Devs Nov 11 >Iraqi PMU have taken control over the Albukamal-Qa’im Crossing, Hezbollah’s official media wing reported tonight >Putin/Trump release joint statement, call on all countries to build up humanitarian assistance to Sy, agree to continue military comm for security of RU/US troops >A Saudi national was kidnapped from his house in the Keserwan District of the Mount Lebanon Governorate, Thursday >Backed by Tiger Forces/Republican Guard, SAA Marines will begin offensive from NE Hama axis and towards the Abu Dhuhour Military Airport >Iraqi Armed Forces liberated the IS stronghold of Al-Rumanah after short battle in the W. countryside of the Al-Anbar Governorate >Iran constructing possible permanent military base just south of Damascus, according to Western intelligence officer who spoke to the BBC >SAA resumed offensive outside DeZ targeting the last IS positions at the large island of Hawijat Qati >SDF seize nearly a dozen villages today, advance within 25 kilometers of Abu Kamal >HTS attempted to infiltrate town of Mahardeh, attack checkpoints manned by SAA/NDF, pushed back after firefight, HTS rocket attacks ongoing >ISIS sets up at Rawa while Iraqi Army prepares assault >Israel disavows claims of Russian origin of downed ‘Syrian spy drone’
>half of it is already supporting saudis >other half is fighting saudi backed rebels/rebellions lelel
Landon Long
i got an acid tab right now undernath my tongue, so that when im trippin I can, among other things, jerk off while believing to comeing as close I can to truly feeling the sensation of having gay sex. Im okay with considering I might want to be gay.
Brayden Lee
Aiden Hill
Degenerate junky faggot
Ryan Gutierrez
...well, have fun
Brayden Smith
Nathaniel Diaz
this May God have mercy on germany
Henry Thomas
/sg/ is a pretty tolerant general and all but...umm what?
Christian Ramirez
Landon Ward
Connor Davis
> >giving tards weapons that they dont know how to use so what even if the Saudis got a fleet of 500 T 14s they would drive them in a straight line into a ambush
Joseph Evans
Ayden Smith
Carter Harris
I dont smoke cigs or weed, near never drink, am an abt student but the one thing I do is live fantasies and dream worlds on acid. fight me! I will
Aiden Peterson
>this level of denial
Leo Ramirez
Tyler Parker
Julian Wilson
>comeing as close I can to truly feeling the sensation of having gay sex. I have actually sucked a dick irl even tho I don't even consider myself gay, you are somehow doing it wrong....
Parker Hill
Who's ready for the bigger showdown?
Jackson Cook
i am not joking Putin is always a pragmatist he is a fucking faggot for being one but he is so will sell anyone anything as long as they bend to russian will one way or another
James Peterson
Sebastian White
Why is oman white?
Angel Bell
>I have actually sucked a dick irl even tho I don't even consider myself gay The state of german posters
Aaron Sullivan
> sucked a dick irl >don't even consider myself gay, christ god save Germany
Bentley Bell
Isaiah Mitchell
>I have actually sucked a dick irl even tho I don't even consider myself gay That's pretty fucking gay you know?
Dominic Martinez
>le I pretend to be gay and post cuckime xDDD kys and get out of /sg/
Lincoln Harris
Because Oman is the Switzerland of the Middle East and doesn't give a fuck
Juan Foster
I'd let you suck my dick, if you want. Doesn't have to be gay.
Juan Cook
Saudis pay them a shit load of cash to mind there own bussines
Oliver Thompson
you're really pushing your gay shitposting meme far aren't you
Cooper Long
I leave for a few hours and youre still talking about gay sex, grow up /sg/ , if you want to talk about degenerate stuff just go to Sup Forums
Jaxon Brown
I fucking hate Germany
Juan Moore
Jeremiah Garcia
But didn't SA purge all the IS supporting oil monkeys? Why would they start more shit?
Ryan Russell
You forgot to color Kurdistan red.
Levi Thomas
The anime he's posting is more degenerate tbqh
Evan Jenkins
Julian Adams
Thanks for the flag
Cameron Baker
Germany it's time to fucking stop.
Adrian Garcia
Whats kurdistan? I cant find it on any map.
