imagine living in Brussels and having to constantly convince yourself and other people that Brussels is a nice city.
Imagine living in Brussels and having to constantly convince yourself and other people that Brussels is a nice city
bruxelles ma belle
Brussels is the only city I've been to in Europe where I felt like I was in a state of perpetual danger. It's actually surprisingly scummy. Antwerp > Brussels any day.
die Walonian scum
Hey you!
i'm mocking them, you idiot
Capital of europe.
yeah yeah, whatever you say bro.
top kek, never change belgiumbros
can you find the video for me my baltic bro? can't find it anymore.
Here it was compared to a zoo break out. Was laughing in tears when I saw the reports on live TV, especially the discussions after it. You're the laughing stock around the eastern parts westerners. When you hear people saying thank God they think we live in huts and don't dare come here unironically, you know you faggots fucked up!
Irony that it came out few weeks before airport and metro bombings. I had tickets to Brussel flight in next week after. Never have I been scared to travel in Europe. It felt very different that time.
imagine living in Belgium and having to constantly convince yourself and other people that Belgium is a real country.
The accounts of Brussels from the 19th and early 20th centuries from English speakers make it sound fucking wonderful
This is Soviet Union (and Sweden) tier heads in the sand lunacy.
that was a good raid
for real dude? i have only been in Brussels for like 3 times. hated every second of it. don't tell me you didn't go outside brussels
good thing i don't
Like the great Farage once said
I changed my tickets to Schiphol airport but it was still scary because news were at the time that terrorists run away to Holland. Was anxious when I moved around city. Seeing shitskins everywhere in Brussel made me very paranoid.
you have my condolences
No need really. I was there for just a week. Feel more sorry for people who have to live there every day.
Brussels is dirty. Why don't you maintain your streets?
All islamic shitholes are dirty.
It will get much worse.
Isn't like >50% of the children in Antwerpen muslim?
> stedelijk basisonderwijs
sluit dit niet katholieke scholen uit? ik hoop van wel....
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