Nazi festivity in Trondheim, Norway - NORWAY NO!

Students at the popular 'Studentersamfundet' gathered this evening, having a party for students with the theme "Politically incorrect", turning it into a literal Nazi party.

People are going mad as hell, ignoring the fact that it was supposed to be a politically incorrect gathering for students.

Students, even girls, dressed up in Nazi uniforms, Swastika and SS runes.

From the drinking menu at the party: "Auschwitz - whiskey, honey, lime, gas".

Other urls found in this thread:

wtf I LOVE Norway now

Norway banned jews until the 1850's.

We know what kind of people they are and what kind of people they want to be. Behind the façade of a progressive and tolerant nation there is a white supremacist and deeply racist ideology.

>drinks list
>low drinks

My fucking sides.

>those digits
Next Führer will be from Norway confirmed

Will Norway be the one to first start to remove kebab throughout Europe ?

> I luv juice
checked and kek'ed

Never forget the superior Knut Hamsun and the butthurt he caused.

and we don't like canadians either. new world cancer

how do so many folks have a full-on nazi uniform? i might have a couple coins and a hat, but a full fucking uniform? fucking kudos to the dedication, pollacks

woops, read it as poland for a sec, guess its norway

Moving to Norway

Good job Julie

My parents are Swedish Finns you bastard!!

I'll take an auchwitz on the rocks, thanks


>Anbefales ikke hvis hodepine
Kek. An Auschwitz sounds pretty great.

Of course it was a Swede that got offended and complained about it. GET OUT OF MY COUNTRY

hahahhaha is norway the promised land?

I love juice.


Not recommended with headache.


> fennoswede


Based Warsaw


Yeah I thought Poles mainstreamly disliked blacks, turns out 99% are civic nationalists. I fucking hate it these people don't know how bad blacks are for society. I am a libertarian and I am more racist than fucking nat-socs.

Norway is the best country ever.

Well done Norway next Germany again

What are you talking about? 60.000 people gathered in Warsaw with signs that said whites only and stuff

Norway greatest country on Earth

That's how the msm reported it. The truth is these were single banners and maybe of the 60k people only a few hundred were marching for being white.
This event was the march for our Independence Day.

>alcohol free drink

they may be civic nationalists, but seeing how badly they dont want to be fucked over it probably only applies to other whites and aisans.

They no shit borrowed from the state broadcasting channel.

>the one who got butthurt over it was a swede

Not really, there was a shitstorm on social media for a white nationalist youth movement claiming blacks cannot be poles.
I mean individual cases do not matter, but I hope people realise race matters.

lel best of luck how many communist soyboys will show up

lmao of course the (((media))) flips shit.
nothing wrong here at all. they seem like they have their heads attached.

every single time

can you guess the nationality of the guy who got upset about these traditional christmas treats?

Sweden deserves their suffering

you think?

We must purge Sweden, partition and resettle the land with our own populance.

Do you guys have refugees and rapes and big welfare or is that just Sweden?

Swedish women need to impregnanted with seed of warriors and we need to end Swedish nation.

Don't get ahead of yourself alberto barbosa

Keep up the great work.

sweden is rightful Finnish clay. they honestly would not stand a snowball's chance in hell against a Finnish invasion so I don't know why we haven't done them in yet. sweden as it is does not deserve to exist.

My town has a statue of the guy who convinced the government to let the jews into Norway, Henrik Wergeland. He looks like an arrogant piece of shit. Do you know anything about him?


>The Eternal Swede

they have it just as bad as we do but deny it and point blame to sweden as always, the reason they can't throw their niggers out is also somehow connected to us swedes, all scandinavians are cowards liars

Sorta. Norway became Judenfrei during the war, and we have less than 2000 jews at the moment, so our situation isn't as dire as swedens, but still kinda cucked. The minority right wing government is keeping the decline slower, but we will have to sort ourselves out sooner or later. Hopefully we will learn when Sweden decends into anarchy.

