
Episode 4 In 1 hour 20 minutes, Tokyo MX

Other urls found in this thread:

sakugabooru.com/post?tags=occultic;nine keisuke_kobayashi

He does not exactly look like a potential ally.

boobs too big

preview pics





Shit writing at its finest.


wow great post please share more

Where when you when South Korea is controlled by the occult after all


This is your onii-san for the year.

>that hair



sakugafag here, is the first cut in that trailer re-use from OP ? cause I think that's Keisuke Kobayashi's work.

sakugabooru.com/post?tags=occultic;nine keisuke_kobayashi

Also, Ryousuke Nishii is drawing the end card for today's episode. I hope he's there too.


Nishii bewbs ; ;

5 mins

get in here niggas


>office lady not noticed by others
>no reflection in mirror

all who received that phone call confirmed dead

>not reflected in mirror
the fuck

who are these creatures ????

Where? Neat sphere has another show

They sure must've had fun making this episode.


vaughnlive sherming88

Thanks sweet user


>still shilling

>they're still advertising the novels
You guys sure they're cancelling 3rd volume?



Smug as fuck.

okay, so I thought I was watching occultic nine but I landed on different anime instead, what the fuck.





What was the deal with the removed episodes?

Publicity stunt?


Don't disturb my onii-san, he's dead tired.


myuupon is the qtest

This seems like such a waste of artistic talent, I really can't stand most of the main characters and the story is a mess.







>the key will finally be used next episode


Tantei has reached the KKB hideout

This is the Perfect Insider of this season.



Should I even try to watch this

Nice end card, kek.

MAL and Reddit rated this low

Kek nice, who drew this?

What, low as in like a 7?

I'm guessing SARAI takes Gamotan into his house to use the key



Perfect insider was boring and pointless as fuck, this show is constantly moving.

End card

Constantly moving like a kid with ADHD

More shows should do this.

It looks pretty good, but the narrative is similar to Baccano/DRRR so I'll probably marathon it after it finishes rather than going through the pain of watching it weekly.

Oh god, today is Ryosuke Nishii solo KA ;__;


Timeline user here, I have taken the liberty of moving the thing to a pastebin for convenience.
Updates to come when the raws/subs for the concerning week are out:

Food for thought for this week:
* Office lady is apparently no longer noticed by her co-workers; also doesn't have a mirror reflection anymore (like Gamotan)
* People who received the phone calls in ep3, however, still notice/can interact with each other
* Sarai did not receive (or pick up) his phone call but still notices Gamotan

Betting ten bucks on Ryotas being the mastermind.

When will FBI-chan appear?

Glasses is best girl

Much appreciated.

Hopefully next episode.

[Ohys-Raws] Occultic;Nine - 04 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4

> [BudLightSubs] Occultic;Nine - 04 [720p].mkv
subs out

Hopefully HS is on time, Fucking CR shouldn't fuck it up

I usually dislike it when the tits are way out of proportion with the rest of the body but somehow I actually like her design. I kinda want to see how they'd animate her if there was less fabric holding everything together. Beach OVA when?

Is it out on CR

Out on HS



Myu-pom is for bullying



>They removed the radio-chan x Gamotan banter scene in the novel






Those buttons on that shirt are truly occultic.




The coffee cup doesn't have a shadow.
Ghost cup confirmed.


Ghost world.
