Epstein temple Contains an underground facility?!?


and from another angle


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Another angle. Maybe it is just a shed or building and not an entrance?.

You have to put the bodies somewhere, right? Can't just toss them out to sea haphazardly

Yes, this is already known

Look up threads right before the election on Sup Forums from last year to learn more about this.

The building contains an elevator

I would think they would feed them to animals. One of the podesta bros has a pig farm.

>Epstein temple Contains an underground facility?!?
Probably a septic tank since it's so close to the road. The shit has to go somewhere.

why doesnt someone with a boat just go there?

he has chimeras waiting in the water for unexpected visitors.

not a septic tank. why would you dig down 12 to 15 metres into rock where you could put in a pump station. i'm not seeing any evidence of underground levels, but even less evidence of drainage related features.

>not a septic tank. why would you dig down 12 to 15 metres into rock where you could put in a pump station.
I can tell you've never been to St. Thomas. The pump station still has to store the shit in a tank somewhere so it can be trucked off. These islands have strict rules about dumping raw shit into the ocean.

"Most houses, with the exception of those connected to city sewer, must have a septic tank. Governmental agencies sometimes require sewage treatment systems instead of a septic system depending on your proximity to the ocean. "

There might be a basement under that house(?) thing, but the wastewater and stormwater runoff have to be channeled away from the structure. Most people who live on the hill like that have a truck that augers a pipe upward toward the structure and the tank is built near the road for easy pickup.

thing looks barely larger than an outhouse to start with

why have a septic tank when you have shit eating chimeras?

Did you think that they fucked the kids right out in the open or something?




What's in the box?

The material world.

This no joke gave me an extreme feeling of deja vu.

Way to be a year late on the discussion you big stupid retard.


That hill has more rape dungeons per square than Alf Stewart's farm.