Sup Forums will defend this
inb4 mental gymnastics
Sup Forums will defend this
inb4 mental gymnastics
Other urls found in this thread:
capitalism rewards the shrewd
tesla unfortunately did not have a single shrewd bone in his body on account of him speaking to pigeons and other retarded shit
She is only rich because her father worked hard, give it a generation or two and their fortune will be gone and into the dust she will go
>smartest man ever invents everything
Capitalism does not garuntee things.
Those who efficiently supply what the population demands as well as budget and plan are generally successful in the long term.
>what is inheritance
Gay thread sage
>only the best and brightest become rich and successful
Wrong. That's not how capitalism works you mentally challenged piece of shit. Kill yourself.
Her father/grandfather were hard working, talented businessmen though. They have the right to pass on their wealth to their kids. If the kids have good sense, they will further enlarge that wealth, or at least keep it as is. If they do not, they'll deplete it.
Tesla for all of his genius was an OCD stricken autist who couldn't handle money and liked to gamble. It's a shame that he ended up the way he did, but it was partly due to his own choices.
Nikola Tesla grew up as a gambler because he learned money was a means to perform experiments. He had very little interest in money beyond its utility.
Tesla could have and would have been the richest man in the world if he wanted to be, but he didn’t.
Tesla repeatedly shot himself in the foot to the point where it's hard to see it as anything other than deliberate self sabotage
Paris on the other hand at least had the good sense to capitalize on the advantages she was handed
>Sup Forums will defend this
>Sup Forums will defend this
That the jewish corruption of media and education has produced a massive amount of retards whose false gods are retarded plastic whores? Sage idiot threads.
it's not enough to be talented in field to achieve success
you have to understand how to sell your talent
He wanted to make it free, not have a profit. Obviously the Anglos/Israelis did not like that.
Also, his electricity was wireless. Millions of tonnes of copper go wiring making homes, streets, offices etc. for electricity.
fuck paris
marry tesla
kill op
>tfw two intelligent to make money
Really makes me think.
Tesla was a lunatic
there's lots of demand for stupidity
That is Teszla Miklós, the famous Hungarian inventor of duckface and sliced bread.
Tesla spent lavishly on projects. He always needed a "Moneyman" like Tesla or Westinghouse to watch the books. Wardenclyfe was a great idea, but it was a money pit.
Tesla died in a luxury hotel, in NY, in debt, not impoverished. Tesla had no wife and kids, so no reason to die with any wealth, if anything, dying in debt with no one to burden was him cracking a last joke on the whole system.
2/bait, got me to reply but also buy some lovely sage.
Tesla was a quack
>Moneyman like *edison
>tesla died
What are you even saying?
I'm a newfag. Why would Sup Forums defend capitalism? I thought this was a nazi board.
orange is better
Many people want to be rich. Wanting isn't enough buddy so discard that stupid idea.
>Sup Forums is one person
state capitalism
PURSUIT of happiness, folks. That's all you're guaranteed in our system. The real tragedy of Tesla was the fucking government stealing all of his research after his death, and hiding it away, so their (((cronies))) could financially rape humanity. But Tesla lived his life doing what he wanted to do, pursuing his happiness.
He kinda was, though, and it was always recognized. I've read a lot of magazines and pulp novels from the era, in popular culture he was the byword for Mad Scientist just as his contemporary Eugen Sandow was ubiquitously known as a strongman. I mean you read old novels like "The Airship Captains", and the mad scientist antagonist would be casually described as "more brilliant than the madman Tesla". They were as iconic as Stephen Hawking and Arnold Schwarzenegger were in their respective fields in their era, and the public perception of Tesla was always that he was crazier than hell.
The dude was the trope codifier for the Mad Scientist archetype and became that in his own lifetime.
Sidenote, while doing some googling I realized that Tesla both was born earlier and died later than Sandow. The DYEL scientist famous for dying in squalor and abject poverty had a much longer lifespan than the father of bodybuilding and founder of physical fitness culture. That's fucking odd.
National socialism is for those people who can't take personal responsibility for their own deeds and group people into ethnic groups to choose one or more to scapegoat their shortcoings on.
Tesla was also certifiably insane.
He slept two hours a night, had a crippling aversion to hair and jewelry (specifically pearls), and he had to whip down the entire dining room with exactly 18 napkins before he could eat anything.
Being intelligent and inventive doesn't guarantee success in a Capitalist system.
It definitely helps, but if you're the type of person that would marry a pigeon I'm guessing that it would be difficult to be successful in any social system.
It’s safe to say we should take all the money jews have and give it to whites.
Tesla spent much of his life living in the fucking Waldorf Astoria hotel
Bloke probably didn't care about saving money because he didn't ever have any kids or even a wife
Tesla was an autistic inventor. His ideas were good but he was shit at marketing so he didn't do well in business. There's more to success than raw intelligence.
Tesla also tore up a contract that would've made him the world's 1st billionaire. He was a genius, but an idiot with money
>Implying an apple isn't the Patrician's choice
How to spot a pleb.
