what is upsetting you the most ?
1/ Nordics pretending to be greeks
2/ Niggers pretending to be egyptians
What is upsetting you the most ?
I am Greek
The Iliad described Achilles as tall, fair haired and pale eyed. The Greeks of today have almost nothing in common with those of early antiquity
the first, mostly because unlike niggers northerners do have stuff they can be proud of, and should know better
>The Greeks of today have almost nothing in common with those of early antiquity
you already lost, just give up
We built pyramids but think raping virgins is gonna cure our aids n shieeet
Except he didn't. You literally lost when your great great grandma was raped by Moslem raiders.
Citing a genetic study that you yourself don't even understand doesn't change the fact that most ancient Greek gods/heros were described as tall, fair and blond.
Including Rome and Greece.
>Except he didn't. You literally lost when your great great grandma was raped by Moslem raiders.
>Citing a genetic study that you yourself don't even understand doesn't change the fact that most ancient Greek gods/heros were described as tall, fair and blond.
oh boy here we go with the goblin rage and butthurt
im an egyptian
M8 Italians were quite literally DP'd by Moslem raiders. This is an integral part of your history which nobody denies.
Anglos in New England are whiter than you.
I'm sorry if this is news.
>M8 Italians were quite literally DP'd by Moslem raiders. This is an integral part of your history which nobody denies.
This, Achilles is described as having yellow hair and light eyes. It doesn't make him Nordic, either albino or blonde like some Persians are.
How does an actual Moorish rapebaby living on the ruins of the once great Rome believe he's less of a mongrel than New England Anglos in the US?
Explain this to me without maymays.
>[unintelligible orcish gibberish]
Italians are the model for the le 56% meme.
Pic related, actual Italian.
Germans pretending to be Prussians
2/ does not matter how much you debunk those claims with evidence, they alway continue larping, the nose thing really sets them off, they think the noses on many egyptian statues was destroyed to hide the nigger nose, you tell them that the invaders destroyed the noses because they wanted to erase the national pride associated with those Gods and pharoahs, to make ruling egyptians easier.
Nope, muh white supremacy.
greeks pretending to be macedonians
and that explains how they manage to claim such a vastly overestimated high number as 56%
>Unintelligeble moorish rapebaby posting
The funny thing about the le 52 face is it actually looks like an italian
The actual ancient Greeks described and depicted Achilles, and many of their gods and heroes, as being blonde you dumb fucking Leftist cunt. Even Africa and the Middle East aren't homogeneously mud coloured. Pic related is from Syria or Iraq. God I hate you people with a fury.
1)Movie cast. 2) People actually believe this.
Alexander the Great was blonde white male you schmuck
>The funny thing about the le 52 face is it actually looks like an italian
Or 3. Whites pretending ancient mesopotamians are white
just stop, this is embarassing even for amerimutt education
*leans backwards*
>they think the noses on many egyptian statues was destroyed to hide the nigger nose
Holy shit
snowniggers WEWUZing is worse because their iq is above 70, unlike niggers
Fact is, nobody gives 2 craps except blacks, who have no culture and must try and claim everyone elses. Whites at large don't give 2 craps who was greeks or who was egyptians. I could care less if they were both black. All we have to go by is artifcats and stories. In each case though, the overwhelming amount of evidence shows that blacks were neither egyptians nor greeks, which is why people get so pissed. Along with the fact that noggs claim every culture as their own and that they were the originals. Whites werent egyptians, and they may not have been greeks. most whites don't care. We have our own culture cuckboy, we don't need to claim others. You have to go back!
I shall now go ahead and demonstrate the ancient accounts to you rape-babies:
Demeter is described as “the blonde Demeter” in The Iliad (Song V: 500) and in Hymn to Demeter (I: 302), based on the mysteries of Eleusis. It is generally considered a matriarchal and telluric goddess from the East and of the pre-Indo-European peoples of Greece. However, here we should be inclined to think that, at best, she was a Europeanized goddess by the Greeks, integrated into their pantheon. The very name of Demeter comes from Dea Mater (Mother Goddess) and therefore would, in a sense, be the counterpart of Deus Pater—Zeus Pater or Jupiter, Dyaus Piter.
• Persephone, daughter of Demeter, is described as “white-armed” by Hesiod (Theogony: 913). At least it is clear here that Persephone was not a brown skinned goddess, nor that her physique coincided with the “Mediterranean” type. It is more reasonable to assume that her appearance was, at best, predominantly Nordic.