Jämtland, Härjedalen and Göteborg will go to Norway. Denmark has claims on Skåne.

Tapa ittes

10/10 would go

We're not all bad

carving up sweden between neighboring countries would be in the best interests of everyone involved including the swedes

we're throwing out niggers by the hundreds now

please do remember that she was not offended one bit, she only complained and acted "offended" so that she could get recognition from her friends. This is the problem with alot of swedish women and some men, they are actively seeking out "Offensive" things just to collect goodness points from their collective.

Norway bringing back the 2010 memes.

>it's a "non-countries complain about their former master" thread

ssb just stated ethnic norwegians to be a minority by 2100


That's the greatest factura I have ever seen. Whats the black thing?

wasn't ssb proven too hold back numbers about migrants that would put them in a negative light?

Don't you have a bull to fluff, sven? Best get back to work otherwise your feminist parliment will make peepee time sit-down only again. Need your ugly fat indie game dev girlfriend to tighten your chastity cage? Is that why you're so grumpy?

>it's a "puppet countries of Islam pretend they have any connection with past glories" post

plum jam


Whatever, Chang.


Well done

They won't do research on ethnicity and crime

They were eventually forced to do it. I think they released the report a little over a week ago.

That'll be 6 gorillion shekels

>We know what kind of people they are and what kind of people they want to be. Behind the façade of a progressive and tolerant nation there is a white supremacist and deeply racist ideology.

The eternal leaf strikes people are poison.


Yeah, this case.

I stayed with a family in Norway over the summer. We went down to the south and relaxed in their summer house. You could only get to places by boat. Every night people would go out to various parties and get drunk out of their mind. My friend's cousin hosted one and there was one black girl, the first that I had seen in the entire trip. She started pointing at me in the dance floor, and made a face. I pointed back and made monkey noises. She then drunkenly tried to throw a punch, and I just walked away.

The people that I met there were pretty redpilled. Every minority was called 'New Norwegians' by my friends. My friend's family, was half Swedish and they often talked about crime committed by migrants, specifically rape, in Sweden. They don't want it happening in Norway.

Beautiful country, I hope I can go back one day. Love you /nor/bros.

>New Norwegians
I assume you're referring to "våre nye landsmenn".
That's a satirical term, usually meant to mock the idea that immigrants consider themselves Norwegian.

Anyway, it's nice to hear that you had a good time in Norway. Some people find it boring, and I guess it can be if you don't know any locals.

p r a i s e

>I love juice

Norway knows how to throw a party, that is for damn sure.

Those Christmas tarts with that plum jam are fucking delicious. Reminds me i need to buy some one of these days.


why don't you kill yourself instead society loser.

a very silly thing for a group of youngsters to do. they will probably be expelled from school now

I don't know what ROYK is, but the rest sounds great.
I'd probably try an Auschwitz.

Bullshit. This isn't America. It's Norway, the land of the free.

ROYK = Smoke


good shit norway


I was going inside the building last night. Then a swedish girl warned me about a nazi party inside.

>Nazi party you say? I am already on my way in, you don't need to tempt me

>ban on jews
its still in the constitution, just not enforced
(we sent them all to sweden during ww2 hehe..look at them now)

leaf is not wrong.
>you can still buy "jodekake" (jewish cake)
>setting fire to something for insurance scam is called "jewish lightning strike"
>"fucking jew" is accepted banter for cheap people
etc...jew hate its ingrained into the language, as is the resentment for christianity
>muh christianity
we still remember the time before we got crusaded
its all remembered in small words and phrases.

til valhalla.

FUGG we need this over here

Kill yourself faggot

I would have gone to this party if I knew it would be people in nazi uniforms there. Oh well, It will probably happen again

Yeah, I went after the swede told be about it, but I was too late

Jew, shitskin or from Chink. Which is it?

In Australia that's called a Jewish Garage Sale.

wtf I love Norway now