Is there a fansub of this Dutch-Japanese anime? I've heard the English dub isn't that good.
Is there a fansub of this Dutch-Japanese anime? I've heard the English dub isn't that good
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Best boy
>Not posting superior Dutch version
Danish version was the best
>Dutch-Japanese Anime
Get out
This was during the time when the Japs were merely hiring out animators and doing work for foreigners.
It's not anime, it's a Dutch Cartoon.
The Simpsons isn't Korean because it's animated there.
Scripts and Storyboards: Akira Miyazaki
Director: Hiroshi Saito
Production Supervisor: Matsue Jimbo
Background Designs: Susumu Shiraume, Masaru Amamizu
Filming Director: Hisao Shirai
Sound Direction: Shigeharu Shiba
Production Managers: Manabu Tamura, Tamehide Hyakuruka, Tuneumi Nakamura
Producer: Hanuo Tabata
Okay senpai
Oh, so the dialogue was likely not written in Dutch then. I guess the Japanese dub is the original then.
Dolf is justice
Alfred J. Kwak Retrospective Part 1: Growing Pains (Episodes 1-13)
>can't differentiate co-production and animation outsourcing
Stop it.
Not like the first time the Japanese produced stuff with input from Western Literature or other sources.
>Is there a fansub of this Dutch-Japanese anime?
Yeah. Quite possibly there is. In Arabic.
Thanks! And I just downloaded the rip those subs are for!
The German version is best. Ryan van der Akker voiced Alfred in German, too, and her Dutch accent in German is adorable as fuck.
The OP is much better in dutch though.
Well of course Herman van Veen is best in his native tongue. That doesn't mean his German versions are bad.
I loved the series as a kid.
The Finnish dub a best.
Swedish dub
>Ryan van der Akker
I meant Ryan van DEN Akker, my apologies.
I had no idea Finns and Swedes dubbed any cartoons at all. I thought you were too busy teaching your children how to be alcoholics and feminists.
>not Herman van Veen
get the fuck out of here
Oh we Finns dubbed cartoons all right. Just listen to this masterpiece:
Opening and Michael Jackson song are horrible in Finnish version, but that's normal thing with their older dubs.
I've heard that it used to be common for dubbed cartoons in Finland to have the intro in Swedish while the actual cartoon was in Finnish, is that true?
And I thought German dubs were bad, holy shit.
Still not as bad as the American intro version.
>And I thought German dubs were bad, holy shit.
We still have the biggest meme opening.
>We still have the biggest meme opening.
What do you mean?
How new are you?
that shit was suprisingly dark
Sometimes, while other times the entire cartoon's track was Swedish dub and the Finn dub was just recorded over it, leaving the Swedish track in lower volume underneath.
Not new at all, I just don't know what the hell you're talking about. Are you talking about the Finns? The Germans? Alfred? Warum bin ich so fröhlich?
So, they basically did like those shitty Russian dubs, but they also used the Swedish dub as a base? That's fucked.
Yeah, totally. Even when you watch the intro, it starts out like it's just some regular kids show, and then that thing lifts Alfred.
German Naruto opening you fuck.
how can anyone who's been on Sup Forums for more than a year not know about the german naruto opening
I can't believe I forgot about that.
Remember when RTLII showed Dragon Ball, Sailor Moon and Pokemon back to back?
I remember walking home from school in the snow, having my mom greet me with warm Nudeltopf and eating toasty warm soup while watching cartoons on RTL II before doing homework.
Simpler times, man.
Silver Fang dubs were legendary.
>eating toasty warm soup
Actually, Nudeltopf is more like a casserole. Don't know why I said soup, I was thinking of something else.
It might have been me who inspired moot to annoy the whole board with that thing on N/a/ruto day.
In that case I would be proud.
Too bad I'll never have a chance to ask moot about that anymore.
that's why it's a binational product,you moron
I fail to think of any cartoons that did so. However, back in the 1980s there were a lot of cartoons that had European writing and Japanese animation, and they frequently had a Finnish voiceover running on top of a foreign audio track. For example Nils Holgersson here:
You can hear German audio while the voiceover lady narrates.
>Let's just repeat the show's title in bad rap form over and over again
Why did those dubs suck so much ass?
America managed to do decent children cartoons by itself, with openings and dialoues that weren't utterly retarded, so why?
Remember Vampy? I will never forget this fucking faggot because they stole story ideas from Calvin and Hobbes. They had Vampy write a report on bats and talk about how bats are bugs, and put his report in a clear plastic binder. You thought kids were too retarded to see through your shit, RTLII, but I remember. I remember your bullshit.
Good times.
Later we had Digimon, too.
Tele 5 also showed Digimon and DBZ for a while, that channelprobably went down the gutter by now.
Like RTL II (which was never a good channel in general).
Funding and focus groups. Business types probably saw the Japanese intro and were like "This hard rock shit isn't popular anymore, make it more like a rap song", and the studios doing the dubs didn't have enough funding to give a shit about fighting for quality.
