>it's been over 10 years since Pani Ponies Dash first aired
Where has the time gone? Also why has anime gotten progressively shitter since then
>it's been over 10 years since Pani Ponies Dash first aired
Where has the time gone? Also why has anime gotten progressively shitter since then
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I wish we can go back to Shaft's golden age.
more like their gilded age
Fine girls.
I'm very conflicted about it: while I adore pretty much every of their anime from 2004 Tsukuyomi to 2009 Natsu no Arashi, I like almost all of their anime of this age, late 2009 Bakemonogari to now (excepions are DITVB, Nisekoi and Meikaku)
In one side we have SZS, Hidamari and PPD, while in the other Gatari and Madoka, so it's really hard to pick one. But if I must i will go iwth current: Denpa Onna and Soredemo Machi are some of the best SOL ever made, and while I hate Meikaku with a passion, they are doing Zaregoto so i can't see any wrong in SHAFT right now.
Shaft's animes no longer have nipples,Just toes,also the animation try too hard to be artistic and it ends being just disgusting,Fuck Shaft.
I agree,
but I think their directing had much more flare, and was more fun in the past.
Take for example Natsu no Arashi, with the scenes of (a model) of the cafe being flooded or such.
I just want Team Shinbo back again.
As well as every animator in the studio living in cardboard boxes.
Current Shaft a shit,bad taste,SHIT TASTE!!
well, expectations were also lower and they room for more exprimental staff, like the 80s feels of Natsu no arashi
>while I hate Meikaku with a passion, they are doing Zaregoto so i can't see any wrong in SHAFT right now.
How is them doing Zaregoto an upside? Have you even watched the adaptation?
People like you is killing Shaft and Anime in general.
I basically said I have watched every Shaft show, do you think i would let my favourite LN series ever unwatched? And yes I liked it, a lot.
Who to in have of with the of?
PPD was arguably pretty shit in itself.
Leave,your bad taste makes me sick.
>ever wanting that hack Oonuma back
No. He is literally the worst Shaft director.
The next step after gataris for Shaft is to make PPD with traps
PPD thread?
Guess not.
too bad ppd wasn't popular, the show was awesome
>Pani Ponies Dash
Pani Pony Dash is a masterpiece.
It's a culmination of every absurdity you can find in Anime.
We are never getting anything like this again ;_;
You'd best not be talking shit about Oonuma.
ef was a masterpiece, and most of his work at Silver Link has been great animation-wise. It's a shame they can't find any good source material to adapt.
Thanks Oyasumi.
Why does she wear the ahoge?
She IS the ahoge.
Sorry, no baneposting for you
Reminder the maid is dead.
Because she's the best girl
full size image is too big to upload and image sharing sites are exploding so tough tits
Nobody maho'd who she maho until maho maho maho maho.
moonlight love is one of my favorite EDs.
It's just too damn comfy!
Don't remind anymore.
Not to mention the golden age of fansubbing.
Are the rumors true that Vampire Bund nearly bankrupted them and they were forced to sell out to Aniplex afterwards?
I don't know why you'd bet the farm on Vampire Bund, of all things.
This was the anime "of the year"
What a garbage year that must have been.
Zaregoto was made for Shaft, like Voynich Hotel.
There's also an Edward Gorey-ish comic manga currently which even some Kyoanifags said be a good fit for Shaft in a recent thread (I forget its title; can anyone refresh me?)
Did he do any work on Biyori?
>Works Directed at Shaft
Natsu no Arashi
Pani Poni Dash! (Series Director)
>Works Directed at Silver Link
Tasogare Otome
Prisma Ilya (Director for 1st season, Chief Director for all subsequent seasons)
Rakudai Kishi
Anne Happy
Kokoro Connect (Chief Director)
[gg] no re ;_;