A thread opposite of Michlan's

Gojou is a siscon. Normally he wouldn't be, but Chitose is just so hot and sexy.
Chitose's father is a daughtercon. So is her mother.
Momoka, Yae, Shibasaki, and Koto are secretly in love with her.
Chitose wasn't invited to the party because everyone at seiyuu school crushed on her and was too shy to approach her.
Everyone Chitose meets falls in love.

Other urls found in this thread:


Bumping for a new era of Chitose positivity

Compliment only, shit talk is not allow.

I'd watch a shitty show just for Chitose

Can anyone relate to Yae here? My lonely childhood gave me the heart of a slut.

>tfw you'll never get this halloween card

>Sup Forums
Our girl

That's a lightning bolt not a 4



Gojou-kun looks ravishing in this pic. I want to ride him until he cums inside me.

subs any week now

is literally anyone working on ep 4. i havent come to a thread in a while. i actually just realized a 4th episode had already aired.

My wife Yae is so black-hearted

Chitose is such an obvious ENFJ.

I can't wait for doujins

I wanna cum inside her

>has yae on it
It's half shit.

>tfw can't self-insert as Gojo


That tongue is a recurring theme, I want to eat Yae too.

Why not?

Because he's handsome, stylish and good at his job




She's a brocon

I want to bully her

And he's a siscon, made for each other.

They should just fuck already.

Does that shirt really say that or is that a shoop?

They're so cute but I remember someone said that Koto is Gojo's love interest.

Gee wiz user. I wonder if it is a shoop.


She looks like she wants to ravish him. Why hasn't she taken advantage of him when he was drunk?




Reading from manga I think she was trying to find his pocket.



On Sunday probably.

I... I made a song for Chitose.

I miss the old Chitose, straight from the Go Chitose
Chop up the soul Chitose, set on his goals Chitose
I hate the new Chitose, the bad mood Chitose
The always rude Chitose, spaz in the news Chitose
I miss the sweet Chitose, chop up the beats Chitose
I gotta say, at that time I'd like to meet Chitose
See I invented Chitose, It wasn't any Chitoses
And now I look and look around and there's so many Chitoses
I used to love Chitose, I used to love Chitose
I even had the egg t-shirt, I thought I was Chitose
What if Chitose made a song about Chitose
Called "I Miss The Old Chitose"? Man, that'd be so Chitose
That's all it was Chitose, we still love Chitose
And I love you like Chitose loves Chitose

I hope she likes it.

I... I made a song for Chitose.

Chitose, don't want to lock me up inside
Chitose, don't want to forget how it feels without
Chitose, I want to stay in love with my sorrow
Oh, but, God, I want to let it go

Come to bed, don't make me sleep alone
Couldn't hide the emptiness; Chitose let it show
Never wanted it to be so cold
Just didn't drink enough to say you love me, Chitose

I can't hold on to me
Wonder what's wrong with me

Chiiiiiitooooose, don't want to lock me up inside
Chiiiiiitooooose, don't want to forget how it feels without
Chiiiiiitooooose, I want to stay in love with my Chitose

I hope she likes it.

Wake me up when the subs are in



>Wake me up




What is wrong with you

This is a nice meme

I'm really flattered that they were inspired by my thread to write their own songs. Daisuki, anons

>my thread

>me is mom
who impregnated her


>own songs

I love these siblings.

Can someone posts the chitose's reactions faces collage ?


thank you

Which song do you sing and/or listen to while thinking about Chitose?

Me: youtube.com/watch?v=FHG2oizTlpY


Reminder that Chitose is a pure girl, not a brocon.


But incest is the purest form of love.

Onde eston los legendas?

DO NOT listen to these lies!

Chitose wants the Gojo cock

>giving a crossboarder namefag attention

This angle makes it looks like a hidden cam to caught them doing lewd things.

Where are the subs?

>had to wait for Wed for subs
No ;_;

Probably before too late tonight? They've been working on typesetting for a little while now, and while there's a lot of it (so much twitter), I doubt it takes that long to do.

Nice of them to put up so much effort for the three gives that freeze frame every twitter post.
The other fans certainly won't mind waiting a few days longer.


Whoa whoa whoa, no Kansai? That's just messed up.

Her tits are probably old and saggy.

This is amazing. You're a genius!

subs any month now



Where are the subs?

>poor niggas didn't know davinci already decided to drop this because the typesetting takes too much work

I-I don't believe you


>Crunchyshit decides to pick this up but do one-week-late releases
>Davinci drops out of fear of the law or simply because "fuck it, no one will watch us if Crunchy release it"
You sure it wasn't this?

>still no subs

How about now?

>Name: [HorribleSubs] Girlish Number - 03 [1080p].mkv Date: 2016-10-26, 17:08 UTC
Wait until next wednesday, goy.

davinci lives in hawaii or some shit so itll probably get released at 3am

I like Michlan, his anti-Chitose thread was cute

Did someone say subs?!?

Might as well post this again since no subs.





She just wants a genuine job.


I want Momoka to release a fart in my mouth.



I want to fertilize Chitose's egg!

To fund her decadent mobage gacha hobbies

I bet she schlicks to BL yandere CDs while drunk too

>complains that her job isn't genuine enough
>wastes her money away on degeneracy anyway
Why does she even bother.