meme
You are a lucky bastard, you know that?
I don't hate you. I pity you. I genuinely think you and your people were cursed by my god. Pontius Pilate: I am innocent of this man's blood. See you to it.
Your people killed the son of god and thus you'll suffer for it.
Convert and end the pain.
How so?
>a literal extermination program we called of because of bad weather vs getting conquered and enslaved all throughout history
How so? for our future looks brighter than ever
It's in the Bible, cain (the jews/Babylon Talmudists) was marked in the forehead for killing their brother and have to go from place to place like a nomad ! ever since.
You do realize all of your ancestors were criminals and rapists right?
Nope all free settlers mine, yours on the other hand were parasites.
Sure they were
honest advice: yall been poking the bear a little too hard and fast in a world of decentralised news reporting
Friendly reminder that Europe ends at the Pyrenees.
As I said. Convert and end the pain. Convert, and find a home with Christ in the Roman Catholic Church.
Hey Jew we all know you're the only lier here.
oy vey
You're slightly less dysfunctional gypsies, Shlomo.
>Daily reminder Nordics are the Master Race
Oh no, how can you tell?!
t. Arabs in denial
Generalization and stereotyping. You've also got that snarky Jewish sarcastic attitude.
>pic related oldest statues in history, circa ~7300 BC
>Generalization and stereotyping
You mean like you do to Jews everyday?
>You've also got that snarky Jewish sarcastic attitude.
What are you gonna do, crucify me?
Hey at least arabs are capable of creating their own civilization, they aren't parasites like you rats. :^)
>muh is ra el
Nice pic
Was that supposed to be an insult? Try again
>You mean like you do to Jews everyday?
You Jews have earned it through years of theft and deceit
>What are you gonna do, crucify me?
I wish
This is not a bait btw
>You Jews have earned it through years of theft and deceit
You do realize you just showed your logical fallacy?
>I wish
So you could pray to me in your bedroom for the next millennia or two?
its time to go
This jew is going to jail for stealing NATO submarine tech. What a parasite.
I know parasites have no shame in the fact that they're parasites, that's what allows them to continue being parasites. :^)
>le nordic
>le matsur rac
>You do realize you just showed your logical fallacy?
More Jewish tricks I see
>So you could pray to me in your bedroom for the next millennia or two?
t. Ashkenazi whos fore mothers got C H R I S T I A N E D
I think it's very obvious that pic related is created by a member of the "Aboriginal and African" race. Please learn about the different human races before you start a bread with with weird claims and graphics.
To your government for my free submarines? you bet!
bet you got bullied in school
>implying nordics created or were civilized until meds conquered them
>Southern and Eastern European
These should both be at the top too
Guaranteed you were abused by your parents.
It isn't strange that burgers are controlled by the we wuz kangz propaganda.
Sounds like something a soyboy would say
It's shitposting. Only blacks are genuinely dumb enough to ever believe.
>Friendly reminder that Europe ends at the Pyrenees.
That was a meme spread by Napoleon after his forces got repelled by Iberian Peninsula forces
>falling for wartime propaganda this hard
this desu
we are the sarmatian master race
>Not Jewish propaganda
>hundreds and hundreds of years ago
>societal order was a tenuous concept as it was, and foreign invasion was a common problem
>modern day west
>ordered societies with clear laws and punishments. foreign invasion not a meaningful threat.
Wow, you sure showed us, debtor. You're totally right. Vikings that invaded and conquered lands in the 900s are definitely the same thing as welfare-addicted nignogs who squander any opportunity to conform to a successful society and instead choose to die in their 30s and generally be massive parasites.
Pay denbts first, and then kill yourself.
I never said anything about it all being Jewish propaganda only that blacks are the ones who believe it.
am i nordic pol?
>am i nordic pol?
Just wanted to clarify who is the problem. We would never have a black problem if the Englishite jews did not control the crown.
Cos you're a cunt
>it's been milenia
>snownegros are STILL mad as fuck and suffering from inferiority complex
Reminder that everything north of Gaul is BARBARIA -Franks included-.
Reminder that everything south of Algeciras is BARBARIA.
you are a slav.
u re a mongol
Not so fast kike.