fuck other animes
Yuri!!! On Ice
typesetting from last thread.
thanks to translating user.
Shit thread, retarded OP.
Would you?
I don't get it what was happening here?
Finally caught up, didn't want to watch it because I thought it was just homolust but it's actually entertaining. But it's mostly homolust
abandon thread
He's seeing the top of his god's head up close and personal, so he felt the urge to poke him to check if he's real or something, I suppose.
It's entertaining homolust.
The general consensus is that Yuuri had an urge to stick his finger in there.
Sasuga, iceskating retard.
>free on ice
>anything other than garbage with janky animation
tumblr pls
it's better than free
Seems like the schedule is crashing already. I really hope they just added higher priority to the later episodes (which would be logical since they'll be performance heavy). But if they hadn't a this is simply how schedule is progressing for them then it's going to crash and burn soon.
The animation quality has already dropped really badly and it's still enjoyable as fuck. If they can't manage decent ice skating sequences it'll be disappointing, but it won't 'crash and burn' as long as the characters carry it. Their interactions always end up being the best part of the episode, so I'm more concerned with the writing holding up and doing them justice than how it looks.
yurio reminds me of mello from death note
So this is the type of retard that watches this shit show.
change your post style samefag
> can't into IPs
Ultra retarded
People are getting ridiculously fatalistic about the scheduling when none of us actually know shit about anything beyond a few scraps of information.
but you type like a retarded thirdworlder
OP (you) is the retarded thirdworlder.
Free didn't leave much of an impression on me so I'm rewatching it now, and it does feel really lame in comparison. It's hard to give a fuck about high school swimming and lukewarm gay undertones when we've been spoiled by pro athletes and gay overtones.
It happens when specula goes wild. Like people saying Victor is dying even though Kubo skewered that idea a couple of weeks ago. MAPPA just dealing with the usual low budget studio bullshit.
Humans love drama.
Victor is simply getting old and bald.
> MAPPA just dealing with the usual low budget studio bullshit.
> budget
Please stop the memes, user, and don't embarrass yourself any more.
It's definitely better than free.
Fuck your homo shit
A lot of people don't give a shit about the animation, the characters carry it well enough
It's still pretty anyway
Tiger and Bun didn't have great animation either.
Tacoburger is the final boss.
Fujoshits only care about trashy homopandering.
What was their first time like?
go to bed
Who books flights for Yuuri on this cross world competition adventure? Will Victor have to deal with travelocity and five hours on hold?
I can see Yuuri doing it himself. Victor doesn't look like he has patience to deal with that stuff.
Fufkc you all. There's nothing wrong with animes
which one would you fuck?
Not the gook for sure
Korean. Can't break up the OTP.
Thai is cute but I wouldn't cheat on mai waifu.
This is your Russian for tonight.
I'm okay with this.
Victor please, you gotta do the work if you wanna wear a suit.
I don't want that one.
I don't want to fuck other animes I want to fuck Victor.
I want to play with his hair so badly.
>nails and lipstick are the same color
Prima donna always on point
Fuck Victor
Which one is the best at kissing?
Mamo obv
Italy practices with his sister.
Swiss okama.
But then he wouldn't be a hard virgin
Swiss looks like a gigantic slut.
They only have sex after they marry.
Kissing is lewder than sex
I want Swiss to wall Victor is that so wrong?
No, only holding hands is.
He seems like a sizequeen.
Swiss is Victor's true love anyway.
Holding hands > kissing > cuddling > sex
Lurk more newfag. Also stop making shit threads.
If sluts fuck sluts, who's gonna pop cherries
Swiss loves Victor, Victor loves Yuuri. Swiss gonna have to cut a bitch with his skate.
Cuddling is lewder than kissing
Holding hands > cuddling > whispering sweet nothings to one another > being genuinely in love > kissing > sex
Wrong, Victor loves Swiss
Then why is he trying so hard to bang Yuuri? Checkmate, Christophe.
Sluts were once pure too.
What if Swiss and Victor broke up and Yuuri is Victor's rebound? Is this abusive?
Victor loves no one. He loves me. ME. Get it
Pig is just a rebound.
That's true, Christophe.
Depends on why they broke up. Was it over pussy?
Pig is Victor's true love they will have babies because Victor can make even a man like Yuuri pregnant.
Fuck. Which one is it? Pash? Stop making me buy things I don't need, Mappa.
Shh if pig reads this he will cry himself to sleep.
Pig is just a pig. No one likes it.
I like eating pigs.
You always use the words that hurt me the most.
Okay, gook.
I hate it.
I want Victor to take responsibility.
Delete this.
It's just a fat pig. No one cares about it.
I want to press Victor forward.
This is your childhood friend for tonight.
That show was also made on a shoestring budget because it had bomba written all over it.
Generalfags everyone.
Pig is cute. CUTE!
>used goods
No thanks.