Just read up some stuff online and decided to fact check

Just read up some stuff online and decided to fact check
Blacks make up 13 percent of american population according to US census Bureau but they commit 53% of all homicides according to Burea of justice statistics. bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/htus8008.pdf
This kind of highly disproportianate ratio of population vis a vis crime almost justifies the cops that tend to get jumpy around all black males wouldnt it ? Why is 13 percent responsible for 53 % of the crim ???


White people commit almost 10 times more white collar crime, and that affects everyone and can cause economic collapse like it did in 2008. Fuck off cracker!

Nigga it's u?

Naw nigga. It gets better than that. Control for male and 18-35 and you get 4% of the population responsible for like 47% of murders.

>hick Crackers can't even speak English now
Wow, dumbasses

That's rite

Your statistics are correct but they fail to address the root cause; poverty and racism.

>white people steal money
>black people kill

I see a big difference in the severity of these crimes.
However you are doing nothing to dispel the stereotypes we like to reinforce.

>blacks commit more violent crime because they have on average a much lower IQ.
>Whites commit more intelligent crime that doesn't involve killing people because they on average have a much higher IQ.

Yeah, cause black people can barely read, let alone do math the way white collar crime demands.

Like, they’d have to get to the white collar world to even be able to commit those crimes. And it doesn’t even really count athletes and rappers and shit, cause they just get paid. Those industries aren’t giving blacks access to any company wide bank accounts, unless the black hired 100 of their friends just to rob them, in which case it would be smarter to pay them less up front instead.

Ridiculous argument all the way around.

>I see a big difference in the severity of these crimes.
Wrong. Most black crime is against other balcks, 90 percent of crackers have never been touched by a black person yet 100 percent of middle class crackers were effected by the 2008 cracker apocalypse
>However you are doing nothing to dispel the stereotypes we like to reinforce.
>>blacks commit more violent crime because they have on average a much lower IQ.
Wrong see
>>Whites commit more intelligent crime that doesn't involve killing people because they on average have a much higher IQ.
Wrong. Whites can commit that crime because they hold power reinforced by centuries of oppression

We really got jewed when we bought those fucking african niggers. They are such a cancer and the media has a black rape fetish

Do you think Commissar Tyrone and Commissar Jamal here are more likely to shoot someone, or set up a complicated Ponzi scheme in the financial derivatives market?

Its worse black males are only 7 percent of population . They commit almost half the murder. Gun crime it's a black thing

Wrong the stat only works for blacks. Other races have large poor populations as well just not as good at senseless murder

Black culture. I am confused can someone explain African American culture to me.

>hmm honey where should we put out savings?
>Tyrese and the Boys or Cohen and Sons?
>I dunno hun but these young urban gentelmen are really bullish on Nike

See, the systems you’re talking about only exist because white people were smart enough to invent them.

Do you think a chimpanzee is likely to get caught plagiarizing their doctoral thesis? How often does that happen?

Are we going to say whites are just as bad as blacks because they plagiarize their doctoral theses more often?

You’re literally trying to use this line to dismiss the rate of murder they commit? On Sup Forums?

Has to be bait. Nobody can be that fucking ignorant.

It shouldn't be a surprise to anyone here that negroes lack the intellect to pull off an elaborate scam that yields millions. Look at the typical negro criminal; the second he commits a crime he uploads stupid shit to social media.

>wrong see

Black people are poor because they are stupid and drag each other down. There is a good reason the ghetto up anywhere they move to.
They cause the poverty.
See Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago, Birmingham and generally anywhere with a large black population.

Whites stopped being the problem at least 50 years ago. Where is the work ethic, determination, community spirit ect? That drives other communities out of poverty ( Irish, Italians, Koreans ).
Nope none of that in the black community its just gibs gibs gibs... kill...kill...kill.

Welcome to Sup Forums faggot. Get ready to be redpilled.

Let's strat the lesson.


You mean Jews don't you?

And the reasons might be.... harder to get rid of.

Its not 13% responsible for 53%.
its not all black people
Its just black men, so cut that in half to 6.5%
also its not children or old men so cut that in half again
You have around 3% of the population committing 53% of the homicides

What kind of man would want law and order? What kind of man would support those who enforce laws that are meant to oppress male behavior?

Answer: A woMan

And they can't think forward for shit.

if niggers were smart enough to commit "white collar crime" they would

It gets better. Black males are only about half of that 13%, and they are over 50% of all violent crime.


shheeeeeiiitt dindu nuffin

Because black people have been lied to since the success of the civil rights movement that whites hate blacks based on a theory called "institutional racism", which under such a theory would prevent black people from education, jobs and politics.
This lie has been going on for 3 generations now and blacks are in a state of complete disarray with a firm belief that they can not succeed and it's all the white man's fault. 40 years ago, that was very true, but a lot has changed and they are given every opportunity to succeed in modern society, but choose not to. This belief has made blacks poor as they believe they will not succeed and therefore not try at all, which results in poverty, and then crime.
To combat crime they are given low income housing, welfare such as food stamps and cash, affirmative action jobs and lower standards for education, yet they still turn to crime because now it is not a matter of poverty, but because after 3 generations of this belief, it is now ingrained into black American culture to be a thug, a gangster, pimp, hustler and whatever title of their chosen profession

