Prison school 233 Korean

page 3



>now scenes changes to chaimran

My fucking sides

>Meiko will never carry you like this to school every morning

>not posting first page
Do you hate fun OP?

Are we off Namek yet?

de gozaru

Literally the worst thing to happen to this manga. No one fucking cares about this.... MAN!

Mari pls


I would have dropped this if it weren't for Chairman's sidequest.

I'd fucking kill to be in Kiyoshi's place right now

Reminder that when the cavalry battle started earthquakes had just devastated Haiti and Chile and the Deepwater Horizon catastrophe was just beginning (now a major motion picture.)

In the time since sales of Prison School fell to 1/4th of their previous levels despite having a full length anime.

that meiko

>we'll never find out if Kiyoshi will bang Hana, Chiyo or Mari




Still on the boat?

It's ending slowly


W-what did she say?

Meanwhile season 2 was announced for Summer 2017

Sauce? No fucking way.

It seems Andre isn't the only one who can magically change size

We Prison Eotena now.

>making S2 when the anime ended before the manga became garbage

Could be worse, they could pick up the anime again during this arc and we'd just have 13 episodes of absolutely nothing happening

season 2 is great, season 3 is this battle arcwhere nothing happens

The end of this arc is in sight. The smallest glimmer, but still.

A threesome with those three girls would be nice.

I haven't laughed at anything in this manga since the chairman landed on the kidnapper's van twice in a row. That was some Pink Panther shit, nothing like it has happened since.

well since that manga loses on comedy

The real namek starts now
>50 chapters of climbing andre

Nope she climbed him a page or two. It'll be 50 chapters of Death Note: Ecchi Comedy with "I knew you'd climb Andre so I prepared a counter-measure!" "Ha, I knew you would do that, so here is my own!" "I knew you would counter my counter so here is my counter-counter-counter!" and so forth interspersed with Chairman's ass.

>climbing andre
Because he was there!

Will they knock the bastard off?

They are at the top

I suspect this is where Hana chooses to declare her love for Kiyoshi or send the USC down the shitter to hide it

feels good to have caught stopped before the athletic festival and only caught up a few weeks ago.

>that hana
>that mari
>that snusnu meiko

They're not gonna condense the story stupid.

>They're gonna condense the story stupid.
Fixed. Gotta stop with the heroine before posting.


Fuck, what now? Is she going to reveal the tape of Kiyoshi and the President to the school or something?

is this getting a second season adaptation?


Meiko is the strongest

no welcome