Don't mind me

don't mind me.
just winning the snafu.

Other urls found in this thread:

She is the kind of girl who does all that crap to mask the fact she has a shit personality and isn't great to be around. You know the person I am talking about. Honestly if Hachiman wasn't such a fag, he would have kicked her to the curb a while ago.

As if any guy would go out with a girl who is interested in another guy, fuck that. She knows the guy has no friends is available and used it for her advantage to lure in Hyama. Much her to disappointment, Hayama is more interested in Hachiman than he is in this cunt.

Iroha thread? I like this.

Good point! Subscribed! Can you please tell me more about your views regarding women?

new ova thread.

There is no winning in a harem shit series. Everyone losses by default, even the readers.

It's actually dodging a bullet most of the time because the MCs of harem shows tend to be faggots.

The yahari thread is still up. I assume this is an Iroha thread.

Iroha is the only anime character that made me think "no girl acts like this (unless she's actually a two faced bitch)".

She's the most fake anime girl ever.

We know. But Irohafags still love her so what can you do.

So much bait, I can catch a school of fishes.

Tell me about Iroha...


>Honestly if Hachiman wasn't such a fag, he would have kicked her to the curb a while ago
That could be applied to all the girls around him, you know. Except maybe Saki. No wait, cross that. It could be apploed to all the people around him, not only the girls. Saika and maybe Saki excluded.

Honestly, what's the point of Iroha? She's nice and all, but why does she have such a big role? Almost every other girl has actual issues except her.

Selling more merchandise.



The bigger question is why the people around him are such shitty people. He'd live a nice and quiet high school life if he just hung out with Saika and the gang. Maybe pair up Saki as a if he's feeling courageous enough.

But Bane is the bad guy

Right. You know, that's the whole point. Also, Yukino as Selina, and Yui as Rachel. Why? How?

Yui and Yukino is accurate but not Iroha. She is Joseph Gordon-Hewitt

>continue his dream of finding something genuine
Truly the heroine we need.


Fuck it. Can't beat them, might as well join them.

Otaku who have never talked with a girl in their lives.

Now you're talking my language. There's a lot of fishermen in this thread.


What is Iroha's appeal? She isn't so cute design-wise, and she even likes a guy who isn't the MC.

>and the gang
I get that Zaimobro is fat.
But calling him "gang" is a bit too much, isn't it?

>Irohafags tend to start shipping wars. Heh.

Zaimobro, Saika, Saki, and Komachi. Just imagine if they were the main cast where they solve drama problems of the actual main cast.


Iroha a shit

Both her personalities are great user. She's sweet and sour.

That's just high quality bait with a sprinkle of projection user. Thread's chock full of em'.

But what if someone actually doesn't like Iroha?

>the worst girl with zero chance
>winning anything

Then that's alright. Everyone's entitled to their opinion.

Yukino > Iroha = Loner
in terms of probability

What is Cocoa doing with this faggot?

>irohafags think they'll win

To prolong the series

>why the people around him are such shitty people

Welcome to real life, where most of people is full of shit in one or another way. One of the best parts of OreGairu is that characters here have more to their personalities than just some number of traits, and just like in real life, their personalities somewhat flawed. IMO, ideal and unrealistic character like Totsuka is no need to OreGairu and only make it worse. Totsuka isn't a bad character himself, but he just don't fit in.

From just watching the anime, I feel like Iroha isn't into Hachiman, but is trying to help him in some way because they are kinda the same. Is that correct?

She's mostly manipulating him. However she is kind of into him.

Shes likes that handsome dude

Yes, people are full of shit including me and you. But there are people out there who don't drag you into adolescent issues as if the world is ending. People don't always interact in a emotionally-centric way. But make no mistake, I'm happy that 8man developed this way.

I just think that an alternative outlook regarding high school from a bunch of outcast other than 8man like Saki and Zai would still be great. Because you can see 8man fits in well with these outcasts. They can apply a great balance to the series' drama and comedic moments that S1 and the merged student council part had. Add Totsuka here, who can still develop his character outside from 8man's representation of fantasy.

she's a big girl

That's correct. She's interested at least. But she's still at the stage where she's still developing feelings for him. Nothing too overt or note-worthy.

