>Abdel-Aziz Al-Shamary, a former illegal migrant >He won permission to stay in the UK two weeks before the incident >He assaulted and raped his victim, a British woman in her 30s, by first punching her on the nose to “terrify her into submission” >Bloodied and sobbing, she was found face down with her jeans and underwear around her ankles >The victim declared: “The thought of the attack makes me feel very unclean and I feel as if I cannot get the thought or the feeling of this man off me and my body" >In custody he was heard to shout to police: “I am Saddam Hussein, and yours is a bitch country"
Well, letting this guy stay pretty much proves that.
Sad case indeed. The people who approved his stay should go to prison with him. Those evil people made this happen.
Colton Nguyen
>and yours is a bitch country" He's not wrong
Josiah Parker
Yo bump
Robert Cox
Alexander Wood
But he is right. UK is bitch country. Their let their children and women get raped, they are scum.
Nathan Morales
Spoils of war. Women always got raped. UK lost war and pays tribute.
Tyler Powell
Agreed. I'm embarassed to have been colonised by these cucks.
Jacob Sanders
She orgasmed, should be thanking him.
Isaac Davis
he looks like a shit creature
Levi Jenkins
"Everynight when I go to bed I think about what happened" Speaks for itself.
Noah Watson
Yay for women's sufferage!
Dominic Morales
He didnt rape woman, he is good looking and could pick up girl for sex easily, he just shitted on your face Brits. He raped you. Attack on women is attack on men. At the end you will get killed because you are too pussy to fight.
Hudson Hill
After a war the victorious group always raped it' s enemies women.
Britain already lost without trying.
Jason Morris
>believing what express say.
This probably happened but come on.
Hunter Ross
Also, why do sandfucks always have such retarded names?
Robert Bell
Christian Davis
Why doesn't Britain just deport illegals? Why do they give them permission to stay? Why can't the Tories do anything right? Why haven't you built a wall around your sea-girt isle yet, Brits, or at least walled off the Chunnel?
Wyatt Stewart
Agreed. Everyone just ignore this and go home.
Gabriel Hill
Ill bite. Why should I give a fuck about some washed up old hag getting her fantasy fulfilled? Nearly all of these "rape" cases the victims are ugly as fuck, no white men want them anyway so they choose to seek out some brown subhumans, often deliberately walking about late at night in the subhuman areas. Nobodys forcing them. Its not like it is with the Niggers in the USA who randomly break into homes to rape. Why should I give a fuck?
Chase Myers
Joseph Bailey
>often deliberately walking about late at night in the subhuman areas Interesting right? Maybe they'll have to start getting male relatives/partners to escort them.
Too bad their own men can't trust them to be alone with them without getting a charge of assault decades later.
Samuel Phillips
Landon Davis
>Why should I give a fuck about a british woman getting beaten and raped by foreigners my government is trying to replace me with? Maybe if you gave a fuck you wouldn't be in this situation to begin with.
Jose Bell
>yours is a bitch country
I bet he will change his tune after he gets his 4 weeks of community service
Evan Cooper
how the fuck can a woman say that with a straight face? shopped?
Nicholas Diaz
Oh yeah, demographic replacement I care about obv. Referring to women who vote overwhelmingly in favour of letting the brown hordes in so they can be raped, get raped, then cry victim for attention. I feel nothing for them.
Hunter Morales
>i am saddam hussein never stops being funny since he's kuwaiti
Aiden Wilson
Christian Johnson
bongs btfo
Landon Ross
it's shopped
Carson Johnson
She probably had an amazing orgasm and and that's why she thinks about this rape all the time. She probably never even got off once with a white """"man""""
Andrew Robinson
But without the government, who would spend our social security money on importing arabic bulls?
Zachary James
british women love getting raped. this is a fact.
Jack Evans
>brits >white
Ethan Edwards
And he's not wrong if the UK had not let itself become so obsessed with egalitarianism and agreeableness it would have been able to resist this, instead Islamic Savages now rape their women and children. And robbed by their government of any effective means to protect themselves. Allowing yourself to be subjected to a government who has disarmed you, surrendering your rights? The United Kingdom deserves this and I hope it all burns with the rest of western Europe, it is a disgrace to its' proud heritage and better that it is destroyed now.
