Story Time

I made a thing I think Sup Forums might like.

Full thing here:


probably belongs in Sup Forums but
go on...


posting it in Sup Forums as well, since it's a hybrid.




There was a thread just a few hours ago stop spamming your shit and learn drawing. Also, >tumblr


I didn't make a thread a few hours ago. Link?

Are you posting this in Sup Forums as well?


I posted it on Sup Forums yes. I figured they'd be the ones to like it the most. I though some people here might like it though.

>tfw you can take this more seriously than the actual campaigns


This is phenomenal. AMAZING!

So Hillary is Frieza?

Ruined it with the feminism thing

Isn't she?

For a moment I thought The Legend of Koizumi is back. The designs have a familiar feeling, not to mention world leaders fighting.

Now I'm sad.

Koizumi is ongoing, but Japanese politics arc ruined the interest.

I know, but it's impossible to even get raws, let alone translation.

I heard it, OP! Noice

It's sad but it's easier to take these comics easier than the actual campaign..

Will the Sup Forumstards go away with the election?

Koizumi is over, the scans just never finished.

This isn't Sup Forums