Has America actually been a huge mistake this entire time?

Has America actually been a huge mistake this entire time?

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Yes. The bill of rights that is supposed to protect the innocent instead enshrines the rights of tyrants.

How do you figure?

Human rights were a mistake.

When retards want to sound intelligent they say things that are completely ludicrous in hopes that someone will think it is deep and meaningful.

You're unable to properly investigate the democrats.
Here they just send in the cops.

third post best post

what happened on 1776?

Adam Weishaupt founded the Illuminati

Jesus wrote the declaration of independence

Constantinople fell to the Ottomans

King Martin Luther of England freed the slaves

America started out great, and would still be great if we actually followed the Constitution and kept stuff like the Naturalization Act of 1790.

The colonies declared their independence from the British Empire, becoming a recognised, sovereign entity.

kys faggot


this is so true

i don't know, but I know that what happened on 1976 was pretty good


I'm very torn on America. Obviously it turned out culturally detrimental for Europeans in the long run, tipping the favour to (((them))) in the second World War and being the main reason mainland Europe is so fucked now (see en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earnest_Hooton#The_.22Hooton_Plan.22 etc.). I think that morally the old "Oh, you want brown people to leave? Well then leave America." actually holds substance and every people should stick to their ancestral homelands, but someone would have taken that land and it would probably have been the Chinese, which I fear will be even worse than what we fight now, since unlike what we fight now, they are not parasites, they don't plan on keeping (a mixed brown version of) us around as slaves so that there would later be a chance to rebel and restore our DNA by use of genetic engineering. They simple want us eradicated, so that there would only be Han-people.
There's also the aspect of the cultural freedoms the early USA represented and I honestly think if they had stuck to their constitution America would be a great country today, both in deed and as a cultural influence on Europe. However beautiful that thought is, the fact of the matter is that the constitution simply didn't take enough precautions against subversion and ultimately failed.

what a rude way to thank someone for answering your question

sorry friend, blame it on the side effects

Not the entire time, but the Founding Fathers were expecting another revolution every two generations or so, so the nation wouldn't become a stale meme.

i get u bro

just remember you're talking to mere mortals on here

America's tragic downfall is that as a result of being a mixture of European ethnicities the founders and intellectuals failed to truly understand the importance of race, leaving the the nation fundamentally ill equipped to dealing with the issue. This failure was a fundamental factor in the causes of the civil war and the inability to prevent the large scale immigration of jews that started in the late 1880's or the growth of jewish power and influence.

The Nazis rise to power.

Good post, thanks

More like 1914 and again in 1941.