Ayden Rodriguez
wew i havent heard that in a long time thanks lad
Andrew Sanchez
You mad because he cock usa
Jordan James
Aside from the fact there's nothing wrong with being gay (last implicit stand of white identity etc.), there really was nothing gay about it; we were both dressed like girls in fact.
Sorri, I'm already engaged....
Joshua Sanchez
>The anime he's posting is more degenerate tbqh No. Anime is anti-degeneracy.
James Phillips
You need another colour for neutral, use it for Kuwait and Oman for now. Also, im pretty sure Egypt will be red.
Jayden Watson
John Jenkins
>149156864 Just fuck off to Sup Forums or something. No more (you) for you faggot
Henry Cruz
i choke her stupid head to death with my dick
Noah Gray
>Aside from the fact there's nothing wrong with being gay (last implicit stand of white identity etc.), there really was nothing gay about it; we were both dressed like girls in fact.
Juan Rodriguez
Henry Jones
>gay about it; we were both dressed like girls in fact. well then it was lesbian.
Chase White
>we were both dressed like girls in fact. this is now just baiting
Cameron Bell
Matthew Thompson
>I'm already engaged You better be engaged to a real female.
Brandon Bennett
They gave them S400 air defence systems by the way, rendering Irans air power absolutley useless. In a war Saudi planes would dominate the skies.
Lincoln Williams
American F-15s are just too OP. Iran only has Tomcats and Su-29s worth flying.
Colton Wood
another /gay general/
Christopher Roberts
James Long
So what? Russia has being giving stripped down s 400 to basically anyone that blows a kiss at russia right now i dont agree with it but Russia would aid Iran on countering these batteris if a War would start
Charles Lopez
Fuck ASSad and fuck Syrian people
Jace Russell
Get on a boat and go to germany start throwing germans off buildings
Jaxon Russell
i'm talking about the gay posters not the /sg/
Gabriel Kelly
What video is this from?
Nicholas Carter
>They gave them S400 air defence systems by the way, not applicable yet, delivery date is like 2020ish and the deal isnt even finalized yet
Justin Stewart
this tbqh
Mason Bailey
did russia even deliver the systems to saudi ? They made a deal to give turks 4, but they will only recive them in a few years
Thomas Parker
You're not Europea, please invade Germany and end our misery having to deal with G*rmans.
Leo Perez
I beg all of you to not reply to gay german for atleast a week. He deserves a punishment of some kind for his crimes
So today /sg/ has gone from : meat, groceries, israeli plotting, and now to gay sex sponsored by Germany. Its a sad day for this general.
Easton Sullivan
Yeah, weapon deals of this size take time.
Jeremiah James
Juan Watson
>deus You mistyped "Desu" So that means you actually use desu and not tb h that got filtered wew lad
Sebastian Baker
Kuwait is neutral, Idlibistan and Daraastan are both red. Yemen should only be blue where the Houthis have control. Bahrain will definitely go to the resistance since 75% of the population there is Shia and they are under Sunni occupation.
Zachary Adams
Jeez, stop being so triggered, I was just replying to another dude's post, it's just friendly banter about everyday life and happens all the time...
Alexander Cox
>of this size 3bn is literally nothing, deliveries are planned after the s-500 launches
Liam Carter
Its apparently 6.5 not 7.3
Nicholas Diaz
>149158053 get out and don't come back
Adrian Wood
??? i use tbqh nothing wrong with desu, desu falling for fliter is for newfags
Camden Morris
it's jsut because he is a total homophobe; he would never get so upset about any of the other 1k off topic subject /sg/ talks about in low times.
Colton Scott
>paying that much attention why tho
Isaiah Wright
Thanks m8
Hudson Wilson
More like NiggerDick general
Adam Cox
HAHAHAHAHA 10/10 ebin meme AWWOOOO MAGA amiright now thats over go back to your reddit general
Lucas Phillips
I'm sick of all this gay shit in /sg/. I used to think it's ironic but no, I'm now convinced at lest 50% of you are gay. You disgust me.
Xavier Gray
not really dude 2 gay germans 1 gay iraqi is all we have