That isn't what capitalism does and no one ever said that. You're a moron and have a tenuous grasp of the English language. Good day.
Clever, I like you
>only the best and brightest
Where has this claim ever been made?
That's not what capitalism does though. Paris Hilton found a way to make money being hot, I don't see the issue. Frankly, good for her, I wish I had that option.
That is actually Nick Tezza, Australian scientist.
A better contrast would be Tesla's rival Edison. Edison had a fraction of Tesla's scientific genius; but he was brilliant businessman who focused his researchers on practical and attainable goals. As a result his company GE is still one of the largest in the world.
While Tesla spent his entire fortune on outlandish impractical experiments that never went anywhere and bankrupted himself.
Hilton inherited her money. Not a comparison.
Most artists struggle and die penniless before their work ever takes on a significant value, WTAFF is your point? I mean, besides the obvious one on top of your head....
I’m so tired of these sage fucking threads that start with “Sup Forums will defend this” like OP is a special fucking snowflakes with MUH FEELINGS to spare. If you’re so worried about distributing wealth, I suggest you start with what little you have and give it to some of the poorest people in the ghetto closest to you, and then find the closest 12 gauge, balance it between your cloven hooves, swallow both barrels, then pull.
Fucking faggot.
Tesla was notoriously terrible with money while Paris Hilton inherited her money
>"...only the only best"
If youre going to attempt shit memes/infographs, at least check your fucking syntax.
>inb4 eat my ass
>Brainlets fascination with Tesla
When will it end?
Tesla fucked a pigeon.
enjoy your worms
Tesla gave away ALL of his patents for AC to Westinghouse.... let me say that again... Tesla GAVE AWAY all of his patents for AC to Westinghouse.
The sad fact is Paris Hilton is a more savvy business person than Tesla.
Tesla did make a shit ton of money. It just that he reinvested it into all of his projects. Most didn't pan out or he thought they were too dangerous to exist and destroyed them. The guy was living out of the most expensive hotel in New York when he died so don't think for a second he was living the the beggar's life.
> If they do not, they'll deplete it.
Not true. Paris Hilton doesn't have any good sense, and she hasn't depleted her inheritance.
Bill Gates builds a digital empire, worth 89.3 million
Steve Jobs uses the labor of Steve Woniak to build a digital dead
Commies will buy Steve Jobs phones even though Jobs didn't know fuck all about computers, meanwhile hate Bill Gates who literally worked alongside developers who worked for him.
Do... do I have to google this?
>loved her as a man loves a woman
>as a man LOVES a woman
he fucked it. how else am I supposed to interpret that?
he was in it for the inventing, not for money. there are few saints like him today. it isn't about business savvy
Sup Forums is a fascist board not a capitalist board doe
I dont even care about the shitpost, because I learned something new about tesla.
Thanks, internet.
change million, to billion.
I'm just curious why commies love Steve Jobs when he was literally the most capitalist fucker that lived. He used his business sense to get others to build computers for him and slapped his name on the product as if he had anything to do with it.
nobody will remember this roastie when she dies
astroturf somewhere else, fag.
American Nazis are usually pro-capitalism because they identify it as a tradition of their nation while socialism as an enemy.
remember when you buy merchandise that has commie logos on it, you're feeding the capitalist machine. lol how capitalism will just turn you simps into another demographic to sell to is hilarious.
My problem with this is that it implies money is the key to happiness. It isn't. In fact some of the most miserable people I've ever met are rich or wealthy. There is nothing wrong with making a lot of money honestly or for your talent but there is a lot wrong if you make that money dishonestly and for being a hack
Also as it pertains to pic related, Paris Hilton only had money from her rich daddy. She really didn't do anything besides that tv show, which her dad helped her get
I think it's interesting how he was able to control his own hallucinations to the point where he basically had a form of CAD so he could build and manipulate machinery in his head and envision them so clearly that he could see them in hallucinations sort of like day dreaming...I kind of envy that he was insane. I want that superpower.
she's not rich because she's a celebrity, she's rich because her grandfather founded one of the great business empires of all time.
>claim to be a Nazi
>support Capitalism, a system in which most powerful people are 90% of the time Jews
Doesn't answer his question though.
Why would fascists defend capitalism? It make zero fucking sense. The only time you could defend capitalism is if someone were advocating for something even worse, like communism for example.
Because Sup Forums is not a hivemind. Some (like me) would prefer a totally free market, rather than the nationalized industries and large state of the fascist ideology. Others prefer differently.
Tesla could've made money but Edison jewed him out of it.
Plus who's way more celebrated today? People despise Paris just for existing.
Tesla died poor because he was a total retard with money. He literally lived in the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in NYC, ffs.
Strike one.
He also never married and had kids to pass on his legacy.
Strike two.
Edgy Internet teenagers who don't know what they're talking about treat him like a messiah (he didn't "invent" AC power; he was one of several people to make key advances in that field).
Strike three.