General plan ost was real Part 2

It was a plan for Krauts to murder over 200 million white people.

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THERE ARE evidences you dumb fucktard. Document was right there. The slaughter of Slavic people was actively carried out. The pan was in full swing.

''During the occupation of Poland following the German invasion of the country, Nazi expansionist policies were enacted upon its Polish population on an unprecedented scale. In accordance with Nazi ideology the Poles were considered Untermenschen, deemed for slavery and their further elimination, in order to make room for the Germans re-settled from across Europe. Furthermore, Hitler intended to extensively colonize all territories lying to the east of the Third Reich. These were worked out by the RSHA department of the SS in Generalplan Ost (GPO, "[the] General Plan for the East"), which foresaw the deportation of 45 million "non-Germanizable" people from Central & Eastern Europe to West Siberia; of whom 31 million were "racially undesirable": including 100% of Jews, Poles (85%), Belorussians (75%) and Ukrainians (65%). Poland itself would have been cleared of all Polish people eventually, as 20 million or so were going to be expelled further east. The remaining 3 to 4 million Polish peasants believed to be the Polonized "descendants" of German colonists and migrants (Walddeutsche, Prussian settlers, etc.) – and therefore considered "racially valuable" – would be Germanized and dispersed among the ethnic German population living on formerly Polish soil. The Nazi leadership hoped that through expulsions to Siberia, famine, mass executions and slave labour, the Polish nation would eventually be completely destroyed. Experiments in mass sterilization in concentration camps may also have been intended for use on the populations''

That Berlin professor was right, taking people east of Ural was basically condemning them to slow death. Krauts were murdering Slavs for over millennia.

Fucking face it you window licking autist. You got BTFO. Quit grasping at straws.

>Hitler did nothing wrong

Shitler DID a lot wrong you amerifat fag.

their skin may be white but the slavs soul is definitely black

No, we are white in both Soul and skin.

How does it feel to be branded a sub-human?


I know that we aren't though. Its the krauts who ruin Europe.

Fuck off with this shit meme flag.