• Athena, the daughter of Zeus, goddess of wisdom, insight, cunning and strategic warfare in The Iliad, is described no more no less than a total of 57 times as “blue eyed” (in some variations, “green eyed”), and in The Odyssey a comparable number of times. Pindar referred to her as xanthus and glaukopis, meaning “blonde, blue-eyed.” Hesiod is content to call her “of green eyes” in his Theogony (15, 573, 587, 890 and 924), as well as Alcaeus and Simonides; while the Roman Ovid, in his Metamorphoses, which tells the perdition of Arachne, calls the goddess “manly and blond maiden.”
• Hera, the heavenly wife of Zeus, is called “white-armed” by Hesiod (Theogony, 315), while Homer called her “of snowy arms” and “white-armed goddess” at least thirteen times in The Iliad (I: 55, 195, 208, 572. 595, III 121, V: 775, 784; VIII: 350, 381, 484; XV: 78, 130).
3. Dog furries pretending to be cat furries.
>the eternal mutt
Zephyrus, the progenitor of Eros along with Iris, is described by Alcaeus (VII-VI centuries BCE) as “golden hair Zephyr” (Hymn to Eros, fragment V, 327).
• Eros, the god of eroticism, considered “the most terrible of the gods,” is described by an unknown, archaic Greek author as “golden-haired Eros.”
Apollo is described by Alcaeus as “fair-haired Phoebus.” Phoebus is Apollo. On the other hand, Alcman of Sparta, Simonides (paean to Delos, 84), and an anonymous author, call Apollo “of golden hair,” while another epithet of his by Góngora—a Spanish author of the Renaissance but based on classic literary evidence—is “blond archpoet.” The famous Sappho of Lesbos speaks of “golden-haired Phoebus” in her hymn to Artemis.
• The god Rhadamanthus, son of Zeus and Europa, is described as blond in The Odyssey, and Strabo calls him “the blond Rhadamanthus” in his Geographica (Book III, 11-13).
• Dionysus is called by Hesiod “golden-haired” (Theogony 947).
• Hecate, goddess of the wilderness and also of the Parthians, is described by an unknown Greek poet as “golden haired Hecate, daughter of Zeus.”
>uruk-hai cannot in any way debunk
>stormniggers who take Varg's WE WUZing seriously
Artemis (illustration), the sister of Apollo is described by Sappho and Anacreon (Hymn to Artemis) as “blond daughter of Zeus.”
• The goddess Thetis, mother of Achilles, is called by Hesiod “of silver feet” (Theogony 1007), and by Homer “of silvery feet” (Iliad, I: 538, 556, IX : 410; XVI : 574, XVIII : 369, 381, XIV:89). Needless to say that a brown-skinned woman cannot have silvery feet: this is an attribute of extremely pale women.
• The Eunice and Hipponoe mermaids are described as “rosy-armed” by Hesiod (Theogony, ll. 240-264).
• Aphrodite, daughter of Zeus, goddess of love, beauty and female eroticism, is always described as a blonde. Its conventional title is almost always “Golden Aphrodite.” Ibycus (in Ode to Polycrates) calls Aphrodite “Cypris of blond hair.” Aphrodite held the title of Cypris (Lady of Cyprus) because the Greeks believed she was born in Cyprus, where she was particularly revered. In Hesiod’s Theogony she is called “golden Aphrodite” (824, 962, 975, 1006 and 1015) and “very golden Aphrodite” (980). In Homer’s Iliad we have “Aura Aphrodite” (IX: 389), and in The Odyssey as “golden haired.”
• The Graces were described by Ibycus as “green eyed” (fragment papery, PMG 288).
so in conclusion:
south europeans aren't white. slavs are borderline white. amerimutts aren't even human
We should import people like the Yazidi
That girl has probably been raped hundreds of times just for having blond hair and blue eyes down in that hell hole.
I say we can take blond blue eyed refugees. Blond, blue eyed refugees welcome.
> most ancient Greek gods/heros were described as tall, fair and blond.
There are Achilles (apparently) and who else?
Would be cool if there was a picture about that.
nordics pretending to be ancient greekz and romanz, theres more of them on Sup Forums. a nigger kang is just harmless fun, but vikangz get really worked up over this shit somethimes, they have news articles with ancient nordic chinese mummies and augustus was blonde so obviously he was a nordic...
>the forever kike
friendly reminder
I believe you.
nice fake flag, shill
saged hard.
This depiction of Alexander was made during the latter Roman empire by levantine rape-babies living on the Italian peninsula, contemporary sources of Alexander describe him as "Lion-Haired" and sculpturs of him are practically Nordic in appearance.
