ANTIFA tries to buy a gun
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>I'm not black...
>...I'm first nations...
A real pocahontas. Mein sides are in orbit
what the fuck is wrong with this person
What a goblin
*teleports behind you*
>is it a girl?
>it identifys as male
>oh ok
lol wtf
fat and stupid comes to mind
>do you sell to kikes
>uh what
>do you sell guns to jews
>well that's surprising since you're a nazi
dude lmao
What dont you understand?
>We're all law abiding in our own ways xD
Jesus christ this fat fuck is so autistic
That thing is clearly mentally retarded.
I´d lose it.
holy fuck. throwing 3 bibles, can't catch a breath. that's what we're going to face in the race war.
Fucking lmao
>that's functionally nice of you
Why does he need to add the word "functionally"? Is he too smart for us?
What does (s)he say at the beginning?
>nothing too calmly at sweeties jews
When you try to trigger a literal Nazi with your superior atheist antifa brain power and it fails miserably.
Who are these jackasses?
>I mean, your flag says Don't tread on me, so I can do what I want.
Jupp, seems like it.
They should've arrested that rural and suburban retard the moment he gave the false report to the 2nd officer.
>"She said she was going to take them and burn them."
umm no sweetie, you offered for her to burn them, she didn't say that.
USA needs a LOT of gas.
Are you sure you can fix your trade deficit burger bros? Looks like you are going to import a lot of suspicious substance from Germany
who WAS in the wrong here?
>the absolute state of the left
>she identifies as male
top fucking lel
triggered commie?
WTF did I just watch?
the autism....holy shit.
Is this real?
Oh God.
clearly that fat redneck duck dynasty lookin motherfucker that set up a camera to entrap a customer because he "dun don't liak dat she looked funny hurr duurr"
She clearly says thats what she was gonna do with them.
>identfies as male
god for inventing the bible
>using an ass cancer having leftist faggot as a reaction image
>inb4 big if true
This is the funniest shit i've seen this weekend thank you OP.
>Gets winded from tossing a couple books
This guy is so awkward.
You don't need to be mad, friendo, it's just an image.
mentally ill or just a commie?
Wow that was easily the cringiest thing I have ever watched. Maximum autism, i kinda want an Antifa bitch to come into the gun store I work at
it's passed over hate from that retard becoming a cuck
>literally has his wife's son
>wet or moist
Can I get a rundown?
post antifa super humans
Average day at United states of Burger.
you're right, stupid question.
Most gun shops have cameras.
Yeah, I took the bait but I'm bored.
>you will never be able to bulk this hard
why even live m8s
>out of breath from throwing a few books on the roof
I shouldn't be surprised considering I see people wait in line and take elevators just to skip a flight of stares every morning, but damn...
fucking exhausted from throwing a book, at least that whale got some exercise
Can we bring back insane asylums and partial brain removal? Or just gas chambers.
Unfking believable!!!!
Wipe that piece of shit off the face of earth God!
Who raised that thing?
>at least that whale got some exercise
makes no difference when they just eat it all back in a few minutes
>"loves Jews"
>disrespects their holy book (First Testament)
Antifa education.
Forced sterilization.
But are these Bible's free? I have lots of friends... LMAO
Can't understand shit at what the numale is saying where the subtitles at
I'm getting pretty tired of this shit
this is the flag that it thought was a nazi flag
this thing has literal autism though
>How many people do you need to lift up an America
Karuks are literally the worst.
Fucking props to the owner, there is no way the average punter or bloke would have tolerated that shit.
Ok wtf, everytime I see this shit its never answered, WHERE THE FUCK DID ITS PANTS GO!? Like ok this fat whake was having a heart attack from being fat, so cut its shirt off, but why no fucking pants? WTF
Also watched entire op still unsure if man or women.
This was hilarious holy shit
I think I get it now, starvation through communism is these fat fucks only chance of actually losing any weight, it's like a diet plan for them
Watched this 3 times now. It perfectly sums up 2017 in burgerland.
American living abroad, I'd love to be a gun shop assistant just to educate anti-gunners who walk in from time to time. I walked in to ask a shop owner some about guns because I didn't know shit and he was legitimately helpful. Too bad that they all seem to be retired special forces or bodybuilders. I've got 4 years USAF under my belt, but I never dealt with weapons too much.
Any chance of getting a job as an assistant or some shit, or do they only hire absolute professionals? Guns as a hobby is something I'd love to do when I'm out of the service; I couldn't get too involved when I lived with family because my brother was bipolar and we didn't want a gun in the house
this gun store is in Olympia Washington(home of Evergreen State College whom you all may remember from the 'bret weinstein' incident)
the owner of this gun store is a great guy. after I moved here last year he politely and patiently explained to me the state's gun laws and started me on the route to getting my concealed carry permit and also sold me my first in-state gun. :D
here is a audio clip of him shitting all over washington's latest gun control law requiring person-to-person sales to be signed off by an authorized FFL. he calls the law one word 'GARBAGE'
private sector arms FTW
You know we're going to post this video every time you retards out yourselves?
>are you drunk or have been taking drugs? No. Oh, except hormones. Oh wait testosterone isn't a drug.
what's the version of the american flags with the ring of stars called?
And then she'll get charged with antisemitism haha
They doing cpr on the Michelin man or something?
3% flag
>yfw most gun owners are actually more mentally stable than anti-guns and people shown in OP's video
What a waste. He could have fed an entire starving African village with all that spaghetti.
leftist are losing their minds
Betsy Ross flag
The last few seconds had me fucking dying. You can't even tell what gender these people are. Never eat fucking Soy ladies and gentlemen. Never.
>No, I love Jews
Lol wut
What a disgusting pig.
No but those compressions may have ended her life.
veritas aequitas
means truth and justice
but the libtard is afraid of it because of the 'nazi' font, the 'nazi' cross, and vaguely swastikish celtic knots
probably also vaguely relates it to the investigative reporting unit: project vertias which is also nazi so its clearly just nazi flag nazi nazi flag nazi flag nazi nazi... *head explodes in liberal retardation*
yeah lol how does that even make sense???
>Any chance of getting a job as an assistant or some shit, or do they only hire absolute professionals
Should be pretty easy, don't think they're too picky about "pros only" or anything
Fucking hell
/r9k/ meets /k/ in the guns store
>charged with antisemitism
Not how it works in burger land