Thomas Wood
we are a bitch country
Jaxon Gomez
Elijah Fisher
why meme flag brit? fear of insult? it was joke man. you guys are alright actually. outside of Sup Forums of course
Carson Allen
Aiden Hughes
I'd do it too if the host country let it slide like the UK does
Grayson Morales
British could wipe your country off the face of the earth if they wanted.
Parker Reyes
but they obviously want their mothers and daughters raped, so why get your panties in a twist?
I kinda agree with him. British women voted for this. Let them have it.
Josiah Kelly
>>In custody he was heard to shout to police: “I am Saddam Hussein, and yours is a bitch country" He's not wrong. Britbong gov officials take more issue with MSpaint frogs than with rapists. Muslims deserve to make a caliphate there.
Probably wipe their flags with used napkins from migrants.
Anthony Rogers
>so why get your panties in a twist?
Because the English are the best of Europe and should get respect from the savage nations they helped civilize. England is Europe.
Evan Thomas
Wypipo problems...
Lucas Ortiz
People are treating them like they're treating themselves. They don't deserve respect if they don't respect their people.
Juan Ross
Men who can't defend children and women from rape are not men but castrated cucks.
Rape is act of war. He shows you, you are just a bitch. They wage war on British people and are not affraid. The endgame is you genocided. Muslims test you and you fail.
William Garcia
Her mother and granny voted for this.
Asian girls are submissive too in a way, but you dont have to beat them into submission, you just have to have manners and a good white attitude, and family values.
Jacob Turner
Out of jail in two years then?
Brayden Perry
Andrew Scott
It seems that he used the name of a notorious Iraqi dictator. This guy used chemical attacks against his own people! And he invaded Iran and - wait a minute we fought 2 wars against this guy. What a nasty piece of work. This is probably why he used that pseudonym against this poor woman.
Robert Harris
>yours is a bitch country based
I unironically think every Iraqi man has a right to rape every American and British woman because of how they destroyed their country by sanctions first and then killing Saddam Hussein
Nicholas Cox
That's sounds a little too high and extremely racist for a country like the UK, how about two weeks of community service?
Liam Thomas
>They don't deserve respect if they don't respect their people.
White Britts do, they aren't as cucked as Sup Forums acts. They are just outnumbered by all the shit skins in London so they have no control of their Government. If a white revolution ever happened in Europe it would begin in England.
If you actually believe they are more cucked than Germany, Sweden, Norway etc you're foolish.
Elijah Peterson
At what point will you flee the country? Better get out while the getting out is good. And by that I mean your assets will not be liquid during the civil war next year.
Justin Barnes
historical ally
we are not happy about this believe us
but our government has fully cucked us
all we have is butter knives
Jacob Rivera
>Those digits...
Angel Russell
Babies first shit post
Kevin Diaz
I don't know, European feminism seems to have no limits. I met a white girl in the UK who said that if a foreigner in a foreign country rapes someone, they shouldn't be held criminally responsible "because of the language and stuff".
Jonathan Edwards
I'll take your word for it, but from what I'm seeing, those uncucked brits don't seem like a vocal voice at all.
Ryder Morris
A good little leftist gets what she deserves. I hope he beat her teeth out of her mouth.
Ethan Lewis
>listening to a woman's opinion
No idea how you guys do it.
Owen Nguyen
>flag Fuck off, "Jason".
Brody Green
>those uncucked brits don't seem like a vocal voice at all.
They might not but they are the only chance Europe has.
Ryder Johnson
Except they are. Objectively speaking the UK is the most cucked country in Europe. Germany,France and Sweden will maybe have a few cases of migrants being let go for rape cases, but in none of those countries would you ever find a situation like Rotherham and Rochdale, where the police willingly let THOUSANDS of girls get raped by hodgies. Even worse, the police actually arrested some of the fathers who broke into the house that their daughters were being raped in, and apparently a 13 year old girl is being charged with hate speech for mentioning the ethnicity of her rapists.
Ethan Price
that woman needs to be put on suicide watch
Sebastian Richardson
I was trying to smash, and this girl also told me that she's part South African, so I figured at the very least she wouldn't be a bluepilled pile of shit; how wrong was I.
Xavier Reyes
wew. Rape thread alright.
Nathan Hill
I bet she came at least once though.
