Schwarzesmarken / Total Eclipse / Muv Luv

Poor Beato this scene is heartbreaking

Other urls found in this thread: MIMI OST.rar

> best girl dies in every route
> no CG of her getting penetrated

my feels. the good part starts at 02:00

Ketchup has the final laugh once again.

Did Martyrs reveals what happened to based Kurt?

I refuse to be nice to Farka.

lolz, rebels try to pressure Iris into shooting Beatrix.

I'm sure he's having a great time.

Which route is Beato stretcher CG from? Iris?

yes it from iris route

So how did she get mortally injured this time?

Was it Lise? I don't want it to be done by someone else, she deserves some sweet revenge.

Who /NVA/ here?

she was fighting iris in the city and some bombs went off and buildings collapsed on both of them. Iris later falls into coma

I love how Beatrix and Iris still think of each others as sisters in both Lise and Iris's routes.

an then she dies anyways

Well, Iris was like "fuck you guys, I ain't doing it," which shows way more backbone then Theo. I wonder what would have happened if Beatrix pulled through. It would be awkward since they'd both forgiven one another on the assumption that one was dying.

What is Simone good for exactly?

>which shows way more backbone then Theo.
I told you niggas Iris wouldn't take any shit from moderates

> Pham and Silwya survive
> no Katia
> Beato and Iris have a heartfelt dialogue where they come to terms with how fucked their lives were
Iris route best route?

I like to know too. Can anyone confirm how he died in her route? Preferably with video evidence?

How ambiguous are both their deaths in Lise's route?

"pootchie died on the way back on home to his planet" tier

video was posted how beato dies and Irisdina survives

So at least one of the 3 heroines die in each route?

That reminds me of something.

It was kind of better then Theo vs Beatrix, but lacked the punch it should have.

Katia route: Lise and Iris dies
Lise route: fck can't remember but i think Katia Lise and Iris were still alive although lise reverted to a mindstate as if she is 3yrs old
Irisdina route: katia and lise are kill

I saw the video, Beatrix's 'death' doesn't look like an actual death, need more evidence.

If Iris does survive in the Lise route though that's fucking amazing. Unexpected but a pleasant surprise nonetheless.


and true scene now appears after every completed route once you play through each one once.

In Iris route everyone is alive except Katia? Living the dream!

Her having her tits hanging out in the open kinda distracts from how emotional the scene is.
"this is so sad" isn't a feeling that mixes well with "i want to buy my dick in between those two outstanding mounds of flesh and then relieve myself on her sexy lips"

Yeah, the Japs and Chinks are saying that it was ambiguous. There's no body shown, and Iris drops out of the story with Beatrix afterwards, so there is no followup.

>回复 旋转多哥 :被爱姐一盾下去,不知还死没死

From "[Martyrs] Summarized in Three Lines" thread over at

I thought the rebels smashed her sex button because they wanted to do just that, or possibly make it easier for Iris to kill her.

>"i want to buy my dick in between those two outstanding mounds of flesh and then relieve myself on her sexy lips"
I want to smash Irisdina's sex button and do exactly that.


Why is Vivi such a good girl and why did she have to die so gruesomely?
>you will never kiss her on the forehead as she falls asleep.

>reverted to a mindstate as if she is 3yrs old
I'm gonna need a more accurate assessment on her mental state. What parts of her life she remembers, who she remembers, how she feels, ect. Depending on what she's amnesiac about it may be a good thing in the long run.

Reading nip comments and they all say theres hope she gets better than whatever her current depressed state is but I've heard no details. She just looks sad and confused, what is Theo saying during the epilogue?

I wonder if they'll release both parts of the VN adaptation as a single game one day?

>what is Theo saying during the epilogue?
wer nich hören will muss fühlen

when i watched her i got the feeling that se doesn't remember anything and has mental capabilities of a child

>Beatrix, Iris, Katia, and Lise may have all survived in Lise route.

and the true end is ?


Katia route best route as expected.

> imouto route is the one where most waifus live
> AIDSylwia dies
and this is why you always try to save the imouto

But Katia survives in that route

Who the fuck cares?

Wasn't the Lise-route the kill-em-all route? Isn't the crushed Katia CG from that route?

i don't fucking know. the last scene shows him civies seeing Zerberus girls. i can upload video if you want

It's as ambiguous as her LN death, so she's likely dead. Iris would have made sure of it in Lise's route.

Even if she is a secondary, Gretel will always be the main heroine of my heart

Where are her nipples?

Katia CG is from irisdina route

It's from the Iris route actually. Katia's lack of survival instinct finally catches up with her.

Is her lower body crushed or something?

Stolen from /m/, chink Miku getting her wish

So why couldn't we have seen how Beatrix's plan played out?

Its surprising thats all.

Except her LN death in penetration, its much more ambiguous than that and Iris won't just kill a helpless incapacitated Beatrix in cold blood, she's already proven that.

>Iris would have made sure of it in Lise's route.
Iris is a good girl, stop spreading libel or face the consequences.

