Couldn't find an Izetta Thread, so here we go. Here's the new page translated.
Other urls found in this thread:
Karin pls.
Bianca a qt
These bitches should form a Fine fanclub or something.
this came up just now
Everyone in that countries government is suicidal.
> Fine fanclub - members: Eystaldt populace
They're going to have a problem voting who's president.
>This bodyguard talking like she's hot shit
>These bitches should form a Fine fanclub or something.
Like call it the Fine Fine Fan Club?
Are you guys excited to see me perform magic in the next episode?
That's a cute Izetta
Here's a Fine.
>the false miracle
I'm looking forward to seeing you get exposed as a fraud.
were they drawn by the same guy who does the manga?
Probably bigger population than Eystaldt
population of eylstadt + prince henry
Well since Fine is the face of the resistance against Germania... then yes most probably.
Wanna see my magic?
*unzips dick*
did you use magic to make it so small?
so are these guys the main antagonists instead of emperor not-hitler? they're in all the promo material
>everyone in pairs
Oh wow. It really is /y/ vs /u/.
OST track names
01. いつか見た夢 (the dream I saw someday)
02. 終末のイゼッタ (Izetta of the end)
03. 出撃せよ! (sortie case!)
04. 白き魔女の伝説 (legend of the White Witch)
05. 追跡 (pursuit)
06. 大脱出 (the great escape)
07. フィーネ 愛のテーマ (Fine, theme of love)
08. In The Air
09. ME・ZA・ME (awakening)
10. ライフルの翼 (rifle's wing)
11. 姫様への想い (feelings for the princess)
12. 夜明け前 (before dawn)
13. 敗色濃厚 (probable defeat)
14. 出逢い (rendezvous)
15. 決死の覚悟 (ready to die)
16. 反撃の火蓋 (starting of counterattack)
17. 非情なる皇帝 (ruthless emperor)
18. イゼッタの秘密 (Izetta's secret)
19. あの日の記憶 (memory of that day)
20. 作戦開始 (starting of operations)
21. Set Me Free!
22. ゾフィーの魔力 (Sophi's magical power)
23. 異端者 (heretic)
24. エイルシュタット国歌 (Eylstadt's national anthem)
25. バトルモード突入 (plunging into battle mode)
26. ゲールの猛攻 (Germania's onslaught)
27. 一進一退 (seesawing)
28. 魔石の力 (magical stone's power)
29. 最後の戦い (final battle)
30. フィーネ 愛のテーマ〜piano solo〜 (Fine, theme of love 〜piano solo〜)
where's the sample from? are there more?
BD Extra from Twitter I guess.
and people say this isn't yuri
w-where are fine-sama's hands going in the second pic?
To Izetta's anti-materiel rifle.
where is the episode Japan
Dead show.
Starting now.
Here we go.
>Fine-sama kissing a phallic symbol
Yurifags BTFO
They sure are putting a performance on.
This is making me a bit nervous -- HOLY SHIT ARE THEY GOING TO KISS
Izetta is not a phallic symbol!
Goebbels would be proud of this propaganda.
The sword, on the other hand, is.
Did I just hear "Romulus Federation"?
lol she's destroying tanks again
And our Speeder Rifle: Izetta Custom debuts.
Romulus has been name-dropped last episode.
Holy shit, they're using planes as her supply.
Ah, I see
Ducal Guard vs Luftwaffe Fallshirmjager when?
So uh... what's the point of carrying Fine on that rifle?
I see our pilot doesn't like the intelligence division.
But then again, does anyone?
>Tanks? pfft
Tanks are no match.
To be really cute.
>Romulus has been name-dropped last episode.
Huh, shit. I thought I had been paying attention.
Nice propaganda posters.
This Germanian intelligence guy is fucking bad news man.
She is her knight and the rifle is the horse
So not "Facist Italy" will make an appearance.
What does "Ill Duce" look like in this time line?
>Enemy intelligence is bad news
No shit!
I'm more worried about the literal mole in Fine's council.
>If witches were omnipotent, wouldn't they be ruling the world right now?
Help, we've got a man with common sense on the enemy side.
>dat forehead
>still not moving the headquarters to the old castle
Wow, they are fucking stupid.
Oh fuck. Attacking at the blind spot already.
Is it normal to feel sexual attraction to the Kubelwagen?
Fine's coat looks good this time around. Worthy of an Archdyke!
lol holy shit fine's got a harem
Okay this is pretty fucking good.
False Miracle.
Holy shit glasses guy might just be Izetta's love interest!
w-where is hime-sama grabbing her?
I expected something much more grim with that episode title. Instead I got trickery worthy of Ciaphas Cain.
Muller vs Germanian CIA
I dig it.
"Grab her by the pussy"
Well Jonas is in deep shit now.
Also, what the hell is with that preview?
Another breather episode?
I hoped last ep was enough respite for now.
Meido preview, something mune.
next episode
>An eihem ruhigen tag
On a quiet day
end card was pink and flowery and spoken by young izetta, so probably a dedicated flashback episode
Ok, that was a slick episode
Yes please.
Did anyone else spot the Jonas/Izetta moment? Maybe hetfag is not so crazy after all.
choose one
>an entire episode of this
I don't know if I could survive.
>and spoken by young izetta
I thought it was Lotte.
>spoken by young izetta
I thought it was the maid girl. It sounded like Nao Touyama to me, at least.
>spoken by young izetta
I think that's Lotte.
Elvira had some habilities with her hands
Meh, it's akin to falling for or worshiping a superhero
"C'mon! Make my day!"
Do you have Bianca's?
Nope, it's definitely there. Maybe he'll be the husband in the epilogue.