Henry Hernandez
this is what sweden or germany would of done
Aaron Ward
>He assaulted and raped his victim, a British woman in her 30s, by first punching her on the nose to “terrify her into submission” >Bloodied and sobbing, she was found face down with her jeans and underwear around her ankles >The victim declared: “The thought of the attack makes me feel very unclean and I feel as if I cannot get the thought or the feeling of this man off me and my body"
>Why should I give a fuck about some washed up old hag getting her fantasy fulfilled? Nearly all of these "rape" cases the victims are ugly as fuck, no white men want them anyway so they choose to seek out some brown subhumans
it doesnt sound like she wanted it. And even if, he says your country is a bitch country. If you "dont care" if an Arab insults you, you are seen as a weakling. You can't escape if an "honor" based culture dictates the rules
Josiah Parker
>convicted and jailed >it's fake news because it's the express lol dweeb
That's just how Europe in general is right now. I have a question, does Germany and Sweden have the insane speech laws the UK has? It didn't occur to me at first but UK speech laws are extremely cucked. I know Germany has laws regarding nazism but what about hate speech laws? I'm assuming they are just as bad
Liam Phillips
>and this girl also told me that she's part South African
Being SA and blue pilled is the craziest shit in the world. She think the whites deserve the farm murders and shit?
Nathaniel Lewis
You lack creativity, Funny thing is, Brit, you don't have to kill anybody - just intimidation and threat of violence would keep them in check.
They will attack you more and more because you don't react. It ends two ways : you in chains or you dead
Nolan Sanchez
In law yes, our people are not hence the 1984 nightmare laws and removal of weapons.
They're just pushing us as hard as possible to try and get us to bend the knee and demoralise/remove the spirit of english culture and identity from us because they know historically what we're capable of.
Gavin Lopez
>civil war coming >flee the country You fucking coward
Cooper Allen
she was completely unaware of what was happening. I told her about how Jacob Zuma was singing songs about killing white people and she had no idea what I was talking about.
I just said that, the police will cover up small amounts of refugee crime (not saying it's right) but NO WHERE near the amount of Rotherham and Rochdale. In each of those incidents, upwards of 2000 school children were raped.
Jose Sullivan
You stupid fucking cuck, the minute you stop caring about the most vulnerable in your society like children, women and the elderly is the moment you loose. To try and make a point about her age is ridiculous, it doesn't diminish the fact that one of your women was raped by an invader you idiot. Also stop with the whole orgasm rape meme, I highly doubt she liked it particularly after being punched in the face.
Anthony Cook
It's not Feminism but Darwinism. British are so weak and cucked, women take side of the rapists as stronger men.
Jeremiah Morris
How do you know she was a leftist?
Jayden Myers
Rape is a way of doing a war since first humans. British cucks don't get it. You are already at war with muslims.
First small rapes, then big rapes and finally genocide of white men, because WHY NOT.
Because all evil raycists that use twitter to further their right-wing goals are tossed up in lockup for 30 years
Robert Bailey
.....here you brit-cucks ....
'During war and armed conflict, rape is frequently used as a means of psychological warfare in order to humiliate the enemy'
Nolan Sullivan
> I told her about how Jacob Zuma was singing songs about killing white people and she had no idea what I was talking about.
The absolute state of white women
>but NO WHERE near the amount of Rotherham and Rochdale. In each of those incidents, upwards of 2000 school children were raped.
Fair enough, I still won't give up on the Britts though.
Charles Wright
She might have been a catfish TBQH, I only talked to her a few days but my friend who directed me towards he was confident that it was a real person.
Hudson Perez
That whole country is on suicide watch.
Isaac Hall
Rape is shit-test. If men don't defend their women and children they are ripe for conquest and to be massacred. You invite your own genocide.
Jace Stewart
Such edge
Carson Evans
Great logic leaf
Jonathan Long
Good for him. Stupid bitch is crying wolf. I bet she rubbed in his semen to get herself pregnant.
Camden Wood
Levi Jackson
It was probably legit. There is no shortage of people who have zero idea what's happening around the world. My ex gf thought Japan was a state in China and she's 26 years old.
Blake Robinson
It's a shitpost, electrode fag. Why don't you become a non-country for 150 years again and shut the fuck up if you want to be a little bitch about it.
Andrew Russell
>"I am Saddam Hussein, and yours is a bitch country"
Tyler Wright
I want MGTOW to fucking leave. Die childless and alone somewhere else