cant remember what VN she's from, can anyone give me a hand?
sorry, I'm just bitter because my KS thread yesterday got pruned
Is it me your looking for?
Sorry. Sup Forums only likes Naruto now.
Chinese moot wants quantity over quality so he can make moar ad-monies.
Why did it get pruned. I don't like being pruned, it doesn't sound very fun.
some tryhard reported it because he thought it belonged in /vg/
Well hello there best girl
those always pipe up in every single KS thread
what they fail to realize is that neither in /vng/ nor in /ksg/ does the game actually get discussed
hello, lets shake hands
Do I belong in /vg/?
I remember playing the demo. You need someone to change your tampons.
I can't do that, user.
It literally does belong in /vg/
KS has nothing to do with Sup Forums other then the designs were taken from some doujin artist
if stuff like Maji de Friday is allowed to persist despite being entirely dedicated to discussing the Majikoi visual novels, then I don't believe that's a fair assertion to make in regards to another visual novel
Hey nice painting Rin, gimme 5!
5 what?
5 copies Rin, geez try to stay on task.
Well Sup Forums ?
if you say so.
I prefer her hands
go ruin someone else's board
KS devs get out
Ok. I guess I'll leave then.
Real best girl
>You will never do lewd things with her like holding hands
What would you do against a Loose Roose?
Of course you like her user because she can't see your disgusting fat ass.
Emi is best girl
I really appreciated her route because I was a good enough runner in high school to get on a top 10 ranked D2 team. however, shortly after I graduated I started having trouble walking or even standing after my runs and found out that I had aseptic necrosis, effectively bringing my career to an end. it really helped me identify with her character and I almost wish I could have sat with her in person and impart some wisdom based on my own experiences.
spoilered because blogshit
Should've had a harem end.