Serious question to everyone
Do you guys think that ancient mesopotamians with other words assyrians, akkadians, babylonians and sumerians are white?
If yes, do you consider the assyrians of today to be white?
Helen, considered the most beautiful woman ever and an indirect cause of the Trojan War, was described by Stesichorus, Sappho (first book of poems, Alexandrian compilation) and Ibycus as “the blonde Helen” (Ode to Polycrates).
• King Menelaus of Sparta, absolute model of noble warrior, brother of Agamemnon and legitimate husband of Helen is many times “the blond Menelaus” both in The Iliad (a minimum of fourteen times, III: 284, IV: 183, 210, X: 240, XI: 125; XVII: 6, 18, 113, 124, 578, 673, 684, XXIII: 293, 438) and The Odyssey. Peisander described him as xanthokómes, mégas en glaukómmatos, meaning “blond of big blue eyes.” In Greek mythology, Menelaus is one of the few heroes who achieved immortality in the Islands of the Blessed.
• Cassandra, the daughter of Agamemnon and sister of Orestes, is described by Philoxenus of Cythera with “golden curls,” and by Ibycus as “green-eyed Cassandra.”
• Meleager is described as “the blond Meleager” by Homer (Iliad, II: 642), and in his Argonautica
Apollonius of Rhodes also describes him as blond.
Jews pretending to be white
that's brown
And Isabel de Castilla was described as "red-haired and very fairly skinned" even though every knows she was a brunette of full Castilian descent. It's almost like descriptions of physical traits of nobility/Gods are always idealized.
>using mythology as PROOF
LMAO, look at this literal barbarian being a literal barbarian
Sure, the general population was dark even in anqituity. It was just the aristocracy that was fair-haired / light eyed. So this became the ideal, just like everywhere else.
(You) #
(You) #
(You) #
Patroclus, the teacher and friend of Achilles, is described as blond by Dion of Prusa.
• Heracles is described as strongly built and of curly blond hair, among others, by Apollonius of Rhodes in Argonautica.
• Achilles, considered the greatest warrior of the past, present and future, is described as blond by Homer in the Iliad when he is about to attack Agamemnon and, to avoid it, the goddess Athena retains him “and seized the son of Peleus by his yellow hair” (I:197).
• The Greek hero Ajax (Aias in the Iliad) is described as blond.
• Hector, the Trojan hero,[1] is described as swarthy in the Iliad.
• Odysseus, king of Ithaca, Achaean hero at Troy and protagonist of Homer’s Odyssey, is generally considered as swarthy. However, this can be tempered. Although he is described as white skinned and “dark bearded” in The Odyssey, his hair ishyakinthos, i.e., color of hyacinths. Traditionally this color was translated as “brown” but it was also said that the hyacinths grown in Greece were of a red variety. If true, that would make Odysseus red-haired.
they can all suck my mediterranean dick
>Expecting signs of intelligence outside the mediterranean
And more:
Laertes, the father of Odysseus, was blond according to Homer’s Odyssey.
• Penelope, Odysseus’ wife, and queen of Ithaca, was blonde in Homer’s Odyssey.
• Telemachus, son of Odysseus and Penelope, was blond in Homer’s Odyssey.
• Briseis, the favorite slave in the harem of Achilles—captured in one of his raids, and treated like a queen in golden captivity—was “golden haired.”
• Agamede, daughter of Augeas and wife of Mulius, was “the blonde Agamede” according to Homer (Iliad, XI: 740).
• In his Argonautica Apollonius of Rhodes describes Jason and all the Argonauts as blond. The Argonauts were a männerbund: a confederation of warriors which gathered early Greek heroes, many direct children of the gods who laid the foundations of the legends and fathered the later heroes, often with divine mediation. They took their name from Argos, the ship they were traveling and did their Viking-style landings.
That rebuttal is very poor considering the evidence you're up against.
tiberius was brown eyed and haired, so was caligula. augustus had blonde hair and green eyes. they were all ancient nobility in rome. 30% of them had light features or something, similar to modern day italy. why steal med culture? be happy with modern nordic achievements and accept that in ancient times they were subhuman barbarians who pillaged and raped rome and destroyed the ashes of the greatest emperors.
The German scholar Wilhelm Sieglin (1855-1935) collected all the passages of Greek mythology which referred to the appearance of gods and heroes. From among the gods and goddesses, 60 were blond and 35 swarthy-skinned. Of the latter, 29 were chthonic-telluric divinities; marine deities such as Poseidon, or deities from the underworld. All of these came from the ancient pre-Aryan mythology of Greece. Of the mythological heroes, 140 were blond and 8 swarthy.