>Welcome to real life
None of them act slightly realistic. It's a chunni writing about what he thinks is realistic.

I think there are some parts that are real. There are people out there who live and breath just talking about muh friendship and drama. You probably just tend to not associate with them. Because those people aren't exactly the most enjoyable people to accompany. Sure, he exaggerated it a bit but that's what WW has written. The problems of popular kids in high school starring /8maninhighschool/: the series.


>agitated iroha

>cheerful iroha

>waifu wars with ultimate self insert mc
>trying to pretend there is any depth beyond that

How many years of this now?

>GENUINE iroha

Real people are far more selfish. They wouldn't hold your hand out of self-pity. It's either fuck me or fuck off.

Most of the fanbase are underage. What do you expect from average LNfags?

She will win the Hayamabowl

Kek what the fuck are you even saying? Why would you even want someone to hold you hand out of self-pity in the first place?

Truly a comrade

Seems like i took the bait we're living in different realities. I mean, come on, of course their character traits are exaggerated for the sake of making contrast and driving the story, but to say something like "none of them act slightly realistic"... Totally disagree with you on that matter, most of the cast with the exception of comedy characters have maybe an exaggerated but definitely not some chuuni-fantasy-level characters; to add even more, OreGairu is a rare example of consistency between persons' characters and their actions.

>She is the kind of girl who does all that crap to mask the fact she has a shit personality and isn't great to be around.
Sounds like his female counterpart desu.

At least something actually aired for once. Usually this high minded discussion of the human psyche is entirely unprovoked.

Sad to see what OreGairu is becoming with all its cancerous fanbase. If only fans were focused more on the problems of main characters rather than what girl will win, serie might developed better. But we're just getting more and more fanservice and now it's degrading into a harem. Still have high hopes of vol.12 though.

Iroha a shit.

>If only fans were focused more on the problems of main characters rather than what girl will win, serie might developed better

Yeah because a bunch of westerners discussing it will affect the authors writing

Hardly doubt that japanese fans are any better

Iroha a best. A BEST.

Fuck off Yuckynofag.

Iroha winning and then cucking him with Hayama is the only way.

Imagine the reactions.

My heart's still stinging from that smile.

>inquisitive Iroha

>sly Iroha

>sly Iroha
aww yes, I've been waiting for this one.

Season 1 was decently realistic, but like all LN material it drops off a cliff and becomes something completely different

>tense Iroha

>flirty Iroha

>satisfied Iroha

>confident Iroha

>poker face Iroha

>What is Iroha's appeal? She isn't so cute design-wise, and she even likes a guy who isn't the MC.
Obviously you've not watched the show. She's a giant cock tease to the audience and the MC. She shamelessly flirts with the MC every time they're on screen together, combined with the fact she's an underclassman, with one of the sexiest/cutiest voices in the industry, and her every whisper can make a corpse hard.

Throw in the fact she knows she's a cute underclassman and plays with the trope 24/7 to increase her appeal? Dude she's a fucking walking wet dream. I don't particularly like her as a character either, but I have to admit no other girl in Yahari ever made me as rock hard with a single line of whispered dialogue like Iroha did.

>no sensei in the ova.
we burn feel studio nao.

>the rising intonation of her seiyuu
>the push and pull she gives
>the cute complaining pout she does when things don't go her way
>the confidence she has towards herself
>sucking 8man cock isn't the end of times for her
>consideration for love rivals and 8man in general
>seeks GENUINE
I sorta like her.

>Hachiman is still a tool: the OVA
I miss S1

>Sad to see what OreGairu is becoming with all its cancerous fanbase
It went to shit a long time ago, when actual discussion disappeared and you had the same waifu spergs posting the exact same shit in every thread.

>the rising intonation of her seiyuu
Am I the only one who finds her voice annoying? Its fucking horrible and shrill

I can't stand her nasal voice either. I also agree with your other points. However, I still think the main story is great, it's just how the fanbase treats the series that saddens me.