Main heroine should survive.

But Iris doesn't survive in Katia's route

Thats not necessarily true.

Iris is shit and not the main heroine so she is expendable.

She was forced back by the shield hitting her sexy body, then coughed up blood. She's as dead as she is in penetration.

That's all wrong though.

>I have shit opinions

Except she's not at all, those are very different. It was left ambiguous, penetration was not. We don't know what happened to Iris and Beatrix after except that theres no sign of dead Iris and no real confirmation of a dead Beatrix.

>Simone being a cunt
>Racism against Pham
>Beato and Iris actually talking to each other.

I wanted the Stasi-route, but this one seems to be far better in being sympathetic to Beato. Pretty sad that the full and successful rebellion route is far nicer to Beatrix than the one were you join her.

Beatrix isn't a very nice person, mostly due to her fucked upbringing. Even when she was younger, she was antisocial and didn't make friends easily like Iris did. She could manipulate people (again, probably due to her upbringing), but she couldn't be friends with them.

>Simone being a cunt
Nothing that can't be corrected by a couple of good punches and little mindbreak and hypnosis

Alright, I can see and translate for myself when it arrives but Lise having amnesia could be a good thing in her case depending on the specific details of her condition. She's obviously still heavily traumatized but that was expected from the beginning, there was no way Lise returning to a normal life would be without hurdles to cross either way. Nips say its open ended enough that she can improve and be happy again so its not like she's gonna be the way she is in the car forever, time is a natural part of the recovery process for victims of extreme abuse and trauma.

You all don't get it. Beatrix has been dead since the moment Iris killed Jurgen.

so this is the last TRUE scene.

dis gon b gud

Someone figure out H-code?

>der weg geht weiter
Good end?

>Beatrix isn't a very nice person
Niceness is overrated, and quite a lot of decent people have abrasive personalities.
>Even when she was younger, she was antisocial and didn't make friends easily like Iris did
Nothing wrong with the first, and the second is rather common.
>She could manipulate people
Her antisocial tendencies barred her from manipulating anyone, as she would have had to actually approach people, something she rarely did. Her abillity to manipulate people developed later as her social skills got better thanks to Iris and Jürgen. And even then, she only was successful at that with the power of the Stasi backing her.

The whole point of BiS is that removed from the toxic environment that she lived most of her live in she would have been both harmless and happy. Sadly she never had a chance to, despite those five years of happiness she got to experience.

Is there even a 'true' route or is it just an epilogue advertisement for Eurofront that the three routes all lead to anyway?

if this is 2000 he doesn't really look like The Master.

you get this scene after every route after you 100% the game.

Duty lost arcadia confirmed as next?

I don't get this. Is it a LN? Manga? Anime? Game?

Wait, which ending does Pham and Sylvvia survive in again?

>Is it a LN?
No, but there is nothing stopping an eventual adaptation.
Aired in January
Two actually, one released last November, the other one on Friday.

in Irisdina route.

I've heard about this, I think; MC travels back in time over and over again to defeat the BETA was it? Is that the plot of the Anime or one of the other forms of media or am I wrong?

His jacket though.

yeah something like that.

That's the trilogy, he was responding for the latest installment: Schwarzesmarken.
>back in time
Not exactly, more like a different universe altogether.

The translated trilogy is 2/3 on steam, and is on torrent sites.

Between the Anime and the Trilogy, which one should I opt to devote my time to? Can't really do both right after each other right now.

How was Lise tortured was she raped and abused to the point her mind is broken? Was she injected with aphrodisiac? Was her pussy mutilated?

Here's some goodies:



Help me, I think I'm getting that fanfiction bug again. I feel like I want to read/write SM fanfiction. Where's Healanon when you need him.

Well the anime is mostly for people already acquainted with the series in some form. Muv Luv is fairly entry tier as far as VN's go so I'd say read it.

Would Iris or Theo have taken care of a crippled Beatrix had she survived?

What would Beato have to live for at that point? Unless Iris reconnects with her I don't think so

I'm talking about after the stretcher scene where they reconnect as sisters.

The trilogy.

why was such a brilliant character design wasted on such a shitty personality

those aren't stasi shoulderboards, stasi shoulderboards would have red felt backing. also, his rank there is major. I thought he was a lieutenant colonel.

The collar looked like the master's collar. I think they left it open still

All in all, Lise Route seems like they went all out. I don't know what I was expecting, maybe an inverted Katia route, but they went for full Suffering by putting her back in Axmann's clutches. Hopefully she gets better after it's all over. I'm guessing the meat of the route, that we haven't seen yet, is how Theo gets his sister back from Axmann.

Also, it's interesting that Farka has the same coloring as Annette. She seems cute, but if that's the case I could see why Aannette would be especially traumatized by killing her.

Does anyone know what route this CG is from? is it still associated with a bad end after Gretel kills Theo?

>why was such a brilliant character design wasted on such a shitty personality
If you weren't an filthy anime only, you would know.