I remember Bee.
That was horrible.
Vampy was when? A little bit before I started watching I guess, I only remember that thing vaguely.
Super RTL also had DBZ for a while. I remember watching it with my dad. He hated Pokemon and Sailor Moon and pretty much all anime (which was ironic because his favorite childhood cartoons were Biene Maja and Heidi), but he really liked DBZ.
We had to give up cable after he lost his job due to his alcoholism, though, so we didn't watch much of it.
>Business types
Showldn't have a say in anything, because they're all utterly retarded.
>Vampy was when
Vampy was like 1999 / 2000. They put him in short skits between cartoons to introduce shows and stuff.
Is Bernd das Brot still a thing?
>German dubs were bad
Not all
>which was ironic because his favorite childhood cartoons were Biene Maja and Heidi
Old folks' hypocrisy at it's finest.
Comics are still not seen as a proper art form in Germany, except Asterix and Tintin,which seem to enjoy a special status (which they deserve, but still),
probably because those old culture fuck grew up with them.
>Vampy was like 1999 / 2000
Hm, pretty much when I started to watch, that's probably why I vaguely remember it. So Vampy got canned after 2000 and the more (ahem) "hip" Bee-thing was introduced.
And no idea about Bernd.
Neither do video games. Germany is really, really slow on accepting new things. There's a reason the CDU has been in power for almost two decades now. Germany is getting older, and the old people are staying in power.
Alfred J. Kwak was truely a masterpiece.
They were pretty good once.
>Neither do video games
They kinda are.
God knows why, but the art council or whatever it's called decided to include video games.
It's not like they're accepted, but I guess they wanted to connect to the youth or some shit.
Because Germany doesn't pay their voice actors. Even Homer Simpson's German voice only made about a thousand Euros an episode, and he was THE reason the Simpsons has been so popular in Germany for so long.
Germany needs to stop flushing so much money down the drain with bullshit like Uwe Boll's movies and other shitty German production companies and focus on the things that are truly iconic and great in Germany.
What the fuck happened with this guy? Never appeared in the episodes.
>God knows why, but the art council or whatever it's called decided to include video games.
Wait, what? When did this happen? This definitely wasn't a thing a couple of years ago. If this were the case Wolfenstein would be allowed to show swastikas, because it's art.
I genuinely had no idea it was co-produced by nips. I guess I have an excuse to revisit my childhood now.
Germany is also the country where Heimatfilm was the most popular movie genre after WWII for a long time, and where Schlager is being made. Let's not even get started with simlator games (like tractor driver simulation, caterpillar simulation etc.), the most horrible kind of video "games" ever.
We have bad, bad tastes.
That's why "kinda".
It was in the news that they accepted it as art, but that has no effect on actual laws, since they're not a government agency.
Also note that we have no constitutional freedom of art, since anything can be censored to protect the underaged vermin, so just scream "ZE POOR CHILDREN!" and you can theoretically and legally do anything unlike the US, which operates mostly on self-censorship and threats by angry religious nutjobs with too much time.
Ah, so the government still hasn't accepted it as art. That's a shame, but not unexpected. This conservative government is killing Germany's once so vibrant art scene.
Kill me
>We have bad, bad tastes.
This is a matter of perspective.
>Germany's once so vibrant art scene.
Classic Art is somewhat dead.
People who seriously get blasted about tumbr image file names are low tier posters. This is an image board, not an internet politics board, so long as people are posting interesting images there's no problem with where they're sourced aside from your personal hangups (which nobody cares about).
German art scene is doing that all by itself, for decades now.
You can blame the Union parties only so far.
Note that Germany has absolutely no comic culture whatsoever, and no comic that is in any way remarkable, while the American one survived the Age of Comic Code and is now accepted somewhat by the mainstream, and even the Brits have 2000AD.
I remember watching it as kid, around 25 years ago in dutch. Was a big fan. Music was top notch as well.
Still have all the books my parents bought for me.
>Note that Germany has absolutely no comic culture whatsoever
sure we do! we have francobelgian comic culture
tumblr has pretty much their own Sup Forums in some places, and half of it is porn.
Getting angry over it is kinda dumb.
I knew it only as a porn site for years.
>Note that Germany has absolutely no comic culture whatsoever...
...of it's own.
There, fixed.
That's not how it works.
We do have Fix und Foxy though.
Name 5 popular German comics. I'll start:
- Werner
I got nothing else.
>Fix und Foxy
Nothing remarkable.
Dime a dozen comic, forgotten by anyone over twelve, unknown anywhere else.
I can't believe I forgot about Christina Plaka.
Werner would be a good example for something outright german in nature.
But it alone, and some other minor stuff, makes no "culture".
At best a small, tiny scene or underground, embedded within general comic fandom (which also isn't remarkable).
- Mein Kampf
Let's forget about that again.
>tfw wanted to be a mangaka in high school like Plaka
I was a stupid child.
Holy shit, this is one catchy melody.
He did appear in my nightmares 20 years ago, though.