This vastly excedes the blond composition of modern rape-baby greece.
Basically, anyone of importance who accomplished anything in Ancient Greece was white. Modern Greece is a swarthy mess.
Thank God I'm not a Nordgroe
this is basically like a creationist citing the bible to prove that evolution isn't real
top fucking kek
Tacitus described Germanics as "red haired", therefore we can conclude ancient Germania was 100% ginger
>yfw this is how wewuzers think
Nothing can piss me off more than niggers
Well, they are not black, so I guess they count as "Caucasoid". The Sumerians were probably swarthy, they did call themselves "black-headed people". Bronze Age Assyrians were probably similarly dark. But later on, everyone mixed with Greeks and/or Persians and thus became significantly lighter. This would be the "Middle Eastern" type before the Arab and Turk conquests, and I guess the type is best preserved in such Christian minorities as survive in the Middle East.
>be med
>build civilization
>be snownigger
>get skin cancer and die
Callisthenes (360-328 BC) labels Alexander's hair "lion-colored," or as we might say, "tawny."
>"For he had the hair of a lion and one eye was blue; the right one was heavy lidded and black, and the left one was blue; and his teeth were sharp as fangs, and he looked upon a defensive attack the same as a lion would."
Plutarch (Life of Alexander, section 4) also confirms Alexander had Blond hair:
>Apelles...in painting him as wielder of the thunder-bolt, did not reproduce his complexion, but made it too dark and swarthy. Whereas he was of a fair colour, as they say, and his fairness passed into ruddiness on his breast particularly, and in his face.
Plutarch is my favorite classic historian, everyone should read him.
>top fucking kek
it's so entertaining, isn't it ?
spanish royality
You mean the evidence that Aristotles, the father of Western Civilization, mocked the fair barbarian? It's always shocking how Nordcucks always beliebe the descriptions of God/nobility as gospel while not realizing those are always idealized.
>Nordcucks actually believe Isabel de Castilla was a fair skinned, red-hair Castilian queen
You barbarians also always forget that colours are dependant on culture. What I -or the Meds, for that matter- consider "blonde" is not the same as what the Nords consider blonde, the same thing with "brown".
All your """evidence""" is a bunch of description of Gods/nobles in an epic poem, while you are presented with real genetical studies and the words of Aristotles himself.
knowing he looks like picrel, it's quality entertainment
Stop trying to lay claim to Nordic culture just, your grandma got buttraped by moslems.
The Romans described the Silures of Britain as being olive-skinned with black, curly hair
I think this proves that Brits are the true heirs to Ancient Egypt
I don't blame them
poor souls never contributed anything (like the niggers they are) so they resort to larping
I think current greeks larping as whites is even worse. I can't consider a roach rape baby society white.
Achilles was blonde according to Greek mythology you retarded nigger.
>illiad 1.197: "she (Athena) grabbed Achilles by his blonde hair"
>the last time Greeks contributed something was 3000 years ago
lol and today you're poorer than fucking Albania and 1/4 Turkish.
Pay denbts, malaka.
then not
but i'm pretty sure he's trolling, which is amusing as well
pol is really lacking lately
No, no, I am talking about the early Greeks, as in, Mycenaean period and Doric migration. Of course by the classical period, the original "Hellenes" and the autochthonous "Pelasgians" could not be separated any longer, you just had blonde phenotypes popping up here or there.
Not saying the Proto-Greeks were "Nordic", as in "came from Scandinavia" or anything, they were just the light "Aryan" (as in Indo-European) phenotype also found in the Tarim mummies, not "Nordic" per se.
Nordics pretending to be greek
Blacks pretending to be egyptian
Meds pretending to be white
Finns pretending to be nordic
No, that proves modern day Brits are not actually the same as those ancient Brits -Iberians-.
You guys are Danes with some French.
The pictures you posted are all mosaics from the mongrelized latter Roman empire. This was when wealthy oligarchs were relying on German mercenaries to defend their borders while the swarthy populace spent their days fucking eachother in the ass and being degenerates.
The infusion of Arab/Levantine blood into Meds over the past 2,000 years is a historical fact, and it's the reason why Med civilization is nothing compared to what it once was.
Anyone pretending the originally Visigoth Spanish weren't raped into oblivion during the 700 year Moslem rule is lying to themselves.
I don't care about your feels.